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Everything posted by Lyraeus

  1. T8 saved a lot of wounds. Had a good game. I won't lie, it was not fun for me at all but I suspected as much since I was taking really bad decisions (my opponents and teammate played amazing, I did not. Huge disservice to them). Turns out the internet is right. Nob Warbikers are bad, flashgitz are too expensive. Kommandos are good as Evil Sunz
  2. Not that I know... For 2k, non Forge World... 4
  3. Heh... What points level would you like? 1k is 2
  4. I now want to make a good Shokk Attack Gun... Want to use it for the relic
  5. Right! What have they done with the old GW? What ever it is, I hope thrt buried that one deep.
  6. Lyraeus


    The 8 Eight get around the 1x Commander rule simple because that rule is on list building. The Eight is a single list choice and not a Commander.
  7. Oh sush you. Got something about the list?
  8. Then we are good. We get into arguments a lot buts mainly personality. We clash but I don't take it personally
  9. If you are not trying to be purposefully antagonistic than meh
  10. I know right! Now... If only He was actually good. Decent shooting, the klaw. Is a faux klaw which is not great. What reason do I have to be offended? I only felt as if you didn't fully grasp how. Good getting T8 anything in orks is.
  11. The only way to make you understand is to play you. Changing the dice odds from a 3 to wound to a 4 to wound is huge. Something your fusion blasters will need to learn
  12. Making a battle Cannon wound on 4's is pretty big
  13. Hence why going from T6 to T7 is ok but that T8 relic boost is pretty snazzy... Now my list has Snazzgun and a snazztrike... Maybe the list could be called orks on snazz
  14. EXACTLY! T7 is really nothing in the scheme of things because there is a ton of things out there to kill it. Even loota's struggle on T8.
  15. Sure, when your plasma have to overcharge to wound on 4's? Your S7 is now 5's. T8 is pretty big. T7, no, T8, absolutely
  16. I only have 7 Power Klaws... 15 S6 ap - 2 Dmg 2 that hit on 3's and 4's... A heavy 3 Dmg 2 minimum plasma gun... That hits on 4+... Gives reroll 1's to the s6 attacks... Oh and 15 S5 attacks, 20 s4 attacks at 18" on a 16" moving unit that gets +1" to advance and no penalty to shoot, oh and gets charge +1" Oh and Kommandos.
  17. So... Who doesn't like a T8 Warlord? I think I might try this out tomorrow. How do I get a T6 warlord to T8? Well... 'ard as Nails Warlord Trait for T7, and then the Snazztrike Kult of Speed Relic for T8 5++... (they give +1 T each... Oh baby). ++ Vanguard Detachment +1CP (Orks) [40 PL, 749pts] ++ Clan Kultur: Evil Sunz + HQ + Deffkilla Wartrike [6 PL, 120pts]: Ard as Nails, Warlord Kaptin Badrukk [5 PL, 84pts] + Elites + Kommandos [4 PL, 69pts] . Boss Nob: Power Klaw . 5x Kommando . Kommando W/ 'Eavy Weapon (Index): Burna Kommandos [4 PL, 61pts] . Boss Nob: Power Klaw . 5x Kommando Nobz on Warbikes [14 PL, 265pts] . Boss Nob on Warbike: Kustom Shoota (Index), Power Klaw, Stikkbombs . Nob on Warbike: Kustom Shoota (Index), Power Klaw, Stikkbombs . Nob on Warbike: Kustom Shoota (Index), Power Klaw, Stikkbombs . Nob on Warbike: Kustom Shoota (Index), Power Klaw, Stikkbombs . Nob on Warbike: Kustom Shoota (Index), Power Klaw, Stikkbombs + Heavy Support + Flash Gitz [7 PL, 150pts]: 4x Flash Git, Kaptin ++ Total: [40 PL, 749pts] ++ Seems fun. Thoughts?
  18. My lack of AP was also VERY telling. Having anything beyond the Rokkits and a big Choppa would of been amazing. My list was Big Mek w/Kustom Force Field Wierdboy w/ Da Jump 26x Shoota Boyz, 1x Nob w/ Big Choppa, oh and 2x Tankbusta Bombs... That I never used but have that needed AP... 10x Grots 10x Grots 2x Deff Koptas w/Rokkits and Big Bombs
  19. Heh... Heh... I could 3d print an upsized companion cube and use it as Los Blocking terrain...
  20. That is one reason I want it... I want to make Ork knights some day
  21. Hahahaha yea. They do look good. They won't let me upload more pictures. I have a nice one with just 4 tall trees and some hills
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