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Edosaurus Rex

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Everything posted by Edosaurus Rex

  1. I happen to have a huge collection of High Elves lying around and I'd be willing to trade some for your Khorne units. Are there any Elf units that you would want?
  2. What kind of Chaos/Daemons are you looking for? I have secretly always wanted a nid army primarily composed of Raveners and Trygons... (don't ask me why, I know it would be terrible)
  3. I may have 1-2 varghulfs, but I can't remember if I traded them or not. I'll check when I get home and let you know! I'd certainly use a bloodthirster more.
  4. To my understanding, Power of the Machine Spirit ignores being shaken or stunned for the weapon that it fires. It states that it allows the vehicle to "fire one more weapon than normally permitted at its full ballistic skill". So if you normally aren't permitted to fire any weapons at your full ballistic skill due to being shaken or stunned, you would instead be able to fire one weapon (ordnance included) at full BS and snap fire everything else. I do recall reading a clarification about this in a FAQ somewhere, but I believe that it was in the new first draft FAQ that GW released a couple weeks ago. Perhaps that is what the other player was referring to.
  5. If you are going to magnetize the wings, I would strongly suggest adding a pin as well. That way a lot of the holding power comes from the pin and the magnet is mostly just there to make sure the wings don't rotate around the pin. I've tried to hold wings up using just magnets before and they usually just end up falling off because of how much torque is put on them due to where the center of gravity of each wing is. And as far as the arms go, I tried it and gave up. The way the arms attach is odd because it is a hollow torso, so you'll likely have to create a wall of green stuff over both the arm and torso connection point and then put a magnet in each one. Just my thoughts. Hope that helps!
  6. This. I've never been a fan of Army Builder lists. I don't need to know that your space marines come with a assorted special rules, bolters, and two kinds of grenades. I just need to see how many guys are in the squad, what upgrades you paid for, and any formations that they are a part of. Like LH said, a good plain text army list that has all of that information on it is great.
  7. This is pretty exciting, maybe now I'll have a reason to dust off my old fantasy armies and put them on round bases.
  8. I think Chaos Spawn would be a good use for them, but you could also use them as Nurgle Mutilators (especially since the actual Mutilator models are awful).
  9. I don't think I've ever seen an all Dreadnought formation, but honestly I'd be surprised if there wasn't one out there. I looked through my copies of Kauyon and Shield of Baal: Exterminatus and couldn't find any Dreadnought formations, but maybe it's in an Imperial Armor book? I'm not very familiar with those so I can't say with certainty.
  10. I would definitely use ghouls as horrors, paint them pink and you are all set!
  11. Now THAT looks like an awesome OFCC list! I love the addition of the Kroot with the Krootox, I run them in my Tau army but rarely see them elsewhere. The variety on your vehicles and suits not only gives you different options but also makes the list seem much less spammy. I think it's an excellent 2 that I personally would love to play against!
  12. I certainly think your list is OFCC appropriate, but it may be approaching a 3. Unfortunately I'm not familiar with the Forge World Tau units so it's difficult for me to be sure on that. However, I can give some advice on how to help get a rating of a 2. I would try to avoid symmetry in your units, as it can just appear spammy. I would try to change up the equipment of some of your suits, maybe take weapons that you would normally avoid. Variety is fun! I do like the idea of the list though! I feel like it's somewhere between a 2 and a 3, but with some minor tweaks you could probably get a 2 out of it.
  13. It says that hits from the Warp Storm are resolved as shooting attacks, so I would imagine that you would roll to see if any units under the shield are hit and if so then resolve the hits against the shield. It would be pretty hilarious to see a void shield be taken down by Khorne's Wrath.
  14. Alright, riding the stormraven it is! Also, excellent gif usage (as always). Oh, I just realized that I still have 5 points to spend. I'm thinking the sergeant of the 5 man Tactical Squad needs a storm bolter.
  15. See this is why we are good twins. You understand me.
  16. Yea, the flyers are one thing I was a little worried about. But as long as I get matched against someone with a decent anti-air presence, there shouldn't be a problem. And I did think about giving the drop pod to my dreadnought, but I just really like the idea of him hanging on the back of the stormraven and assaulting from hover mode with the assault squad. I will definitely think about it though, because having him in the drop pod is probably the better choice and I can just have the devastators walk on from reserve.
  17. Hey all! Here is my idea for a Space Marine list using the Ravens Guard rules found in the new Kauyon book. Talon Strike Force Battle Demi-Company Chaplain-105 -Jump pack Tactical Squad (10)-195 -Meltagun, multi-melta, sergeant has bolt pistol and chainsword, Drop Pod Tactical Squad (10)-195 -Meltagun, multi-melta, sergeant has bolt pistol and chainsword, Drop Pod Tactical Squad (5)-80 -Heavy bolter Assault Squad (5)-130 -Jump packs, flamer, veteran sergeant with thunder hammer Devastator Squad (5)-145 -Four heavy bolters, Drop Pod Venerable Dreadnought-125 -Multi-melta, storm bolter First Company Task Force Terminator Squad (5)-200 -Assault cannon, chainfist Terminator Squad (5)-185 -Heavy flamer Terminator Assault Squad (5)-205 -Three Terminators with thunder hammers and storm shields, two Terminators with lightning claws Storm Wing Stormraven-200 -Twin-linked assault cannon, twin-linked multi-melta Stormtalon-115 -Twin-linked assault cannon, skyhammer missile launcher Stormtalon-115 -Twin-linked assault cannon, skyhammer missile launcher Total: 2,000 So the general idea is that I don't deploy anything. With the Talon Strike Force, any unit kept in reserves will come in on my turn 1 on a roll of a 4+, so hopefully I'll get a good amount of units to start the game with. The Chaplain, Assault Squad, and Dreadnought will ride in the Stormraven. The small tactical squad will stay in reserves while the Terminators and Drop Pods will deep strike. With some lucky rolls I'll be able to be in my opponent's grill right away, which should make for a fun and bloody game. I'm shooting for a rating of a 2 with this list, which is one reason why I wanted to post it. What do you guys think? I know it is very far from being too powerful for OFCC but I just wanted some extra opinions to make sure it wouldn't be considered a 3. There are a lot of extra formation rules in the list, but the only ones that make a big difference are the reserves on turn 1 and the Battle Demi-Company having ObSec. Do you guys think that this list would be tough to match up for a great game? Or is it a solid 2 that most players would take on with a smile? Thanks for your input!
  18. I voted for your second Tau list on the poll, but the more I think about it the more I think you should run the IG list. I mean you've wanted to take your Valhallans to OFCC for the last two years but could never get them painted up in time... I think this is a great motivation for you to finish them and make them look outstanding! On the other hand, OFCC would also be a great reason for you to get your new Tau army painted so that way you have another fully painted army to use... but maybe you should finish your Valhallans before moving to another project. Also, if you want to change up the models in your IG list you could also take some allied Space Wolves! I mean your Wolves are based to match your Valhallans so it would still look really nice and give you a few more fun options with your unit choices. Just food for thought!
  19. Hey all, I have a massive High Elf collection that has simply been collecting dust in boxes for some time. I play a lot of 40k, but I have mostly just lost interest in Fantasy. I'd be happy to trade the army for just about any 40k army, or I'd sell it. As of now it isn't exactly organized but if anyone is interested I will happily inventory my collection and post an exact model count. For now, here is a rough idea of what I have: Prince/Archmage on dragon Tyrion Teclis Several Princes/Nobles on foot and mounted Several Archmages/Mages on foot 50+ Spearman 40+ Archers 10+ Silver Helms 30+ Swordmasters 20+ Phoenix Guard 5+ Dragon knight guys (I forget the name) 8+ Ellyrian Reaves 2 or 3 Tiranoc Chariots 6 or 7 Bolt Throwers There are almost certainly some units that I am forgetting entirely or underestimating how many models I have for that unit. Most of the models are the older ones (metal characters and elite units, multi-part plastic troops as opposed to the starter set ones, etc) but some are the newest kits. Anyway, if you are interested please post here or PM me! I want to keep part of the army for an Age of Sigmar force but I'd like to part with the majority of it. So let me know what you would want to trade (or if you'd rather buy it) and I'll give an exact inventory!
  20. It has come to my attention that the Khorne Daemonkin spot has become available in the Elvensword Ambassadorial Tournament this weekend, and I would love to fill the spot! However, I am already registered as the Chaos Daemons ambassador. So would anyone like to take the Chaos Daemons spot in my stead so I can fulfill the place of the Khorne Daemonkin ambassador? I'm okay with playing either army, I just strongly prefer Khorne Daemonkin because BLOOD FOR THE BLOOD GOD! *ahem* As I was saying, if someone wants to play in the Ambassadorial Tournament this Saturday, they can as long as they play Chaos Daemons! Hell, I'd even loan you my Tzeentch Daemon army if you want to play but don't have the appropriate force. If you haven't played in this event before, you should! It is my second favorite annual 40k tournament, displaced only by the OFCC. So if anyone wants to play Chaos Daemons at the tournament this Saturday, post here!
  21. Hmmm... thanks for the feedback! I realized that I didn't actually post up my list, so here's the general idea that I had: Lord of Change 3 Tzeentch Heralds on disks 2 units of 10 Horrors 2 units of 5 Flamers 2 units of 7 Screamers 2 Tzeentch Daemon Princes with wings All of the psykers are level 3, and one of the heralds has an exalted reward (grimoire) and the locus of +1 Strength for psychic shooting. All of the heralds join one unit of screamers and use cursed earth and the grimoire to (hopefully) get a 2+ save every turn. Ideally the heralds would end up with cursed earth, prescience, maybe that divination spell that grants a 4+ invuln, and then a bunch of either summoning or Tzeentch shooting spells. That unit will just fly around casting spells and harassing units with screamer slashing attacks. The other unit of screamers will go for vehicles and maybe harass or tarpit units in cc if necessary. The flamers will either deep strike or run up behind stuff to try and take out units on foot. The Daemon Princes will mostly take Telepathy powers for psychic shriek, invisibility, and that one spell that grants shrouded. They might also take a spell from either Tzeentch or Daemonology. If the shrouded spell goes off the DP can fly around jinking with a 2+ cover save and either summon more daemons or just have fun with psychic shriek. The Lord of Change will pretty much just be a dedicated shooter or summoner. He can also get stuck in combat if necessary (he's still pretty beefy in cc). So pretty much this army list can either go for summons or psychic shooting, I guess I'll have to get some games in with it and see how it plays. I like the idea of summoning but it just seems like it will take all of my warp charge points every turn and new units of lesser daemons aren't going to do too much if they have to survive a round of shooting first.
  22. So my Tzeentch Daemon army has been shelved since 6th edition, but I'm finally dusting it off and ready to get some games in with it. My question is this: is summoning any good? I've drafted up a list or two and it's pretty easy to make an army that generates a LOT of warp charge points every turn but I'm not sure if it would be better to go for summoning more Daemons every turn or just simply shooting with the lore of Tzeentch. Now that psykers can shoot at multiple targets (again, i haven't played this army in the current edition) it seems like the lore of Tzeentch would be the way to go because all of the spells are pretty darn good (especially when coupled with Prescience and the Locus of +1 Strength for psychic shooting attacks). But it would also be pretty easy to summon 2-3 new units of Daemons every turn and try to win just by unit saturation. What do you guys think? Has anyone successfully ran a summoning list?
  23. A few things here: Take the Lord of Skulls. You beat me to the Khorne Daemonkin spot by a minute or two and I was definitely going to take one and it would be a shame to not see one at the event! You can borrow mine if you want, as long as you take good care of it (it's fully painted and ready to go). If you do take it, PLEASE pay the points for the skull cannon thing. The gatling gun is awful but the 10" blast is awesome, especially with the gnaw special rule. Also, that last army list that you posted (without the Lord of Skulls) would not be legal for the Ambassadorial Tournament. You are only allowed three detachments, and every formation in the Blood Host detachment counts as its own detachment per the rules of the event. You would be better off trying to fit those Maulerfiends into your CAD and maybe ditching the Soulgrinder (because fast stuff is more fun). Flesh Hounds are great. Take lots of them! I like units of eight (both for fluff and effectiveness). But it's not Maelstrom missions so you don't really need to do MSU. Don't leave any FOC slots empty, because you will have a very hard time with that one mission. I'm a little sad that you took the Khorne Daemonkin spot before I did, but I probably ended up with a better army list because of it so I'm not too butthurt. I look forward to collecting the skulls of the servants of Khorne!
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