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The Fancy Lads (A high elves log)

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Thanks for the feedback guys,


MexicanNinja: Definitely considering a frost phoenix, but I'm not quite comfortable yet fielding that many large targets (2 dragons, 1 phoenix) with so few foot troops. I would certainly include one if bumping this list to 2800pts. I agree that SM are an expensive distraction for enemy shooting, but my limited experience so far has shown that shooting (apart from warmachines) is over-rated. Likely not the case when facing off against dark elves though. I'm willing to take a few black eyes (figuratively speaking) before figuring out a good combo. Another option may be to have a unit of phoenix guard marching across the board to tie up units.


Fixxer: Thanks, I'll certainly be learning to dance around the field. I'll definitely look into getting some eagles, I just don't trust my skill at using diverters yet and I feel vulnerable without two opportunities for shooting the big nasties. A recent game has shown that even the lowly bolt thrower can taken out a daemon prince.

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  • 3 weeks later...

So I made a few revisions to the army based on feedback, and decided to go for the whole bob and weave approach, everything being mounted, flying, or generally easy to maneuver. My enemy deserves to eat those boltthrowers if they want to trudge across the field. Just for fun I used the swedish comp system to evaluate it, and if my calculations are correct it's a +10.8




Prince on Moon Dragon- Dragon armor, shield, ogre blade, dragon helm, talisman of endurance




Dragon Mage of Caledor- lvl2, talisman of preservation

Noble (BSB)- elven steed with barding, dragon armor, lance,  golden crown, enchanted shield, potion of foolhardiness, banner of eternal flame



Ellyrian Reavers (5)- shields/bows, musician

Ellyrian Reavers (5) - shields/bows, musician

Ellyrian Reavers (5) - shields/bows, musician

Silver Helms (14) - shields, full command




Lion Chariot

Lion Chariot



Bolt Thrower

Bolt Thrower

Frostheart Phoenix




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1. Not sure that BSB is legal with magic items and magic banner.

2. The lord choice just feels off, why pay 40 points for a +2 strength when you can get the same mundanely for ten or less? He also feels really unprotected with gear.

3. I like lion chariots, but I like ellryian chariotts more for theme.

4. I know its been said before but reallocate points for two eagles. They fix everything.

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Hey Herozero, Im still relatively new regarding the game and a babe when it comes to high elves. In response to your points:


1) I was under the impression that I couldn't have magic weapons with a magic banner, I'll have to look that up.

2) Could you provide some suggestions for a different build and more specifically getting the +2 strength bonus for cheaper. He's definately a work in progress, but I figured that a 2+ armor save, 4+ ward would be sufficient. Maybe the charmed shield for added security.

3) The lion chariots are built and ready to go, but maybe I'll trying proxying them as ellyrian chariots to get a better feel. Just seems like the lion chariot can dish out the hurt even after a charge.

4) That seems to be a common sentiment and wise as I'll need something speedy to hopefully take out warmachines. 


Thanks.Back to the drawing board, but I think that the essentials are there.

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1)  You cannot take any magic items if you're carrying a magical banner.

2)  He means swapping it for a Great Weapon which would have the negative effect of lowering your armor save along with killing your likely rerolls from ASF.  I wouldn't recommend it for an elf lord although looking for different ways to up your strength might be worth it.

3)  Ehh.

4)  Definitely get eagles.

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1. Correct. You listed a magic banner and magic gear on same guy which is a no no.

2.) A great weapons not bad, you would just swing at initiative, but no I was thinking of a lance. You do most of the damage with a dragon on the charge in my experience.

I was thinking: Lance, Dragon Armor, Enchanted Shield, Talisman of Preservation. Still get the 2+/4++ for less.

3. Lions are superior to horse chariots all day, I was going for theme since your bringing so many horses.

4. Good eagles, they are your friends.

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I STRONGLY suggest keeping that ogre blade.  It will give you a consitent S6 attack and allows you to make great use of your ASF.  If I'm correct, you pump out 9 S6 attacks before thunderstomps.  Yes, the great weapon is cheaper and you still get to strike at your initiative; however, that Ogre Blade has paid off more times than once when I boch my attack rolls with my DE lord on a dragon.  Keep the Ogre Blade, you'll get better results over the great weapon.


I have to disagree with dropping the lion chariots.  I'd keep them, they have better damage output.  I will agree though, you need a few eagles to take shooting priority away from your other units.

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Made a couple of adjustments based on the feedback, should have the rest of the models I need by next game night. Figured I should actually try this list out, but I think its a good compromise. Further feedback is always welcome.



Prince on Moon Dragon- Dragon armor, enchanted shield, ogre blade, gold crown



Dragon Mage of Caledor- lvl2, dispel scroll, charmed shield

Noble (BSB)- elven steed with barding, dragon armor, shield, sword of might,  potion of foolhardiness, luckstone



Ellyrian Reavers (5)- shields/bows, musician

Ellyrian Reavers (5) - shields/bows, musician

Ellyrian Reavers (5) - shields/bows, musician

Silver Helms (14) - shields, full command



Lion Chariot

Lion Chariot



Bolt Thrower

Bolt Thrower

Frostheart Phoenix

Great Eagle, shredding talons



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  • 1 month later...

Haven't posted for awhile, but Ive had a number of misadventures with the high elves in recent weeks. Played MurphysLawyer and Savion at game night this week, I'll do my best to recap.




HE vs DoC (Savion): I was a jerk and took the banner of the world dragon on a 24 man unit of swordmasters. Between that and my archmage of death on a great eagle, my conscience is nagging me. He was fielding a giant unit of bloodletters, a bloodthirster, the hotrod cannon, and two units of khornedogs. I fielded my swordmasters, a 25 man unit of lothern seaguard, 2 boltthrowers, a white lion chariot, unit of reavers, and the aforementioned jerk on great eagle. Shooting didn't do much the entire game, leading me to believe that HE shooting, apart from boltthrowers is over-rated. I flew up my mage and proceeded to cast a boosted purple sun, which killed about 12 bloodletters. Another spell (curse of laniph?) put a wound on his bsb. The swordmaster were steadily moving up and failed a charge. He began moving up the field, one unit of dogs and the bloodthirster on my flank. I think the bloodletters failed a charge on my swordmasters at this point. His cannon took out my chariot. I’ll skip ahead a little as you may have already guessed the outcome. The bloodletters (somewhat reduced from spells and some shooting) charged in the SM front, the bloodthirster and a dog unit in the flank. Certain disaster for sure right? Essentially a 50pt banner allowed me to kill off (or pop thru combat resolution) everything of note while taking only two casualties. If its any consolation Savion, I felt a little empty inside and won’t be using this banner for some time. Win for me, but I don’t really consider it a victory (I didn’t do anything to deserve it, just showed up to the field of battle with a pretty banner).



HE vs DE (MLawyer): Faced off against an MSU list consisting of 10 blackguard, 2 x units of darkriders, warlocks, kharybdiss, a chariot, 2 x bolthrowers, 10 crossbows, and a sorceress on Pegasus. He got first turn, the darkriders rode up my left flank, crossbows got into position, and sorceress and kharybdiss hid out behind some impassable terrain. Some SMs succumbed to shooting, which will be a theme in this game. My turn(s), I was overly cautious in moving up the SMs as he had a chariot and black guard within charge distance and a kharybdiss to the flank. Mage flew up and did nothing effectual. Bolthrower A took out some of his darkriders which panicked and ran off the board. Bolthrower B fired at his warlocks for two turns and didn’t do a damn thing. His turn, the SM get shot some more. They attempt a long charge to avoid further persecution and fail. The mage goes to town with a few death spells, kills nothing outright, and attempts purple sun yet again (miscast once, limited distance the second time, passes initiative tests the 3rd). My lion chariot kills off his crossbowmen than overruns into, you guessed it, the purple sun and fails his initiative test. His turn sees everything charge into the SM, which consequently run like hell. After rallying the kharybdiss gets, suffers some blows, but wins combat on the following turn and runs them down right into the seaguard. The kharybiss is joined by the cold one chariot and bye bye seaguard. At some point the archmage is killed by either spells or the remaining bolthrower. Loss



Lessons learned:


-Don’t depend on magic, which seems all or nothing when you have 400pts flying around.


-Sword Masters, love the models, love the damage output, but tend to attract a lot of attention of the barbed flying kind. I will likely be running smaller units of these guys in the future.


-Lothern sea guard, jury is still out. Lots of shooting potential, but str 3 doesn’t cut it.


-Lion chariot, a staple of my lists now. Fairly durable and str5/6 attacks rock.


-Banner of the world dragon, really varies by the list Im facing as my two games illustrate. As suggested, I’ll withhold from using it until large point games. I could also see more potential benefit at that level.





-Phoenix guard are back in. Not necessarily killy but they present a hell of a blockade.


-White lions when I have the money, nothing sadder than seeing your expensive little fellas get shot down before they see combat.


-Frost phoenix.


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I will admit I did rely on you doing a wedge down the middle. I had setup a Pincer move and was waiting on the SMs to charge in. But backing their back before they got into combat is what got you.


Your Seaguards were too far back to threaten me so the only real threat I saw was the SMs so I taunted them and peppered them with Bolts. Had the Frost Phoenix been there it would have been a differnt story.

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I don't see many lists with a hefty unit of averlorn archers. Are they that bad? They look good on paper.

They are only good once you stick a hand maiden in the unit.  A unit of 6 with a hand maiden is where it's at.  You give the hand maiden the multiple shot (x3) bow and they are good.


If I were to play High Elves, I'd have a unit of these with a hand maiden in my army.  24" bows, S4, quick to fire, and they do better against forces of destruction...yes, please, and thank you.

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I was thinking more like 2 units of 10-20.

Str 4 magic shooting en masse is scary. I could imagine units just angrily disappearing under that.

With that one bow and a strength potion, wowza.

Not worth the points investment.  Once the enemy engages your army you just lost a ton of points.  If they aren't shooting, they're wasted.  They also suck in combat.

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 I felt a little empty inside and won’t be using this banner for some time. Win for me, but I don’t really consider it a victory (I didn’t do anything to deserve it, just showed up to the field of battle with a pretty banner).


It sure was a very pretty shade of grey.


Like I said at game night, it is very frustrating when a unit negates everything from my army, but that is just for one army. I would not feel bad about fielding that banner in a larger point game against daemons or in a game against any other army. In that game I had 2 blocks to charge, and I chose wrong.

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