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Brother Solomon

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So I don't know about any of you but I love Dwarfs


What bothers me is that GW got rid of the Squats back in 2nd Edition. After hearing about them I still wish they were a field-able army. Under house rules would I be able to bring back the Squats and field them? And if all else fails could I just have an aesthetic Squat army as Space Marines?


I would assume it would be a lot of converting, but could I use other models from companies other than GW? They would have the correct size bases and everything. 


Also, I can see one main issue is points for the models, which is why I decided if all else fails I could use them as Space Marines.


I would appreciate all feedback on this issue. Thanks!

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If you really want some Squat type rules produced by GW, you will have to look to Forgeworlds Horus Heresy series. In Book V: Tempest there are rules for Imperial Militia which are highly customisable and Forgeworld hid something in there....


It is possible to get an army of Guard-type guys with T4, 4+ armour, and Bolters (and -1 to Run, Chase, and Flee) that can take a bucket ton of Thudd Guns...

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I really disliked the Squat line back when GW was selling it, and when they axed it, I admit... I smiled.


Now, many moons later, I love dwarves (well, some dwarves), and as the others have mentioned, Mantic makes some pretty awesome space-dwarves, especially the ones in armor.


Most reasonable folk would probably be fine with you using your space dwarves to 'count as' Marines, as long as you make it clear what each  unit was ahead of time... but some people get touchy about stuff like that. If you play with friends, just ask if they'd be ok with it. If most of your games are pick-up games, I figure you'd still be ok for the most part.


For tournament play, check with the TO first to see what level of proxy is allowed.


Good luck!

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For tournament play, check with the TO first to see what level of proxy is allowed.


Just to address this, most tournaments are 100% okay with good counts-as, which using Forge Fathers as Space Marines is. As long as your models are clearly represented, consistent and cool, you will be fine.

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Guest Mr. Bigglesworth

It goes a long way to hand an army list to your opponent with pics of the alternative model and what unit it represents if the models are not obvious.


It reduces the chance of opponent saying I thought that unit was this. Be willing to explain over and over again what each models is.

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If you really want some Squat type rules produced by GW, you will have to look to Forgeworlds Horus Heresy series. In Book V: Tempest there are rules for Imperial Militia which are highly customisable and Forgeworld hid something in there....


It is possible to get an army of Guard-type guys with T4, 4+ armour, and Bolters (and -1 to Run, Chase, and Flee) that can take a bucket ton of Thudd Guns...


This is FANTASTIC news.  Though, I'm not sure the 30k stuff is a straight translation to 40k, or am I wrong? 

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