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Would like C&C on this Tau list


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Going to bring something along these lines to Guardian Cup Lite.  I'm really enjoying painting them up, and it is going fast. If I can get the list/strategy to a state where I'm only somewhat sucking, as opposed to mega-sucking I may bring them to LVO.  So help me out, oh all you who are more tactically minded than I:


+++ New Roster (1847pts) +++

++ Tau Empire: Codex (2015) (Tau Hunter Contingent Detachment) ++
+ Core +
Hunter Cadre
········Commander [2x MV7 Marker Drone]
············XV8 Commander Crisis Suit [Command and Control Node, Drone Controller, XV8-02 Crisis 'Iridium' Battlesuit]
········XV104 Riptide Battlesuits
············Riptide Shas'vre [Early Warning Override, Ion Accelerator, Twin-linked Fusion Blaster]
········XV104 Riptide Battlesuits
············Riptide Shas'vre [Early Warning Override, Heavy Burst Cannon, Twin-linked Smart Missile System, Velocity Tracker]
····Fast Attack
········Drones [4x MV7 Marker Drone]
····Heavy Support
········KV128 Stormsurges
············KV128 Stormsurge [Early Warning Override, Pulse Driver Cannon, Shield Generator, Twin-linked Airbursting Fragmentation Projector]
········XV88 Broadside Battlesuits [2x MV4 Shield Drone]
············Broadside [Early Warning Override, Twin-linked High-Yield Missile Pod, Twin-linked Smart Missile System]
············Broadside [Early Warning Override, Twin-linked High-Yield Missile Pod, Twin-linked Smart Missile System]
········Strike Team [DS8 Tactical Support Turret, 5x Fire Warrior with Pulse Rifle]
········Strike Team [DS8 Tactical Support Turret, 5x Fire Warrior with Pulse Rifle]
········Strike Team [5x Fire Warrior with Pulse Rifle]
+ Auxiliary +
Optimized Stealth Cadre
····XV25 Stealth Battlesuits [stealth Shas'ui with Burst Cannon, Stealth Shas'ui with Burst Cannon, Stealth Shas'ui with Burst Cannon]
····XV25 Stealth Battlesuits [stealth Shas'ui with Burst Cannon, Stealth Shas'ui with Burst Cannon, Stealth Shas'ui with Burst Cannon]
····XV95 Ghostkeel Battlesuits
········Ghostkeel Shas'vre [Fusion Collider, Twin-linked Fusion Blaster]
········Ghostkeel Shas'vre [Cyclic Ion Raker, Target Lock, Twin-linked Fusion Blaster, Velocity Tracker]
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I like it!  I would definitely give the Commander the extra equipment, as he gives the abilities to the whole damn Coordinated Fire team.  And I'm personally running the Burst Cannons on the Ghostkeels instead of the Fusion, so that they can try to stay outside 12" for their double cover save... figure they're shooting rear armor anyway so the Cannons should work.  All theory-hammer though, I have zero actual experience so I'm pretty sure you can ignore me safely :)


It's kinda scary how similar all our Tau armies are looking!  Hunter Cadre w/ min Firewarriors, Markers, 1-2 Riptide(s) and Stormsurge + Optimized Stealth Cadre w/ 2 Ghostkeel + Buffmander.  At least my stupid Grey Knight allies will differentiate my army from yours by making it suckier ;)


What color scheme you thinking?


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If Coordinated Fire lets you share rules, you want a Multispectrum Sensor and Puretide Chip. If it doesn't, I would say drop the CCN and go with a pair of Missile Pods, a Target Lock, and the Puretide Chip (and Controller/Iridium, obviously.)


Shield Drones are garbage; go with Missile Drones for the Broadsides instead.


LH has a point- with Coordinated Fire, there's very little reason to combined units when you don't have to. Separate the Broadsides and their respective drones. And yeah, Shield Generator is probably too expensive. Just take toe-in for some 4+ cover instead.


Not sure why you have a Velocity Tracker on the Ghostkeel; a lot of the common airplanes (Stormraven, Stormtalon, Fire Raptor, everything Eldar and Ork) are the same AVs all around. Also, don't take the Fusion Collider, the Ion Raker is vastly better. You can either have one Meltagun or three Autocannons- not a tough choice.


Two Riptides, a Stormsurge, and two Ghostkeels feels like a bit overkill. You could probably drop a Riptide to fill out some of your other stuff a bit more- add a couple more Broadsides, some Marker Drones, a turret for that last Striker squad, etc.

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If Coordinated Fire lets you share rules, you want a Multispectrum Sensor and Puretide Chip. If it doesn't, I would say drop the CCN and go with a pair of Missile Pods, a Target Lock, and the Puretide Chip (and Controller/Iridium, obviously.)


Oh shoot I didn't realize this was also under debate... I thought that the fact that they fire as one unit meant the abilities are spread to everyone, and that the question was whether models with Target Lock, and/or GCs, could shoot at a different target and still get any Coordinated Fire benefits.  To me the TL guys obviously would not get it, but the GC is a better question, presuming the Stormsurge fires at least one weapon at the CF target.


I don't care how it pans out I'd just like to know so I can design my army around the right rules.  Shoot!

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Oh shoot I didn't realize this was also under debate... I thought that the fact that they fire as one unit meant the abilities are spread to everyone, and that the question was whether models with Target Lock, and/or GCs, could shoot at a different target and still get any Coordinated Fire benefits.  To me the TL guys obviously would not get it, but the GC is a better question, presuming the Stormsurge fires at least one weapon at the CF target.


I don't care how it pans out I'd just like to know so I can design my army around the right rules.  Shoot!

Pretty much everyone feels it's completely clear at first glance, and then they start comparing with other people, who think it's also completely clear, but quite different. Definitely a poorly written Rule.

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So thank you all for this feedback.  Very interesting.


@LH - Yes, you're absolutely correct, I should break up the broadsides.  I will do that.


@AP - So, here are my thoughts/concerns.  In regards to the commander, if the ITC rules that his buffs are shared, the I'll have to reimagine him.  But playing it safe, and saying that the buffs are not shared beyond his unit, then his role changes.  Right now, I have him running in a unit of drones, so the upgrades are not useful, as you say.  I'd love to have him with pods and a TL, but the question is points.

I'm willing to try missile drones.  Although shield drones on broadsides have worked well for me in the past.  They've often given me an extra turn of not being dead with the broadsides, which has been valuable.  Nevertheless, I'll test out the missile drones.

As to the Ghostkeel, I guess I had it in my head that the fliers were running with differentiated armor values, but I see you are correct and the majority are not.  I'll probably move the velocity tracker to the other riptide in that case.


Finally, the second riptide.  My concern in losing it, is the loss in mobile objective grabbing options.  The broadsides are immobile, and the fire warriors are not good at advancing.  This gives me the riptides, the stormsurge, the ghostkeels, and the two minimum sized (and quick to die) stealth squads, as my only tools for changing objective targets.  I'm very nervous about losing that second riptide for that reason.  Do you have suggestions for spending the 190 or so Riptide points in a way that both keeps the firepower level of the army constant, but also keeps the mobile objective grabbing options at the current level?  

@NtK - I've played Tau since they came out, and my models have went through many color iterations.  They began a grey/brown combo for a couple years.  I then repainted them into a white scheme very similar to the new GW scheme.  But when the riptide released I took the opportunity to redo the scheme into the traditional Tau ochre.  Here is a photo:


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Strongly recommend keeping the shield dronees on the Broadsides.  With Look Out Sir available, the Drone will probably only take the Instant Death wounds for you.  which is great.  The Broadsides are not there to win games for you.  they are there for flexibility and yes, their usefulness against reserves.  They are very good units to absorb unwarranted enemy shooting.


Marker Swarms are in fact excellent.


I'm pretty torn on the Ghostkeel armaments.  i will not claim a super strong opinion yet.  I think try it both ways for now and see what you get and Ill be very interested to hear your reports on that.  I myself now own three and am going to go all kinds of unorthodox on people, but frankly, no one has enough experience yet to truly tell you the truth of the matter on how they will perform "out in space", where terrain and other realities intrude.  My Tau experience tells me they are going to be significantly good at the role i plan for them but your list looks different than mine will, so again, I would very much appreciate hearing your reports from the front so i can learn.


With enough Markerlights, those two Riptides will be terrors.  You look light on markerlight sources so you may wish to consider that.  An 84 point option I have grown to embrace very strongly is the Sniper Drone unit with 3 Firesight Marksman.

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I agree that I'd light on markers, but again, the question is where to find those points.

Shield Generator, for sure.  50 points right there.  Done.  Worth it.  Until it actually costs you some GAMES not to have it:  drop it.


Leave Smart missiles on both Riptides.  Theres some points (melta is cool and all but its not like you dont have enough other answers and 18" aint going to be anywhere near the enemy when it matters much if you're winning)


DS8's can go.


There's your points.  Get yourself a Sniper Drone unit.  84 points of "HELL YES!" 3 extra super accurate markerlights.  Sniper Drones aren't bad either, hitting on 2's as they do so for what its worth, those shots can be your compensation for the DS8's I think.  Wont do the same damage but..  meh.  Again, firepower isnt your problem.  Bringing it to bear is.

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I can't go with you on removing the turrets.  The 10pt turrets are, in my opinion, a gem of an addition for the new codex.  They make a 5 man fire warrior squad marginally useful.


I'm terrified of losing the shield on the stormsurge, but I suppose I'll try it for a few games.

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Oh wow your guys look awesome!!!


I had a Tau army back when I picked up 40k, but I never got around to painting it partly because I could never pick a color scheme!  The traditional Tau ochre has always looked great to me, but then again I really like the striking look of the new white.  Or a mix.  Or the sage green of the stealth suits... haha!

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I don't like Shield Drones because 95% of the time, you will be rolling a 4+ armor save or a 4+ cover save anyways, so their invuln is irrelevant. And those rare times when you're taking AP2 Ignores Cover wounds... they still fail 50% of the saves, so chances are good that you take a morale check and run off the table anyways. Moreover, with 7E's way of handling shooting, it's very easy for the opponent to shoot you with their weaker guns first to pick off the drones, then fire the heavy weapons where you would want to have the invuln once they are dead.

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Entirely your choice, but I don't know if i like how it makes you immobile.  I'm not a gun liner so...  Mobility for the win.

 I agree with mobility, I've just not seen a min sized fire warrior squad be effective at advancing and grabbing objectives.  A full squad in a fish, sure.  But the tax for the fish is too great.

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