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Resin Casting Workshop


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So, I've been thinking of putting on a resin casting workshop of sorts for Warhamsters. We've done some hobby days in the past (painting workshop, display bases), and they've been pretty fun. Casting is one of those hobby skills that can seem kind of daunting at first, but once you know how, it's easy and invaluable. I'm thinking I'd probably do it sometime in late January or February. It'd be 2 days, about 3 or 4 hours per day. Day one would be some introductory stuff, making mold boxes, and pouring silicone molds. Second day would be de-molding, prepping molds, and casting. The cost would depend on what you want to get out of it. If you want to just listen, it'd be free. Otherwise, I'd just give a nominal charge for consumables (gloves, mold release, hot glue, etc), and a at-cost charge for silicone and resin used.


Ideally, workshop participants would walk away with a mold of something, some castings from it, and the know-how on how to do it all. As such, I'd encourage folks to develop some models they'd like to cast ahead of time. We'd be doing open-faced molds only, so things like scenic elements or custom bases are probably best. In fact, custom bases are one of the best things to start with. I'd ask that you check with me first about what you're planning to cast, as we'd want to make certain that you're making something without too many undercuts that can be cast easily. 


I'd likely hold it at my house, as I've got everything at hand in my project room already. Should have plenty of workspace.


If you think you might be interested, chime in. If there are dates that won't work, or any other specifics, please post here. 

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Mr. Graham,


I would like to say that I have a "set schedule" but due to SWAT, family and the work stuff that always comes up I would much rather have you fine folks do a date that works best for you and if able, I attend that.


Thank you for your consideration but as my 40k gaming track record attests, a truly open day in my schedule is akin to seeing a leprechaun riding a unicorn over a rainbow bridge towards a sugar kingdom where the duckies and bunnies frolic without problem.


Stay safe,



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Jim, I doubt I will be able to attend but I do have some materials that I could donate to the cause.  (Unused resin and silicone.) I also have some simple molds that folks could use for practice - 30, 40, and 50mm forest-base molds (round-lipped, Malifaux style). 

Brad, I have that Haqq mini I sculpted for you that would be easy to make a 2-piece mold for, if that was something Jim was going to cover in the workshop, it might give you a headstart on casting for a tourney. 


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@Don - Hey! We rode that unicorn over the rainbow sugar bridge once. no reason it can't happen again.


@Nathan- my ventures into two part molds have been inconsistent. I'd be willing to help Brad give it a try, but would be worried that I'd ruin a good master. Better to have a more accomplished mold maker tackle it, I think.

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Crates and things are perfect.


Gotta talk through the details with my better half, but in the meantime, I suggest y'all do some work creating any masters you want to cast.


With bases, it means finding a good mix of the sizes you'll generally need. I suppose you could just create one or two bases, but you wouldn't have much variety and it would take forever to cast an army's worth. If you want to do some sort of scatter terrain or scenic elements, just about anything will work for the master. We'll be using tin-cured silicone, so we don't have to worry about anything impeding the cure.


Let me know if you need any help or suggestions!

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I'd love to be able to make it up for a weekend to do this, though my schedule is fairly all over the place right now. I miss you guys and would love to spend some time learning more resin stuff for making bases and dongs.


I think the better weekends for me right now are Jan31/Feb1, Feb 3/4, and Feb 31/1. We're heading to Texas mid February so that really closes off a good chunk of days for me.

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Mr. Graham,


When you say "create a master" does that mean, for example, I find some stuff and make it into stuff I'd like to cast?


Like if I found an oil barrel, an ammo box and two boxes... glue them together and that's my master?


Sorry for asking what's probably a basic question, but I have no problem looking silly or stupid if it means I gain insight or knowlege.  Actually, I have no problem looking silly or stupid ever because I'm me!  ha ha


Stay safe,



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