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Fall Ordo 40k plans


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Just a heads up to people of what I'm thinking of doing for 40k for Ordo in the fall.  June 6th is Annihilation 2.  Then July is OFCC.  August will be an off month.  Time for family vacations and such.  


But I'm thinking that September will begin with "Annihilation 3: Total Annihilation," and that will kick off a 12 week ladder league.  The league will be 1850 points, so not an escalation league.  But I will come up with a system for rewarding hobbling progress, and of course as usual there will be a reward for bringing food to game night.  Each week of the ladder league players will challenge someone above them on the ladder.  I'm going to be making a physical board with placards to be kept in the club as a visual reminder of glory and shame for all.  Then I'm thinking that all this will culminate in "Annihilation 4: This time It's Personal" in December.


Nothing set in stone yet, but I wanted people to know that organized 40k play will be returning in the fall, so prepare.

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Cool I have really been hoping we would get another 40k league started up again. I like how you are taking into account a ranking system as well, should keep matches more interesting. I also really liked the variable mission structure of the previous league. Thanks for coordinating this.

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