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Everything posted by Ish

  1. Ish


    They could be attempting to backpedal, at least a bit, especially given the Lovecraftian vibe of this preview video. I mean, the narrator damn near says "the stars are right..." Reading the description of the Genestealer Cults' activities in Vigilis Defiant they certainly play up their new "working class dregs" aesthetic instead of their old Second Edition "corrupt aristocracy" vibe. To me it feels very 'The Shadow of Innsmouth,' only with miners instead of fishermen. Even the giant galaxy devouring Hivemind can be creepy as hell, given the right writer.
  2. It caused me physical pain to read this paragraph. But, I'mma let this drop before I derail the entire forum.
  3. Did you just call Captain America a DC hero? Surrender your Nerd License, Pax.
  4. I do love Frostgrave... I’ve heard good things about RoSD, including that it has a single player option(?!), but haven’t yet read it myself.
  5. Ish


    “My art has been commended as being strongly vaginal which bothers some men. The word itself makes some men uncomfortable. Vagina.” –Maude Lebowski, Cult Magos
  6. Ish


    Yes, but the Onager doesn’t have the “[t]his is in addition to the bearer’s attacks” qualifier nor does it have the “one of its attacks” qualifier. These are the sort of differences in language that are why attorneys get to bill $200 and hour.
  7. Ish

    I Like Tanks!

    I do (eventually) want to add a Thunderhawk to my collection, for Apocalypse-size games and just for fun. I’ll probably go the Papercraft route for that though.
  8. Ish

    I Like Tanks!

    I actually like the look of the the Vindicator and Predator tanks. I think both are about half again as tall as they should be, but that’s forgivable because the rest of the Imperium’s armored vehicles also look like WWI never ended. The only vehicles in the Space Marine lineup that I truly loathe to look at are the Stormraven, Stormtalon, Thunderfire Cannon, and Repulsor. The Stormraven is fixed easily enough by replacing its top turret with something more slim, ditching the top air intake fin thingy, and extending the fuselage. The Chapterhouse kit for it was great... But, I have no plans to ever buy one. The Stormtalon is very easily fixed: Use a Dark Angels’ Nephilim Fighter with some weapon swaps. The Thunderfire looks a thousand times better if you attach the front end (from the seat forward) of a Space Marine bike to it. Easy fix. The Repulsor... I got no clue. I’m thinking of just getting one of the Colonial Marines’ APCs from Aliens and replacing the weapons with 40k guns.
  9. Ish


    The one that springs most readily to mind is the Chainsword, which explicitly says it is an additional attack with that weapon’s profile. The Onager says it is one and only one attack...
  10. Do you think the heat will have died down and the fuzz will stop looking for you by then? You may have to go on the lam for a while longer...
  11. Ish


    GW’s sloppy rules writing (a result of their “conversational” tone) means that the parenthetical bit of the sentence creates a needless ambiguity. Remove the parenthetical and you get the slightly clearer: “Each time the bearer fights, it can make one attack with this weapon.” Rewrite the clunky first clause of the sentence to something less “conversational” and more “game mechanic-y,” and you get: “When this model is selected to act in the Fight Phase, it can make one attack with this weapon.” Now, rewrite the second clause to include the information the original parenthetical was trying to say, but again using precise mechanical language instead of conversational: “When this model is selected to act in the Fight Phase, it makes one attack with this weapon.” Same meaning, much more precise language. Eschew obfuscation!
  12. Ish


    One attack only... If it lands, it hurts like hell, but with only one swing at WS 3+, that’s a big “if.” Not to mention the d6 Damage meaning that, despite averaging 3.5, you’ll probably only roll a “1” when it matters. Since anything worth using the donkey punch on is probably able to rip a Tau Commander apart if it can attack back... Yikes. About the only real use I see for the Onager Gauntlet is punching holes in Rhinos, Chimerae, and Predators. But, frankly, the Tau have a thousand other ways to inflict damage on vehicles from range. Why risk mêlée? If you really want a mêlée-specialist Tau, the Farsight Sept exclusive Fusion Blades Relic is probably the way to go.
  13. Ish


    Do you really want to pay $40 USD and then have to greenstuff fill the chaos symbols, file down those chest horns, kitbash a rider and long gun... Instead of just using a regular Krootox?
  14. Ish

    D+D Maps

    This is a much more realistic number of toilets... Probably too many windows, but it’s a fantasy game.
  15. That’s the advantage of joining the Genestealer Cult. With four arms, you can clap, shake your fist in anger, and facepalm simultaneously!
  16. Ish

    I Like Tanks!

    Well, if I was going to use Imperial Guard, I wouldn’t bring any Space Marines at all. But I played an Armored Battlegroup for years and years, I don’t want to repeat that... Not without a significant boost to my household income anyway!
  17. Ish

    I Like Tanks!

    1935 Points? Think we can squeeze a Techmarine in there...?
  18. Ish

    I Like Tanks!

    For the most part, Chapter Tactics are strictly a matter of culture and training, not geneseed. There are mutations in some geneseed lines, like the Canis Helix of Russ’ line or the non-functional omophagea of Dorn’s Line, that will affect the physical makeup of the Marines... But not tactical or strategic doctrine. Hence, you see the great disparities between Imperial Fists, Crimson Fists, and Black Templars. All First Founding chapters of Dorn’s lineage, but with very different doctrines. (I’m painting all my guys as Imperial Fists, Fifth and Eighth Companies. Plus maybe some Tenth Company Scouts.)
  19. The Pentagon Wars a 1998 comedic made-for-tv movie from HBO, that was based on the book of the same name, about the massive boondoggle that was the development of the Bradley Fighting Vehicle: A troop transport that can't carry troops, a reconnaissance vehicle that's too conspicuous to do reconnaissance, and a quasi-tank that has less armor than a snow-blower, but carries enough ammo to take out half of D.C. Ton of great actors, almost all of whom you've seen in a thousand other productions, so expect a lot of "where do I know that guy from?" as you watch. No a knee-slapping, funny ha-ha film... More of an absurdist satire of military-political culture... Like a cross between Office Space, The West Wing and JAG.
  20. Ish

    I Like Tanks!

    I generally don't like the idea of having multiple Detachments where everyone is wearing the same uniform but using different rules. I feel a little less guilty about it with Version 1 of this list, simply because all the infantry were in one Detachment and all the vehicles were in the other... And Chapter Tactics only effects Infantry, Bikes, and Dreads. So effectively, only one model in the whole army actually had the Ultramarines Chapter Tactic. On the other hand, Version 2 of this list is probably not really that much weaker -- and it's not like I have any delusions of being an AdeptiCon champion. But it is a heck of a lot simpler to explain to my opponents, tourney organizers, and so forth... It's a lot more friendly, basically.
  21. Ish

    I Like Tanks!

    Mostly because Chronus gives his tank a permanent BS 2+ and lets it heal one Wound per Turn. Switching him for a regular Predator Annihilator in the same configuration would save me 30 Points... Which I could use to put H-K Missiles on the other five tanks, giving me either one hell of an Alpha Strike or the ability to plink a few extra Mortal Wounds throughout the game. ++ Version II - Imperial Fisting Edition ++ ++ Battalion Detachment +5 CP (Codex: Adeptus Astartes Space Marines) [ 54 PL, 919 pts] ++ **Chapter Selection**: Imperial Fists + HQ + Primaris Captain w/Power Fist: Plasma Pistol, Power Fist, Trait: Storm of Fire, Relic: The Armour Indomitus [ 92 pts ] Primaris Lieutenants 1x Power Sword, 1x Master-Crafted Stalker Bolt Rifle [ 149 pts ] + Troops + Intercessor Squad: 5x Stalker Bolt Rifles, 1x Auxiliary Grenade Launcher; Sergeant w/ Chainsword [ 85 pts ] Intercessor Squad: 10x Bolt Rifles, 2x Auxiliary Grenade Launchers; Sergeant w/ Chainsword [ 170 pts ] Intercessor Squad: 10x Bolt Rifles, 2x Auxiliary Grenade Launchers; Sergeant w/ Power Fist [ 179 pts ] + Elites + Primaris Ancient Bolt Rifle [ 69 pts ] + Heavy Support + Hellblaster Squad: 5x Heavy Plasma Incinerators [ 175 pts ] ++ Spearhead Detachment +1 CP (Codex: Adeptus Astartes Space Marines) [56 PL, 980 pts] ++ **Chapter Selection**: Imperial Fists + HQ + Techmarine on Bike: Bolt Pistol, Power Axe, Servo-Arm, Twin Boltguns [ 77 pts ] + Heavy Support + Predator: Twin Lascannon Turret, Pintle Storm Bolter, Lascannon Sponsons, Hunter-Killer Missile [ 188 pts ] Predator: Predator Autocannon Turret, Pintle Storm Bolter, Heavy Bolter Sponsons, Hunter-Killer Missile [ 158 pts ] Predator: Predator Autocannon Turret, Pintle Storm Bolter, Heavy Bolter Sponsons, Hunter-Killer Missile [ 158 pts ] Vindicator: Pintle Storm Bolter, Hunter-Killer Missile [ 133 pts ] Vindicator: Pintle Storm Bolter, Hunter-Killer Missile [ 133 pts ] Vindicator: Pintle Storm Bolter, Hunter-Killer Missile [ 133 pts ] ++ Fortification Network Detachment +0 CP (Codex: Adeptus Astartes Space Marines) [4 PL, 100pts] ++ Aegis Defense Line: Icarus Lascannon [ 100 pts ] ++ Total: [9 CP, 114 PL, 1999 pts] ++
  22. Ish

    I Like Tanks!

    Well, they're Ultramarines mechanically, but I'd still be painting them yellow.
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