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X-Wing: pew pew, kerblammers


9 members have voted

  1. 1. What Wave 4 ship are you most excited about?

    • E-Wing
    • Z-95 Headhunter
    • TIE Defender
    • TIE Phantom

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Yes let's get that tourney booked!  Also I know we are planning a tourney with the promo kit but isn't there also an OP kit?  It would be cool to do another tourney in April with the OP kit if it can be got.



Also we have yet to do a multi-player game.  These are cool cause you fly your own ships on your team and can't talk to your teammate about what your plan is.  People who fight/think similar will do well with partners that can "see" what they see.  Play 150 points (each player bring 75) and roll out a slightly bigger board (I have one), let the chaos/fun begin.


Also I love scenarios.


And if you really want 3 shuttles to be able to stall take the 2, 4, and 6 piloting skills.  the "4" can soak up the stress tokens of the other two while the 6 can pass target locks off to the stressed out 4.  Not perfect but I've done the opening sequence math and after two turns I can stall in place with 2 of the shuttles for two turns while the third tries to deny actions.  (after which attempt to execute the 3 way carousel of "I'm covering your back"...not competitive)

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Tourney is booked for March 29th! I'd definitely be up for a team game sometime. One thing I've been reading about lately is different campaign systems people are coming up with. Most of them involve buying ships and pilots separately and having pilots level up and stuff. They also usually involve different strategic targets or map tiles that have set characteristics like extra dense asteroid fields or solar flares or whatever that could be interesting. I'm in the process of mashing together a few of the systems I've seen into a version I like that would involve a map and tiles and stuff that could be pretty fun to get going with multiple people teamed up between the two factions. Once I get things further along, I'll post some of it up for perusal and criticism.

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Yeah, that is so great that they are taking a good look at a way to "fix" the A-wing.  Such a clever way to do it by filling the missile slot with an upgrade that makes your ship cost less (cause they probably made it cost more cause it had the missile ability).  I'm hoping that the new upgrades in wave 4 might redeem the A-wing a little sooner, maybe the new missiles will make them show up in competitive lists.  Up till now the "Push the Limit" in the A-wing box was half the reason for buying it and now you can get that in the Imperial Aces.


Speaking of which, the one that can banked barrel roll is super fun to play with.  Not crazy competitive IMO but with PTL you can boost and roll and end up doing a power slide...drifter style. And if you boost left or right and then roll back towards where you started you end up in almost the exact location you started but facing the other direction.

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Hey to everyone I talked to about the Saturday X-wing at Cosmic Comics, I just got some details and it has changed.  It's not a tournament this time, it's a demo and casual play starting at 4:00 (Sat Mar 22nd).  

There will be participation prizes for anyone who plays a match or learns the demo (alternate art B-wing cards I think).   Not a bad way to practice for the Dark Tower Tournament on the following Saturday the 29th.
They have the season 1 prize kit (Interceptor medal, plastic bomb and ion tokens, alternate shuttle/B-wing art) and will be running a tournament with it eventually so we can keep an eye out for that.  I'm sure they'd take input on the best timing for that.  
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I think Joey's list from last night could be competitive:


[38] Bounty Hunter + Gunner

[38] Bounty Hunter + Gunner

[24] Omicron Group Pilot + Darth Vader


Or toss some Interceptors into the mix:


[33] Soontir Fel + Push the Limit + Stealth Device

[29] Turr Phennir + Veteran Instincts + Stealth Device

[26] Omicron Group Pilot + Darth Vader + Anti-Pursuit Lasers

[12] Academy Pilot


Personally I think a cheap Shuttle is the way to go, but I could see:


[38] Omicron Group Pilot + Advanced Sensors + Heavy Laser Cannon + Rebel Captive + Engine Upgrade

[33] Soontir Fel + Push the Limit + Stealth Device

[29] Turr Phennir + Veteran Instincts + Stealth Device

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I like the second list. I'd have a hard time with 3 big ships I'm sure (asteroids :(), but having academy pilot to park in font of the shuttle to help it creep and turn (or force ships to end up at range 1 but not touching) would keep the shuttle in the action and the non-aces (is there a nick name for that pair yet?...can we get a vote?) could wreak their usual "you can't see me" havoc.


Great lists I'm excited to try one.

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I have some concerns about some woobly (SP) model on that.  Those details are great, but from my games of X-wing movement and model placement are very precise, and a major mechanic for the game.  From the pictures I don't feel comfortable that you could move and place your models with the same degree of accuracy that you get from a flat surface.  Like many other war game terrain pieces I feel this misses the balance between being visually impressive and playable, but it's just a picture and I have no experience with the terrain.  I could be wrong.

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Would ya look at the size of that price tag...(250)


They insist that the pieces stay level...and yet pride themselves on having trench tiles which by definition should be....yeah. Not saying I'm not jealous, I'd make it work.


The magnet idea is great, I think the biggest trick would be having a set your opponent could easily attach to their pieces. If one players is magnetized and the other is just on a really flat surface then the one set will be frozen while the other slides more than normal.


(Holo chess solution?)
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