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Ish-Perial Fists


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The Task Force Rampart consists of the Imperial Fists' Fifth Battle Company and units seconded to it from the Eighth Reserve Assault Company and Tenth Scout Company. Task Force Rampart is led by Captain Jonas Halytsch and operate out of the Strike Cruiser Caestus Errantia. On 3022019.M3*, Lieutenant Arnulf König was leading a small patrol to investigate reports of enemy action near the Task Force's area of operations...

++ Patrol Detachment ++

**Codex Selection**: Codex Adeptus Astartes Space Marines
**Chapter Selection**: Imperial Fists

+ HQ +

Arnulf König Primaris Lieutenant (Warlord) Power sword, Trait: Storm of Fire, Relic: The Burning Blade [ 74 pts ] 

+ Troops +

5th Co / 2nd Squad "The Gatekeepers" Intercessor Squad: 10x Bolt Rifles, 2x Auxiliary Grenade Launchers; Sergeant Sohn w/ Power Fist [ 179 pts ]

5th Co / 3rd Squad "Squad Ruger" Intercessor Squad: 5x Auto Bolt Rifles, 1x Auxiliary Grenade Launcher; Sergeant Ruger w/ Power Fist [ 99 Points ]

+ Elites +

10th Co / 10th Squad "The Ogres" Aggressor Squad: 3x Auto Boltstorm Gauntlets and Fragstorm Grenade Launchers [ 148 pts ]

++ Total: [32 PL, 500pts] ++

*January 8, 2019 

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1 hour ago, Ish said:

Librarian Lexicanum Detlef Buchmacher, attached to the Imperial Fists Fifth Company, responsible for compiling battlefield reports, intelligence analysis, and astropathic communication.

A work in progress, obviously.


Wut? This picture gives me anxiety.

Like does Ish prime their models? 

Do they prime just one part at a time?

Do they just live in complete anarchy and dont prime at all!?

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"You read Lt. König's report, Hasen." the Captain's words were a statement of fact, not an inquiry, Ancient Pfeiffer nodded in the affirmative anyway. It was rare, these days, for the Imperial Fists to refer to each other by their Wall-Names. But Halytsch was old indeed, rumor held that he had been one of the original Sons of Dorn chosen for the Primaris Project when it was first begun by Lord Commander Guilliman and Archmagos Dominus. He certain clung to many of the Chapter's oldest traditions. "The presence of the Genestealer Cultists on this world, so newly returnned to realspace is troubling. Especially if they've already begun to subvert the Imperial Guard."

"The Mordian Iron Guard remain steadfast, Bruder-Käpten Halytsch," Pfeiffer countered, "Lt. König spoke highly of their Colonel's tatical accumen and the bravery of his men. Indeed, I hear that Sgt. Ungeheuer and his 'Ogres,' apparently owe a keg of Necromundan Wildsnake to one of the line squads..." 

"Aye, hopefully he can 'persuade' Sgt. Brandt to part with one of his," the corner of Brother-Captain's mouth tweaked in the briefiest of grins, before his countenance grew stern again, "But that must wait. Brandt's Crows report a fortification of indeterminate origins ten klicks north-northwest of our position. Squad Ungeheuer will be another thirteen hours until they are fully combat operational, Techmarine Monteur still cannot rouse the Thunderhawk's Machine Spirit, and we still cannot make clear vox-contact with Caestus Errantia."

"Ten klicks?" Pfeiffer did the math, "The Cultists could march on us in under and hour if this weather breaks. If the Cult has commandeered any of the Astra Militarum's field artillery... We're well within range."

"Aye. But your assuming this fortification is home to mere Cultists." the Brother-Captain spat, his saliva frozen before it hit the stones, "It's time for another patrol, Hasen. Lt. König and his Demi-Company will remain here to secure our LZ. We'll take Sauer, Sturm, and Wirdheiß for recce. Find out who's in that fortification and why."

++ Patrol Detachment ++

**Codex Selection**: Codex Adeptus Astartes Space Marines
**Chapter Selection**: Imperial Fists

+ HQ +
Ionas Halytsch Primaris Captain w/Power Fist (Warlord): Plasma Pistol, Power Fist, Trait: Storm of Fire, Relic: The Armour Indomitus [ 92 pts ]

+ Troops +
5th Co / 1st Squad Intercessor Squad: 5x Stalker Bolt Rifles, 1x Auxiliary Grenade Launcher; Sergeant Sauer w/ Chainsword [ 85 pts ]
5th Co / 5th Squad Intercessor Squad: 10x Bolt Rifle 2x Auxiliary Grenade Launcher; Sergeant Sturm w/ Power Sword [ 174 pts ]

+ Elites +
Claus Pfeiffer Primaris Ancient Bolt Rifle [ 69 pts ]
Das Grabmal Redemptor Dreadnought: Heavy Onslaught Gatling Cannon, Onslaught Gatling Cannon, 2x Storm Bolters [ 155 pts ]

+ Heavy Support +
5th Co / 9th Squad Hellblaster Squad: 5x Heavy Plasma Incinerator; Sergeant Wirdheiß w/ Bolt Pistol [ 175 pts ]

++ 3 CP; 44 PL; 750 Points ++

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26 minutes ago, SPaceORK said:

But yea, all yellow all the time is a bit hard. You do have a airbrush yea?

I've figured out a decent way to do yellow, albeit it helps that I've decided to go with a "dirty" battlefield look instead of parade ground pretty.

No airbrush yet, probably gonna get one for myself as a birthday present this spring.

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On 1/8/2019 at 5:54 PM, Ish said:

An older Librarian model has given up his life in service of the Ish-perium. Brother Buchmacher has taken up his blade.

I do that too. Old models become new models. Especially if paint on the old model is thin or only got to the priming step. 

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I’m wondering if, rather than invest in Repulsors that are over 300 pts. per model and kinda fugly, if I might not be better off going full on “I am fortifying this position.” and grab a Wall of Martyrs Bunker and two-part Trench Line.

The bunker hold ten models, with firing points for five, making it a good place to stash a demi-squad of Hellblasters, an Apothecary, and a Lieutenant. The trenches can each hold ten-men, giving them Cover and +1 Leadership... That’s a 2+ Save and Leadership 9 for most of my units. 

210 Points with a Quad-Gun, 180 Points unarmed... Far less than even a single Repulsor, solid protection for a significant chunk of my army, and not too pricey cash-wise.

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14 minutes ago, Ish said:

I’m wondering if, rather than invest in Repulsors that are over 300 pts. per model and kinda fugly, if I might not be better off going full on “I am fortifying this position.” and grab a Wall of Martyrs Bunker and two-part Trench Line.

The bunker hold ten models, with firing points for five, making it a good place to stash a demi-squad of Hellblasters, an Apothecary, and a Lieutenant. The trenches can each hold ten-men, giving them Cover and +1 Leadership... That’s a 2+ Save and Leadership 9 for most of my units. 

210 Points with a Quad-Gun, 180 Points unarmed... Far less than even a single Repulsor, solid protection for a significant chunk of my army, and not too pricey cash-wise.

Didn't the repulsor drop in points? 

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1 hour ago, Ish said:

I’m wondering if, rather than invest in Repulsors that are over 300 pts. per model and kinda fugly, if I might not be better off going full on “I am fortifying this position.” and grab a Wall of Martyrs Bunker and two-part Trench Line.

The bunker hold ten models, with firing points for five, making it a good place to stash a demi-squad of Hellblasters, an Apothecary, and a Lieutenant. The trenches can each hold ten-men, giving them Cover and +1 Leadership... That’s a 2+ Save and Leadership 9 for most of my units. 

210 Points with a Quad-Gun, 180 Points unarmed... Far less than even a single Repulsor, solid protection for a significant chunk of my army, and not too pricey cash-wise.

As long as you don't need to advance, that sounds like a great plan. 😛 Let's face it, GW shot themselves in the foot with the Primaris, they're hopelessly unable to take and hold forward positions.

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1 hour ago, Ish said:

I’m wondering if, rather than invest in Repulsors that are over 300 pts. per model and kinda fugly, if I might not be better off going full on “I am fortifying this position.” and grab a Wall of Martyrs Bunker and two-part Trench Line.

The bunker hold ten models, with firing points for five, making it a good place to stash a demi-squad of Hellblasters, an Apothecary, and a Lieutenant. The trenches can each hold ten-men, giving them Cover and +1 Leadership... That’s a 2+ Save and Leadership 9 for most of my units. 

210 Points with a Quad-Gun, 180 Points unarmed... Far less than even a single Repulsor, solid protection for a significant chunk of my army, and not too pricey cash-wise.

The main disadvantage with the bunker is that the models embarked are not strictly on the table. So no Auspex Scan for the embarked unit and they can't use any auras (or benefit from).

The secondary disadvantage with fortifications is that their detachment offers no command points. 

Beyond those, I love the fortifications and highly recommend them.

I will note that the Fortification's weapons use their own balasitic skill (usually BS5+) and are required to fire at the nearest target unless they are occupied by a unit. Fortifications also don't count as alive for sudden death (aka wipes) if they are unoccupied. Neither of these are really disadvantages, but they do need to be kept in mind when evaluating the fortification's value to your army.

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55 minutes ago, Lyraeus said:

Didn't the repulsor drop in points? 

It did, but the absolutely cheapest possible configuration of its nine(!) weapon option still results in a 252 Point tank. Swapping it’s options around for a slightly more balanced, but still modestly priced, loadout puts it a 289 Points*. 

I like this configuration because it throws out a ton of 5/-1/1 from the two Gatling guns (18 altogether), but still has the S7 and S9 shots from the rockets and lascannons to threaten enemy armor. Plus just about everything is 24” range. Since the Repulsor has PotMS, it can shoot while moving without issues.

Thing is, one of them doesn’t do me much good. I’d want two or three... at which point we’re looking at 504-756 Points minimum andmore realistically, 578-867 Points. That’s real money.

* 2x Krakstorm Grenade Launchers and Autolaunchers on the turret; Twin Lascannon Hull Mount; Heavy Onslaught Gatling Main Turret Gun; Onslaught Gatling Turret Coaxial; 2x Storm Bolters over the doors; and a Icarus Rocket Pod on the rear.

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9 minutes ago, Sgt. Rock said:

As long as you don't need to advance, that sounds like a great plan. 😛 Let's face it, GW shot themselves in the foot with the Primaris, they're hopelessly unable to take and hold forward positions.

If I could have one Repulsor acting like a “Flying Razorback” and leading two mostly-unarmed “Flying Rhinos” it’d be a great tank. 

I just think the thing is stupidly over-gunned – nine %#@& weapons! — for a battle taxi and too fragile for a main battle tank. Clearly is was designed by committee.

A bunker and some trenches, on the other hand, is cheap. Decently protects 2+ squads that are in or behind the trenches and really protects whoever is in the bunker. But it does limit my mobility... 

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Still lost what it is you need the transport to do...? I mean, seems like between the Reivers and Inceptors, you should be able to cross the board pretty quickly. And you can't shoot out of the Repulsor. 

So unless you wanted it for the weapons, I'm not sure what it really adds to the army. Granted, you have made it clear that you like tanks...

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The biggest issue with the Repulsor is that there's no cheap and dirty transport for Hellblasters, who want to be in fairly close, and Intercessors, who are your troops that are going to be securing objectives. There's also no way to get that Gravis captain into melee, where he belongs. In fact, Reivers and Inceptors are the ONLY Primaris dudes with any sense of mobility. Compared with classic marines, who can fit into Rhinos, Razorbacks, or Land Raiders, Scouts who can fit into the aforementioned as well as Land Speeder Storms, jump packs, deep striking Terminators, bikers, etc. An all-Primaris force is, by it's nature, pretty slow unless you invest in multiple Repulsors, and then you have way too few dudes on the field.

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Intercessors are the best thing Primaris Marines have for holding a position. Reivers and Inceptors are good at clearing them off, but not so great at holding them. 

Inceptors are just too expensive. You pay through the nose for their mobility – 45 Points Each! – so having them stand still is wasteful.

Likewise, although Reivers have basically the same stats as Intercessors (esp. the bolt carbine and assault bolt rifle flavors) you’re paying for their grappling hooks and/or grav chutes, shock grenades, and leadership debuff... None of which really mesh with holding an Objective for long. 

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Right, of course! Drop pods! And that's just codex, not counting Forge World stuff. But yeah, in a nutshell, Primaris are largely forced to be footsloggers, and that makes it really hard to advance on objectives and take them. I think GW really dropped the ball on that aspect of them, and it's honestly soured me quite a bit on Primaris marines. I'll still use them, but not exclusively like GW seems to want me to.

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39 minutes ago, Ish said:

Intercessors are the best thing Primaris Marines have for holding a position. Reivers and Inceptors are good at clearing them off, but not so great at holding them. 

Inceptors are just too expensive. You pay through the nose for their mobility – 45 Points Each! – so having them stand still is wasteful.

Likewise, although Reivers have basically the same stats as Intercessors (esp. the bolt carbine and assault bolt rifle flavors) you’re paying for their grappling hooks and/or grav chutes, shock grenades, and leadership debuff... None of which really mesh with holding an Objective for long. 

Not owning the codex SM is certainly limiting my responses, but here goes (get's out battlescribe):

1st, Both Intercessors and Hellblasters do have an Assault variant for their weapon. You could advance and still fire if you kit them for it.

2nd, Primaris Librarians can use Veil of Time to grant Re-rolls on advances. Only 1 unit, but better than nothing.

3rd, the Repulsor and Interceptors really aren't very fast. They only have 10" of move, which for "fast" units is really rather slow. With rather average rolling, Intercessors advancing should be able to meet the speed of a Repulsor's normal move.

4th, A Gravis Captain/Aggressor Squad with Veil of Time cast on him, should be able to keep up with a Repulsor.

5th, Interceptors and Reivers both have alternate deployment options if you need be on the other side of the board board quickly.

6th, Redemptor Dreadnoughts are actually pretty fast from a Primaris Standpoint. Unfortunately, they can only take a single Assault weapon (Fragstorm Grenade Launchers).

7th, Repulsor does have some assault weapons, but not nearly enough to justify advancing instead of shooting with a 250+ pt tank. It also has a smoke launcher option (called auto launchers), but also not good enough to justify not shooting.


In conclusion, Not taking assault weapons definitely is what slows you down. The Repulsor just doesn't add enough speed on their own to justify it's cost purely as a transport.


By limiting yourself to exclusively primaris marines, you are resigning yourself to relatively slow units.

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