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Khorne Space Wolves with Khorne Knight


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So I recently picked up the Lord of Skulls kit and am working on converting up some legs for it. I want to use it along with my pile of berserkers I own. So here is my Khorne army... well sort of.


Space Wolves



Lord on thunderwolf (Khorne Lord on Juggernaut)



5 Wolf Guard Terminators, power axes and combi plasma (easy one, Chaos Terminators)



4x 10 grey hunters in rhinos duel meltas (Khorne Berserkers)


Fast Attack

15 fenrisian wolves (Khorne hounds)


Heavy Support

Land Raider



Imperial Knight (Lord of Skulls)


2000 points... ish


So what do you think? Should be really fun to build after that who cares if it wins.

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Yeah it is the only way I can run a Chaos Knight without using "come the apocalypse" allies. Also makes the berserkers not suck so much.

Grey hunters really aren't the SW equilvelent of berserkers, that would be the, lacking, blood claws The Plague Marines or Chosen are a much closer fit to this unit. Likewise, black legion or crimson slaughter would probably do "beserkers" better with chosen or possessed instead of the beserker rules.


I do completely understand your desire to ditch the khorne beserkers, mostly just because of the CSM lack of viable assault transports...


Still, the big question, why SW? Black Templar Chapter Tactics probably fit Khorne the best (With Crusader Squads easily becoming Beserkers). Blood Angels would cause the least confusion visually. Also, SW are really paying quite a bit more per marine than most other chapters - I may have it wrong, but that's my understanding.

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The real aim here is to use an imperial knight with my chaos army. The only way to do a chaos knight with out using come the apocalypse allies is to proxy the chaos marines as something other then chaos.

Hmmm...I do see that point. Are the "come the apocalypse" rules really so bad that you dislike them that much? Or is it a dislike of other elements in the CSM codex?


Personally, I've been working on CSM (BL) with SM allies just because I want to be able to field my Dreadclaws (Drop Pods), so I can certainly relate to being frustrated with GW's lacking CSM support. In my case, come the apocalypse doesn't really matter because my allies tend to drop, disrupt and die before the two forces conflict - I don't really have concerns regarding my deployment within 12" of each other since my allies begin in reserve.


Another option would be to field khorne daemons as beserkers. Same issue with the come the apocalypse status of the titan, but just about the entire daemon army can deep strike, so keeping them away from eachother should be reasonably easy. I suppose, you could also just field the imperial knight as a Lord of Skulls (which is actually a pretty darn awesome titan in rules, but I hate the model because I don't play khorne).

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