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Void Shield Generator model coming soon (pic)


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Color me disappointed. The detail is fine but the basic shape just looks bad for some reason (robot dicks?) like not much thought was put into it. At least now there is a good benchmark for sizing.

Well, GW seems to be making a point of failing in their recent model photography. It will probably be a great kit with a really amazing appearance, but you won't be able to tell until you see one made by one of the ordo guys....


I am glad that GW's making a model of this one. Nothing worse than a model with good rules and no clue what in looks like...at least it's terrible for game balance. Remember the old battlewagon issues? Or spore pods?

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Great, a piece of LOS blocking terrain deployable by an opponent with some amazing rules. I do like the aesthetics of the model, though.


I don't get why people thing the VSG is "amazing" and on par with Escalation and 2++ rerollables for ruining the game. It's a Chimera that protects your whole army but not against Drop Pods. With no guns. For 100pts. Does anyone here have trouble killing Chimeras? Three AV12 hull points just isn't that big a deal. Yeah, it can be annoying if they consistently keep popping up every turn, but people freaked out about the Aegis Defense Line and G.I. JOE PLAYSET early in 6th Edition as well, and neither of those turned out to be game-breakers. Or, in fact, auto-includes for most armies. I don't think the VSG is any different; it's a useful piece of defensive terrain you can build an army around.

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Color me disappointed. The detail is fine but the basic shape just looks bad for some reason (robot dicks?) like not much thought was put into it. At least now there is a good benchmark for sizing.


I feel like if you are seeing robot dicks in there, it probably has more to do with your mindset than the terrain :tongue:

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  According to the SH assault data sheet for it its supposed to have battlements too..I guess it kinda does but they already look crowded with the Support totems in there.


 Personally I a lot more interested in scratch building one after seeing this thing..at least now we will some solid dimensions to go by:)


  But really I don't think I would field one yet as there is just too many issues with the rules about the projected shields.

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Being the only thing that can stop a Str D shot doesn't make it broken in and of itself.

To be fair, it doesn't really stop the D shots any differently than having another unit take the shot for it. It's very close to the same thing as just putting a unit in a vehicle. The vehicle make take the D hit, but the unit inside will likely survive. Though the notable difference is that shots to the transport can't carry over to the transported unit, so in many respects a unit inside a transport is more durable than a unit in the open which is protected by a VSG (against D weapons anyway).


TLOS blocking remains the most viable defense.

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The fact that it protects multiple units tends to be irrelevant, since the enemy is pretty much always gonna have to kill it regardless of what they want to shoot at. Regenerating is certainly a strong ability, but it's unreliable (you roll at the end of your turn, so it's impossible to know if you'll get anything out of it when planning your actions) and is counterbalanced by the fact that often enough the Shield won't protect you because you're out of its range or the enemy is inside its range.

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The thing about protecting multiple Units is that it lets you do that without completely restructuring your list and turning it into a (semi)Mech army. And yes, it does have the tradeoff that once they drop the one set of Shields, all those Units become exposed instead of just one. But for some builds, that tradeoff is a significant bonus.


Also, it never gives up VP/First Blood like Transports do.

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