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Everything posted by Lyraeus

  1. Yup. I did his demo game at Geeks and Games and got him in. Enthusiasm is a big seller.
  2. Yea I can change it. This was just quick and dirty on my Phone.
  3. Heh... I think I know who that is... I was likely the guy who got him into AT... Maybe Want a rest game? Takes about a hour or so. Small 1 of each titan
  4. I stopped at the 5th and came back, I am down to teach!
  5. You mean I can have multiple games? *pushes papers behind me* It's not like I have 4 lists I want to try out... Nope. Not at all
  6. I have a lovely battlefoam bag with lovely magnetic racks filled with titans needing to be unleashed. I personally love the game because it's always a deep decision game.
  7. Want to try it out? I have 2 full Maniples
  8. Hahahaha an Ender 3 is always a great investment
  9. I have seen people do that as well. I just like my. 3d printer
  10. There are conflicting reports. It could very well happen but not for a while
  11. For Adeptus Titanicus, they are looking to go to that.
  12. Here is the movement tray @paxmiles thoughts
  13. I have all 3 of the army painter dips. I have found I enjoy mixing a wash and airbrushing it on Whose stuff? Yea, audio books and things to listen too help
  14. Or I could print or design ones like this
  15. Take your pick of 25mm trays https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:3199845 https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:2752217
  16. 2 man? Hmmmm I could make it. Most all are 5 man but 2 man is possible. Need to design in... Hmmmmmm any space wanted between the models?
  17. I have trays of 5 man and 10 man. I can paint them in various colors as well. @Jason saw me using them. Not great in super tight areas be definitely an easy mass movement for a time.
  18. Oh yea. Thats my kultur alright
  19. I 3d print my own. I will have some you can look at tomorrow
  20. Welp.... A GSC might be my next army but those bots look like perfect Meganobz!
  21. They turned Moons into Ork Death Stars, they had a Temple Gargant that dwarfed Imperator Titans to the point of having Gargant (Reaver warlord sized titans) as door guards for its inner Sanctum, destroyed a Imperial super weapon, and generally crushed Imperial forces (a Primarch was also included) It seems Ork Kultur evolve to a point where needed orks like diplomats and such just appear (like orks do) based on the size of their empire.
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