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New Warlord Titan


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via the Forgeworld Bulletin
There were plenty of questions asked at Salute about the latest video on theForge World Visual Feed. I don’t have many answers for you yet, but I did manage to snap something under construction in the Forge World Studio recently. Take a look... 

Building commences on something huge!

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Demand. People will buy it, so why not make it?

Really though? Seems like that model that you'd say you'll buy, but then you see the price tag and decide it would be cheaper to hire a team of engineers to make instead.


Does that giant TAU flyer sell very well?

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someone local needs to get this… so I can take my phantom to an Apoc event and not feel bad.  

Someone brought the phantom to Agent P's escalation league ending apocalypse, a while back.


Thing is huge, but I found the revenant titan considerably more broken. Has like like 30 hull points and crazy awesome weapons, but it only has normal super heavy walker movement. Chappy defeated it with BT in pods.

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The revenant is broken?  it only has like 3 structure points… where as the phantom has like 24 or close to that?… I will have to go back and look it when I get home.  but of course they are crazy… its APOC lol.  No one should be bringing them into a normal game of 40k lol.  The phantom only has normal super heavy walker movement… but it doesn't need to move much lol.

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The revenant is broken?  it only has like 3 structure points… where as the phantom has like 24 or close to that?… I will have to go back and look it when I get home.  but of course they are crazy… its APOC lol.  No one should be bringing them into a normal game of 40k lol.  The phantom only has normal super heavy walker movement… but it doesn't need to move much lol.

Issue is that 36" move that ignores everything. Almost nothing in 40k can catch it. The ranged weapons are nasty too. Oh, and GW thinks their reasonable for normal 40k....I'd much rather face the phantom than the revenant in normal 40k, as there are so many more ways to kill the phantom than their are to reliably kill the revenant thanks to that 36" move.

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lol - if someone wants to play me a game of 40k and they bring a superheavy without me knowing prior to the game ( like a Revenant)… thats the last time I play them.  Got no time for that kind of player.  Even a player that "THINKS IT'S OK" is not the person I would want to play.  Because thats simply silly… idiotic and rude.  


If your playing a game of 40k … and you want to take your revenant… you best be looking for a game specifically with those conditions known to your opponent.  If you don't - then yes… your the asshat.


Why you would play a game against someone whom plops that on the table without warning … is beyond me.  An un-fun game -- isn't worth your time going in… much better to pick up and move on without playing that person.  Now - if you wish to play a game of 40k with super heavies… and both sides bring their toys… for some reason not playing Apoc. then great.  Have fun.  


It's a superheavy titan - it's not "broken"… the game in which someone wants to bring one without the opponent having a chance to balance it… that… my friend, is broken.





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lol - if someone wants to play me a game of 40k and they bring a superheavy without me knowing prior to the game ( like a Revenant)… thats the last time I play them.  Got no time for that kind of player.  Even a player that "THINKS IT'S OK" is not the person I would want to play.  Because thats simply silly… idiotic and rude.  


If your playing a game of 40k … and you want to take your revenant… you best be looking for a game specifically with those conditions known to your opponent.  If you don't - then yes… your the asshat.


Why you would play a game against someone whom plops that on the table without warning … is beyond me.  An un-fun game -- isn't worth your time going in… much better to pick up and move on without playing that person.  Now - if you wish to play a game of 40k with super heavies… and both sides bring their toys… for some reason not playing Apoc. then great.  Have fun.  


It's a superheavy titan - it's not "broken"… the game in which someone wants to bring one without the opponent having a chance to balance it… that… my friend, is broken.





Not my call, that would be GW's much hated Escalation supplement, which allowed super heavies into normal games in 6th (without informing your opponent ahead of time), and still serves as a source of "legal" normal 40k super heavies for 7th.


I very much agree with you with regards to the above.


Back to my point, if you want to bring the phantom in games of apocalypse, I welcome it. I don't like the revenant, but the phantom is perfectly fair as far as I understand (I'd still suggest only having it in 10,000pt+ games, but that is most apocalypse games).

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regardless of "rules" if someone brings a revenant to a game of 40k without you knowing… unless its at a tourney (in which case the HOG is at fault)… you don't have to play it.  I know I wouldn't.  My opinion on GW allowing it - is more than likely in which both parties of the game would bring some - to bash on each other - not one sided affairs.  I could very well be wrong… as I don't have that supplement.


I took the phantom to the last Black Friday game… and I one-shoted a Warhound… it was funny - but not fun.  Granted my side had lots of big guns - but I think I took 10 points of damage in the entire game and hardly moved more than a few inches lol.  I won't take it again without more opposing big stuff.  But - its apoc… stuff gets blasted :)



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