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Everything posted by Lyraeus

  1. Hahaha movement is not the issue, it's the where to place, when to place and how to place that I am going for. The list you are saying to use is highly demanding and finesse based. It will require experience and expertise to use correctly and has no lootas to take his bacon from the fryer. Personally, play a few test games with the original and see what happens. Adjust from there
  2. The traktors wound on 4's only have 1 attack and they have invuls, not enough damage goes through. The Castellon with a 3++ will laugh at that. How will he get through the screens to kill the Castellon? Let alone get there for combat? It's a fine idea until he loses Wave after wave of bodies and at least for me that would be immensely demoralizing and not fun for me.
  3. Unless you have a ton of experience wielding that many orks taking that many will just have them shot off the board, tied up early and killed. Remember, fulger is reentering the game after what, 3 editions. The tricks needed for managing that many ork bodies and the understanding of the match ups and how to handle them will be far beyond fulger atm. I firmly believe he can easily master such a list but it is not a good list for a returning player I don't think. Play what you want for a while, learn the tricks, ask your opponent what you can do better and get the why in games. Experience, experience, experience
  4. The issue is also how does he handle a knight let alone a Castellon?
  5. Oi, ouz ulk got spit out of Gorks Grinnin maw and see dem 'ard beekee's and 'umies Krumpin dem blue boyz and we figua that we could just jump 'ight in and duff dem all
  6. Not really. You are taking the results of renegade and maybe one or two other tournaments I haven't heard of yet and using that to make a hard and fast assessment of what it takes to win. Yes the list has many issues in an ITC format and a trip knights list will wreck its day, but it would still be fun to play and learn. Your suggestions completely gut his lists personality and replaces it. That list suggestion might not be fun or to flugers's enjoyment. Personally, play it and find what it works against find what it doesn't work against, tweak
  7. In other words, his list is wrong and he should Just play swarm.
  8. Let's make something up! I want to do some now due to you. Besides it will help me think more orky Let's brainstorm! So far there are Blood Angels, Orks, Tau, Admech, Deathwatch, Ultramarines, Imperial Guard, Crimson Fist, a second Tau player, am I missing anyone?
  9. Didn't thing of small chip bad variety packs... I just got a box of cheese it's, some granola bars, and some tall bottles of Water for my opponent and me
  10. Well and that, and as Ish said in a different thread WAAC is a matter of opinion. After listening to a lot of Best in Faction, WAAC is meh, in competive its not even a thing really and here, i don't care, it's a challenge to learn from and to help me grow so do what you want. Just warn me please 😛
  11. Play what you want! If anything I will play you and play my Mek list where you could do wonders!
  12. I mean, unless we want to make a Ork Knight army like the one guy on Facebook.... Nahhhhh
  13. No. Smash captains WANT that knight. Smash captains can just make Cestellons
  14. So... This and an escalation league... This after would be fun
  15. Tell me about it! It messed with me for a bit
  16. Yea, that will get you killed these days
  17. You can have a late drop though. A Fusion Coldstar for instance can T2 or even T1 drop
  18. @fluger if you wrap around an enemy unit with consolidation you can prevent units from fleeing (if they don't have fly unless you have fly or are knights) and thus not get shot while in close combat
  19. A late drop that let's you counter shoot after the initial attack. Another trick is fireblade and gun Drones... Just force him to fail saves.
  20. Lyraeus


    There are caps as you can't have a 1+ save.
  21. Lyraeus


    And AP -1 or better removes that 2+. The "gets better than a 2+" is so Bolter fire and your Tau guns are not. Giving terminators a 1+ save
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