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Everything posted by Lyraeus

  1. Maybe with all those extra shots they can actually kill a squad of boyz... Or 3-4. Got my work cut out for me
  2. They are a big threat because they can block charges
  3. Chapter Approved 2018 has its own missions that play by those rules. Normal games use the +1 system. Genestealer Cult was left out of CA18 because the book is being released... In maybe 3 weeks if I had to guess. Hell I wouldn't be surprised if pre-orders go up next week
  4. Asterix with asterisk so... No. Besides. I fixed it
  5. Hahaha whoops! Missed that. I did get a clarification. You can't score two asterisk secondaries together so no Headhunter and Kingslayer on a Warlord
  6. Neurothrope? Got the reroll to 1's for smite? Considered one of the best HQ's for Nids
  7. Expensive but possible. Hmmmm big shoota could do it. Prefer stormboyz because they can hide
  8. We are simple. Give us a good krump, a bigga Choppa and a louda shoota or slugga and wez happy.
  9. Resin so likely around that or less. 35 is typically plastic
  10. I know, I am adding the k on purpose
  11. Well she is getting a kill team ruleset...
  12. Well... Son of a grot... I want that model...
  13. Nope, it's like Plague Marines. The Black Legion and other Legions have warriors of different aspects. In fsct most chaos sorcerers come from rubrik marines
  14. On a side note, Marines can get AP-2 with Intercessors with a Warlord with Storm of Fire nearby. Should roughly come out to the same price as rubriks
  15. Just teach people to do it between player turns. That's how the professionals do it. I don't mind monitoring games next week to show people how to do things.
  16. Does the primer make sense? In our game you would of had actually 14 points or better which is really good for a smaller game like that
  17. Now something people miss, ITC works great for ITC missions but you can always make your own. Just try to keep it balanced if possible (no removing random objectives 😜 ) and remember to create a bonus point (hint hint @Dark Trainer)
  18. MUGU is the Bifpod guys... I want to head up there on their next tournament... Thankfully, the format is simple and you learn a ton! Just watching games for Charity Hammer where they go over why they are doing X or Y has been amazing!
  19. It's super simple. When your opponent is moving his models tally up you did during your turn. At the end of the round, check to see who held more, killed more and got the bonus point.
  20. The ITC Format is pretty fun. While games can feel one sided in standard missions the ITC Format gives you as the player the options to succeed. The primary missions are simple scoring, did you Kill something on your turn? Did you Hold something on your turn? If yes score one point for each yes and if you killed more or held more score another point for each of those. Example: @Dark Trainer went second in our last league game and I didn't kill anything T1, Dark kills my Dakkajet, giving him Kill Something and he held the same number of objectives so he held the same. So he gets 3 points; 1 for killing something, 1 for killing more, 1 for holding an objective. I get 1 point; I held an objective. From there things come down to some choices that you get to make pre game when you walk up to the table and see the list you are fighting against. This is where you get to choose your secondary objectives. Secondaries are things you accomplish during the game that can give you at best 4 points per secondary. You get to choose 3 secondary missions that your army wants to accomplish in a game and your opponent know what they are and who they affect. The Secondaries are; *Headhunter: 1pt for each enemy Character that is destroyed. *Kingslayer: Choose an enemy model that is a Character. Earn 1 point for every 2 wounds of damage it loses, cumulatively. If the model selected has the Character and Vehicle or Monster keywords, you earn 1 point for every 4 wounds it loses instead of 1 for every 2. If the Character is also your opponent’s Warlord, earn 1 additional point if it is destroyed. *Marked for Death: Choose 4 of your opponent’s units with a Power Level of 7+. Earn 1 pt for each of these units destroyed. *Big Game Hunter: 1 point for every enemy model with the Monster or Vehicle keyword and 7+ wounds destroyed. *Titan Slayers: For every 8 wounds lost by enemy units with the Titanic keyword in total throughout the course of the game, earn 1 point. The Reaper: For every 20 enemy models destroyed, earn 1 point. Recon: Have a unit at least partially in each table quarter at the end of your player turn. A unit may only count as being in one table quarter at a time for the purposes of this rule. 1pt per turn. Behind Enemy Lines: If at least one of your units is wholly in the enemy Deployment Zone at the start of your turn, earn 1 Point. A unit is wholly in if every model in the unit is at least partially in the enemy Deployment Zone. The Butcher’s Bill: Destroy 2+ enemy units during a player turn to earn 1 Point. Ground Control: Earn 1 point for each objective held at the end of the last Battle Round played. Old School: Earn 1 point for the following: First Strike: An enemy unit is destroyed in the first Battle Round. Slay the Warlord: The enemy Warlord is destroyed at game’s end. Linebreaker: Have one of your models within your opponent’s deployment zone at the end of the game. Last Strike: An enemy unit is destroyed in the last Battle Round played. Anything with an asterisk (*) next to it can not count a second time. So no killing the Warlord for Kingslayer and Old School points as Kingslayer can not stack with other Secondaries As you can see there are a few to choose from that gives you the player the best chances to succeed. Are you facing orks or Nids with a ton of models? Well take Reaper. Facing many small squads of units you think you can kill in a turn? Take Butchers Bill! Does your opponent have multiple scary units that have to die (looking at you Lootas) go on and take Marked for Death on those units. Remember, each secondary only gives 4 points maximum and you get 3 of them so 12 points there while just holding something and killing something a turn gives you 12 points over 6 turns as well. Killing more and holding more is a chance for up to 12 additional points as well giving you a max of 36 points not including the bonus. Every ITC mission will have a bonus objective as well. This is usually something difficult but you do get a point for each turn you achieve this bonus objective. Scoring is taken down at the end of every Player Round. For those curious about details on the format here is the Frontline Gaming ITC page. Just use the ITC Champion Missions link and it will bring up a word doc with how you set up and such as that is slightly differ (you choose your extra relics and psychic powers game to game)
  21. So I did the ITC scoring for our game. If you took Head Hunter, Behind Enemy Lines, and OLD School as your secondaries you would of; T1: Killed something, killed more, held something, First Strike (old school) (4 pts) T2: Killed Something, Killed More, Held Something, Head Hunter 2, Old School (Slay Warlord), and Behind Enemy Lines (7 pts more) T3: Behind Enemy Lines, Held Something (2pts) For a total of 13 which is pretty good I think.
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