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Looking for Games!

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I am trying to get several games over the next weekend. I am looking for games on Friday, late afternoon or evening, any time on Saturday, and Sunday before or at Gmae Night.


I am hoping to play several different armies, but I am not that picky. I need games topic my Wood Elves against.


I would love games against Orcs and Goblins, Dwarfs, High Elves, VC, Tomb Kings, Lizards, Skaven, Empire, etc.....



Any takers?

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Ack, I got game jacked. Any other days good for you RD?

My apologies, I didn't realize you were trying to get a game in on Friday as well. Certainly wasn't trying to steal any games, heh. Hero, why don't you go ahead and play Raindog on Friday, and I might come by to watch. I've been gaming pretty consistently recently, I'm more than happy to just hang out and watch a game  :smile:

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My apologies, I didn't realize you were trying to get a game in on Friday as well. Certainly wasn't trying to steal any games, heh. Hero, why don't you go ahead and play Raindog on Friday, and I might come by to watch. I've been gaming pretty consistently recently, I'm more than happy to just hang out and watch a game  :smile:

I will be there at 4. I will play HZ or Andrew, I just want to play.

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RD I have worked on my table and gotten some more terrain… at all interested in playing at my place again?  I'll have Ellia so it would be nicer to her to be able to be home (esp since I'm probably dragging her to game night on Sunday).


Saturday 1pm would be great!

2400 points.  Will you bring the scenario from BSB please?  Do you wanna have lunch?  I can order a pizza or make taco salad, you choose.


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If it's snowing I probably won't be able to make it, my wife is a huge wimp about driving in the snow and I will most likely have to drive her to work and pick her up. Weather and wife permitting though, I'll show up with my army and play whoever, would just like to throw some dice around. I'll try to post on here tomorrow morning when I can see what the weather is doing.

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Your house is great!


I will see if Ellie wants to come and play with Ellia if that is okay with you.


Pizza sounds great. I will bring drinks for us and the kiddos as well as 2400 points and the scenario.


This is lining up to a weekend of great fun.




Yes please bring Ellie, I'm sure they'd have fun!  Ellia has lots of legos and there is plenty for them to do.


Pizza it is, I also have a LOT of beer in the fridge (everyone, including me, brought it for the Superbowl), so don't worry about drinks either.


Just shoot me a text when you're on your way over; seeya Saturday!



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