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Circular Debates over Assault Rules - Was: New C:SM Stuff


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Full battle company, fully painted and based with corresponding squad markings. Built to proper Battle Company standards. 6 Tacs, 2 Assaults, 2 Devs. Not everyone can claim that.

Nah, not fully painted for sure. I've got easily 100 marines, though.


EDIT: even if I had it fully painted, my 100 marines wouldn't be as pretty or as fluffy as your 100 marines. Chappy, your armies are awesome.

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he big thing here is the example under the intro section: 


If an Ultramarines Tactical Squad is joined by an Imperial Fists Chaplain, it counts as neither an Ultramarines unit nor an Imperial Fists unit.

No more mixing and matching CTs. Can't just bring a WS character on a Bike and give Space Wolf TWC Hit and Run.


Doesn't work like that. Read how they re-did the Chapter Tactics. White Scars Models now gain H&R, not Units. WS now have Skilled Rider proper, too, so their ICs can pass that along to Bikes from other Armies.

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The Unit is neither an Ultramarine Unit or an Imperial Fists Unit, but the individual Models comprising it are still Ultramarine Models or Imperial Fist Models. So, for example, if you Join Lysander to an Ultramarine Tactical Squad, and then call Tactical Doctrine with the UM Chapter Tactic, they wouldn't get the benefit, because that specifies Ultramarine Units. But when Lysander is pounding on a Bastion with his Hammer, he still gets to re-roll Pens, because that benefit applies to Imperial Fists Models.

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OK, I re-read the bit about mixing Chapter Tactics, and it says there that it does take them away, even tho none of the Chapter Tactics actually care if you're a <CHAPTER> Unit, they're all on a Model-by-Model basis. It also says nothing whatsoever about when you Join SM ICs to Units from other Dexes, so even if it does go away when mixing Chapter Tactics, it doesn't seem to when mixing with other Bros.

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From next WD:


Crimson Fists: 

1. Warlord has Feel no Pain 
2. Warlord and his Unit get Counterattack and Relentless(?) as long as in 3" of an objective 
3. Warlord and his Unit get Hatred (Orks) and Preferred Enemy (Orks) 
4. If your Warlord doesn't shoot and run, choose one MODEL within 12". The Model uses the Warlord ballistic skill 
5. Eternal Warrior 
6. Warlord and units within 12" gain Fearless. 

Black Templars: 

1. Add +1 to WS and A to Warlords Profile 
2. If the Warlords Unit fail a moralcheck (within psychic or shooting phase), they instead run 2D6 towards the next enemy unit. 
3. Warlord has Hatred and Prefered Enemy against Psykers 
4. may reroll charge distance for Warlord and his unit. 
5. Warlord has Fearless SR and rerolls to hit in challenges. 
6. Warlord and all friendly units within 12" reroll all failed Morale, pinning or fearchecks.

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The more I'm thinking about Ravenguard scouts, the more I like it.  The new Dread rules make me think they could be OK as well.  


I'm thinking of a Ravenguard + Skitari force that would mesh up well with my current fluff that I build my armies around (fighting for or against Waagh Garaghak).  

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Hmmm, something along these lines I think:


Shrike:  140 (?)
10 Space Marine Scouts:  140
  Vet Sarge:  Power Axe, Meltabombs
10 Space Marine Scouts:  140
  Vet Sarge:  Power Axe, Meltabombs
10 Space Marine Scouts:  140
  Vet Sarge:  Power Axe, Meltabombs
10 Space Marine Scouts:  140
  Vet Sarge:  Power Axe, Meltabombs
10 Space Marine Scouts:  140
  Vet Sarge:  Power Axe, Meltabombs
10 Space Marine Scouts:  140
  Vet Sarge:  Power Axe, Meltabombs
Dreadnought:  100 + 35
  Drop Pod
Dreadnought:  100 + 35
  Drop Pod
10 Vanguard Vets:  275 (?)
  5  Meltabombs
  2 Power Axes
2 X Drop Pods 2 x 35
Skitari Maniple:  
10 Skitarii Vanguard:  200 
 3 Plasma Calivers
10 Skitarii Vanguard:  200 
 3 Plasma Calivers
That 1995 pts
I could obviously move things around to make it work differently, but I like how this looks as a framework.  
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It certainly might be a place to shave points, but it gives me cheapish AP2.

Your call, but I've had really horrible results with power axes and power fists on scouts. You can get it to work, but you need an IC in the unit to accept challenges so the unwieldy model doesn't get singled out. It isn't as big an issue with TDA or PA units, but those 4+ saves just fail too often.

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