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Contaminant Contained - Pax's Chaos Cult


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Still working on details, but I ordered some models in Hazmat Suits to be my chaos crew. Chaos cults have hazmat suits on their house wargear list, and it really sounded like a fun project, so I felt strongly compelled to buy some models and build a crew.

Very much in progress, but got the yaktribe thing to work, so I'll update the crew here:


Hazmat suits also present a fun chaos option, as yes, they could keep disease out, but they could also be used to keep disease and mutation in. Either for concealment of mutations/illness or just because they selfishly want all the contamination to themselves. You know, until one of them suddenly becomes a chaos spawn - I do have a bunch of chaos spawn models, so if that happens, no worries.

Models ordered are multi-part and have weapon options, but should look something like this:


Not sure how long until they arrive. Just ordered.


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Advanced Idea Mechanics, or A.I.M., was one of Marvel Comics “go to” evil terrorist organizations made up of hordes of faceless goons, a few “jobber” supervillains, and one or two C-List mastermind villains.

Thematically, they were all rogue scientists and evil engineers, so their schemes tended to revolve around some super-science doomsday device, bizarre genetic engineering gone amok, and that sort of thing. Unlike HYDRA who tended to be used more for “political” stories about the evil Commies, or The Hand which was mostly used for magical plots.

Other than there hordes of goons, the most famous characters associated with A.I.M. is the rather goofy M.O.D.O.K. (Mechanized Organism Designed Only for Killing) 

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Contaminant Contained (Starting Gang):

Demagogue (2x Fighting Knives, Lasgun, Infra-sight, Hazard Suit) 195

Disciple (Frag+Krak Grenade Launcher, Hazard Suit) 125

Disciple (Frag+Krak Grenade Launcher, Hazard Suit) 125

Helot (Frag+Krak Grenade Launcher, Hazard Suit) 100

Helot (Lasgun, Infra-sight, Hazard Suit) 100

Helot (Lasgun, Infra-sight, Hazard Suit) 100

Helot (Lasgun, Hazard Suit) 60

Helot (Lasgun, Hazard Suit) 60

Helot (Lasgun, Hazard Suit) 60

Helot (Lasgun, Hazard Suit) 60

Total: 995 credits of mystery currency spent.


Not sure on skills yet. Or names for that matter. If I get the models finished in time for Deathcap Junction, I'd use the bonus starting 200 credits for 4x more Infra-sights on the lasgun helots without, and I'd buy a Armored Undersuit (rare 9) for my Demagogue (so he has a *superior* 5+ armor save). It's a rather modest list in terms of weaponry, I think.

Despite hazard suits being on the house list, the chaos cults don't really have a lot of house weapon options to take advantage of them. In campaign play, can't start with a chaos spawn, either, which is one of the key features that skirmish lists will have and my starting campaign list lacks. On the other hand, one of our biggest boons is that the chaos don't have any Juve model equivelent, we just have Helots which are basically Gangers, so I can start with a 40pt infra-sight on each of my little chaos goons. Helots aren't particularly impressive, but they are cheap and they hit on 4+ and I need them specifically for chaos spawn.

I do have the option for a psyker, but I don't really like it. Maybe add one later. It's also a headache of extra rules to learn.

For future purchases, Booby Traps is at the top. Then looking at hot-shot packs for some of the lasguns and melee weapons. Respirators if I get some gas weapons. And, of course, I'll need to replace the models that become chaos spawn....

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15 hours ago, Ish said:

Advanced Idea Mechanics, or A.I.M., was one of Marvel Comics “go to” evil terrorist organizations made up of hordes of faceless goons, a few “jobber” supervillains, and one or two C-List mastermind villains.

Thematically, they were all rogue scientists and evil engineers, so their schemes tended to revolve around some super-science doomsday device, bizarre genetic engineering gone amok, and that sort of thing. Unlike HYDRA who tended to be used more for “political” stories about the evil Commies, or The Hand which was mostly used for magical plots.

Other than there hordes of goons, the most famous characters associated with A.I.M. is the rather goofy M.O.D.O.K. (Mechanized Organism Designed Only for Killing) 

Not that far from how I was planning to paint them anyway. Might have to go yellow instead of orange. I do like the look.



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This is a really neat idea for a gang, and those models are rad, Carl. You should totally go for it. Even if you don't get them before the campaign ends in two weeks, Ninefinger and I have been talking about running another one sometime in the not-so-distant future. These models would also be great for Kill Team cultists too

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M.O.D.O.K. is usually treated as a serious threat in the "main" Marvel Comics, but he's subject to endless parody in their humorous books (like Gwenpool where he recreates himself as a California surfer dude named B.R.O.D.O.K.) and in spin-offs like their cartoons. He's a classic creation from the Jack Kirby / Stan Lee era of classic Marvel, so he's got some chops... But, well, look at him. He's just Late Silver Age. They just don't make `em like that anymore.

Anyhoo, I've clearly hijacked your thread long enough.

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Oh, if wondering. Yaktribe List builder requires me to put starting helot with special weapons as a "specialist" when the reality is that 1 of the starting helots is allowed to take a special weapon, but it's not a different unit. So list is 7x helots, 2x disciples, 1x demagogue. The profile and costs are exactly the same.

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16 hours ago, paxmiles said:

Oh, if wondering. Yaktribe List builder requires me to put starting helot with special weapons as a "specialist" when the reality is that 1 of the starting helots is allowed to take a special weapon, but it's not a different unit. So list is 7x helots, 2x disciples, 1x demagogue. The profile and costs are exactly the same.

Nope.  Specialist is an advance a ‘ganger’ model can get that allows them to spend experience the same way as champions (etc). (Reminiscent of the “the lad’s got talent” roll in Mordheim)


the limit of one special weapon to a ganger type upon recruitment is not enforced via yaktribe in any way, you just have to be aware of it. 

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3 hours ago, ninefinger said:

Nope.  Specialist is an advance a ‘ganger’ model can get that allows them to spend experience the same way as champions (etc). (Reminiscent of the “the lad’s got talent” roll in Mordheim)


the limit of one special weapon to a ganger type upon recruitment is not enforced via yaktribe in any way, you just have to be aware of it. 

Yaktribe doesn't let any of the Helots take special weapons with a starting gang. Only by tagging them specialist do they they get the options they are supposed to have.

Anyway, that's why I was explaining it. I'm not starting with a bonus specialist, I'm just doing a work-around for a bug in yaktribe. I know he's a regular helot and will progress as such, but to get yaktribe to reflect his options he must be listed as a specialist. That's why I clarified it above.

As far as work-arounds go for army builders, this one is really easy.

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Huh, checked again and it works fine without any bugs. Can never tell if PC things are the PC changing things or me misremembering....

Anywho, fixed it.


Still haven't figured out how to output the yaktribe as a forum post. But the screenshot workaround seems to be working fine.

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2 minutes ago, ninefinger said:

Looks good, then.   Although I haven’t read up on chaos cults much.  

my personal taste is to try and have a little more variety in armament, just to make it easier to tell my models apart, but That also comes out of using the Gw kits that have only so many of each weapon. 

Yeah, I'm a bit worried about being able to tell them apart, especially for the first game.

Chaos cults is a weird one for campaign play. Can't start with any Chaos Spawn. End of each game, I have a chance that my "successful" cultists will become chaos spawn...It's not terrible, makes them a melee monster, but they also can't gain any xp and have very limited action choices.

In general, the "House list" for chaos cults is rather weird. No Juves at all (helots are basically Juves+Gangers). We can start with a 3rd champion (the psyker). But our starting equipment is crap - I mean, it not worthless, but it's very limited by comparison to the others. Chaos is paying dearly for their Spawn and Psyker options.

I've read up online. The typical chaos crew will be a lot of expendable models, infiltrating champions with flamers, and a crew leader that grants bonus shooting via a leadership skill. I didn't really want to go that direction, so my list doesn't have a lot of advice online on how to do it.

I was tinkering with list options. I could swap one of the starting Helots for Psyker and instead of giving them psychic powers, just make them into a Medic. Psyker can take Savant skills instead of psychic skills for their starting skill. Medical "+" would make it easier to tell that one apart...

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