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Everything posted by Lyraeus

  1. I have figured out how I want to set up my display board for the most part. I am going to have the Deffwotch and Kadian Grots coming out of a downed Kruiser with the Krusader Knight in the back This is a 3d print I will enjoy making. These are tall.... Real tall
  2. With the new Shadowspear box set coming out you will have access to more board manipulation and have an easier time creating a brigade if you choose to go that route
  3. I got to use 2 Wyverns with the Emperor's Wraths Artillery and that 6 to wound increase to ap was pretty good. I didn't get to use suppressing fire but that 4d6 was no joke and I only used 6ish CP all game... It was fun.
  4. Played @Dark Trainer tonight with a version of this list sans Krusader and it went well. The crazy level of firepower.... No wonder @Jason loves guard. The Kadian Grots were huge in just pushing damage with first rank and second rank against necrons. Who cares if I wound on 5's roll 36 dice and see what sticks...
  5. Hahaha I am playing a proxy game but it's easy to work around. I just feel bad that it's proxy but I really want to see how I like the army... I have the Elite army thread if you are curious
  6. My opponent might not make (cure you real life ;p) but I will be there tonight with what I using to proxy my Deffwotch army. I just want to test it all out to see if I will even like the army
  7. You no longer need to ask to use them. Same with FW units or knights though a courtesy is appreciated for those last 2 I casual environments as they can vastly change a game
  8. If the organ of Missiles was D3+3 I would like it. A sold 4 shots minimum is good it makes it more powerful and better than just d6
  9. I wonder if I can find some pretty boy coats for my grots to wear.
  10. I tried to do it all ^_^ it shows All my opponents were great and taught me a lot. Thank you all for putting up with me.
  11. Yup. It's a start. I am building Deffwotch as well so chatting will be fun
  12. Well... I want to know how they interact with Deathwatch... My Deffwotch needs Nob Marines with Autocannons
  13. I don't bother. Hell I am making Deffwotch Orks and Grot Guard. Who needs newer models when I can just convert them! Fun aside, GW has been in a huge "buy them if you want kick" from how much they are diversifying and spreading out these models will likely be in their own kits in a matter of months and I am willing to bet with options outside of the box set. If you want them, cool buy em, if not, meh
  14. You play Deathwatch right? That will be an interesting Deathwatch vs Deathwatch
  15. Gifts... Gifts from the potato camera gods... They are heavy support Snipers... The start of a Brigade in the making. Fast attack autocannons... The new gold standard of troops.... My poor poor orks. Oh yea the librarian. Scouting psyker.... Seems good. Points are currently missing and so are the new psychic powers...
  16. I was advised not one so soon but I guarantee if you want to play a game every week in the style people will. We still have our 750 game Sunday ^_^
  17. That's fair. Yea the difference for the GW app is its not an rng. It's an actual physics engine which annoys many people because the thing resolves all the rolling dice but still good stuff
  18. So Assault Dice would be fine then. It's a physics engine and GW certified. It's on the apple store only though
  19. @Dark Trainer dice rollers? The official GW Assault Dice is on the apple store but not on Android, for ITC rules you have the decision on what dice apps are allowed if any
  20. Oh there we go. Cotton balls! Pull apart and drape over the model.
  21. I asked you if you. Just wanted to remove them and you asked me why, I said they had no chance of surviving 10+ boyz of attacks and you said no. You asked why I would ask such a thing, I responded it was a time saver, you replied with incredulity that you assumed all ork players wanted to roll dice and that the point of the game was to waste time. Your understanding of the social contract is assuming I am a WAAC player who only likes crushing people beneath my heal. So yea, I disagree with your opinion of what the social contract is. This thread was for everyone. And not intended as passive aggressive. I found it insightful and helpful and shared it as so. Same with the intention with the mini Wargaming combat video. It's to increase level of play and understanding of the game. You may dislike ITC and assume it's toxic but it has helped generate far more interest in the game and has set up a system where people can compete or know how they stand. So in reality you are stuck in your well known and shown foible of being stuck in the past. I am not here to fight with you over this but I not going to sit back either. Especially since I am now being labeled as a cheater and a toxic individual.
  22. Thin cuts of foam lightly heated to form them over a model
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