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Tao Tsê-Mung

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Everything posted by Tao Tsê-Mung

  1. Heya Warbosses, will the clubhouse be opened for Sunday afternoon Game Nights again soon like we had pre-the full lockdown? I can never make Tuesdays due to work so gaming Sundays were great. Back then the turnout was higher on Sundays than Thursdays, so I’d bet there’s others who’d play Sundays as well. That’s my vote, anyone else interested in Sundays? Please post so we can get a sense if there’s enough folks. Thanks!
  2. I find it very appropriate that the snow on the dwarven peak is actually salt . . .
  3. Heh, both of those will probably murder my list, but bring whichever you want.
  4. I’ll be there looking for a casual 40k game - first game with a new army. Got up to 2k pts ready.
  5. Sounds good to me! Gives me a bit of time to locate the figs I still need or paint some alternatives. The core book suggests starting with beginner games at 550 points focused on units with a couple characters (ie no monsters or really large units). Want to plan to start there? If so I’ll just start posting in the game nights when I’ve got 550 points built and we can play practice games until we have enough interest in escalation or campaign.
  6. Scratch that, Bane of Kings isn’t out yet. It’s Oathbreakers that I have, but there still are a lot more scenarios and a bunch of campaign building stuff in here too.
  7. I’ll definitely be down for this and will be back at the clubhouse Thurs/Sun in a weekend or two. I have the core book and bane and yes there’s some great campaign stuff in it. I’d prefer learning with a few basic x-point games like that first to get the hang of it. Also, due to stock issues I haven’t been able to get a hold of all the kits I need for a full kingdom anyway.
  8. Are there many SW Legion folks playing at the clubhouse when we return to normal? Really like the rebel infantry figs and been curious about SW Legion for a bit.
  9. I second this. Had Scotty print some monsters a few weeks ago. Came out looking great!
  10. Also looks like several of the broken realms boxes would be excellent warcry starters as they have more leaders/heroes/fighters options instead of a big monster in the start collectings.
  11. Yeah, I like the AoS warbands the best because there’s more customization to build my own dudes and I can throw in a small monster here or there. Plus I can change it up more from one game to the next. TabletopMinions did some great videos about which factions can build a playable starting list from just one box of troops. Thinking I’d then pick up a matching underworlds team and end up with more options than the canned warbands.
  12. Warcry is looking more and more fun as my introductory 40k faction smolders further into the dumpster fire. However I’d really like to avoid a repeat so are there any Warcry factions to avoid as a beginner that just don’t play the game/missions well. I’m hoping without so many individual faction rules and books the balance is a lot closer than 40k currently. Thoughts? Appreciate it!
  13. So what exactly is an “Auto-Tapestry”? Don’t tapestries pretty much already do what we expect them too? It clearly still requires a pole and imbecile to carry it around so it’s not self-hovering. Perhaps they mean it’s been assembled from old automobile floor mats? I guess that would give it the greasy, don’t-think-too-much-about-what-it-actually-says look. Seriously, these branded, pokemon-impulse-inducing marketing names for selling new models are getting pretty laughable.
  14. Heya, I’m looking for an owner of a resin printer who’s interested in being hired for three medium-sized prints of a proxy for something that’s no longer produced. The files are on 3D Cults and all ready to go, I just don’t have the time or funds for a printer myself. Happy to pay cash, paypal, trade for painting their models, etc. Could meet anywhere in the greater Portland region. Thanks!
  15. I’m in Portland and interested in several things, just sent a PM.
  16. I’d definitely be interested, especially if you’d sell it without the core book and then Jay can take it off your hands.
  17. Still looking for a core rulebook? I’ve been eyeing the catacombs set but don’t need the book.
  18. Nice! Those deceitful humans, making pacts with orcs over ill-gotten coin! Which dwarves models are you going with? Can’t wait to see some painted units!
  19. I need six of the crested heads that come with the lychguard/praetorians kit or the overlord or command barge kit. There’s a lot of variation on the crests and any combination of them would be great! Here’s a photo for reference: Have cash, paypal, other bits etc. Thanks!
  20. Just because they’re slightly cheaper at 40 per box instead of 36/30? I can see that about generic archers rules though. Well I’ll probably end up getting them eventually because I looked closer and realized there are actually two slings per sprue. I also like the halberds for counts-as-spearmen too, so I’ll probably end up with a bunch of extra bows if you or other folks need them. Though I’m getting the sense spare heads & arms are just a feature of rank & flank. I’ll have to make some carnage-strewn scatter terrain for my oathbreakers army.
  21. Damn, I thought of the Wargames Atlantic set immediately too - been periodically looking at the photos and the 3-box deal all afternoon. So far I’m resisting on the basis of there only being one sling per sprue because they included three bows which seems silly for hobbits.
  22. Oh this is awesome! I’ve always wanted an excuse to make a Hobbiton board! Anyone else smell a Scouring of the Shire campaign inspired by Return of the King?
  23. Looking for a bunch of the ramshackle or battered style shields for Oathmark. From googling it looks like Skaven, Orks & Beastmen all have multiple units that come with shields which would work. Other brands would totally work too. Attached arm or no arm doesn’t really matter. Happy to pay/trade/etc. Here’s some images of the style:
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