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GK teleporter dreadknights gain bulky?


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Okay, GK dreadknight is a MC. If I take the personal teleporter upgrade, unit type becomes Jump MC. As a jump model, I gain the bulky rule...right?


As absurd as it sounds, can I transport a dreadknight?

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I don't believe there are any Transports currently capable of carrying a Monstrous Creature.

I could have it wrong, but I think the bulky rule allows models that cannot normally be transported to be transported, but they count as additional models. Otherwise the bulky rule really doesn't make much sense.


EDIT: Looks like I've got it wrong. Anyway, he would still gain the bulky rule, right? He just can't be transported by anything known.

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Nope bulky just tells you they count as 2 models when counting transport numbers. IE termies are bulky so they count ast 2 models each. So in a drop pod you can only have 5.


there's even very bulky(counts as 3 ) and extremely bulky ( counts as 4 ).

I got that part. Was just thinking that jump infantry being bulky would mean they count as 2 infantry for model transport, not 2 jump infantry.


There isn't a difference anymore.

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Stormlords can transport him. Or they could in 5th ed.


But those are supper heavy...etc

Not anymore. Lost the old apocalypse transport rules. After posting this, I went back and re-read escalation and the IA books. Really sad losses, as they were fun rules.


Looks like Thunderhawk can transport infantry, bikes and jump infantry. SR can transport jump infantry and infantry (and a dread).


Rapier Battery has extremely bulky, though I'm not sure what can transport it.

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Pax, yes the DK gains bulky and now I want to model a variation of the flux capacitor as a counts as personal teleporter to represent how the DK becomes "bulky"  :cool:

I found this gundam model that basically looks like a giant PA marine. He's got a big "anti-grav" like backpack, so he does look bulky.


I really hate the Dreadknight model itself. I love conversions of it, but the model is bizarre when assembled as per the instructions. He's got great rules, though.

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