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Question regarding super friends deathstar


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Hey guys so i have a buddy who plays an iron hands deathstar on bikes. Yesterday we played a game and he had added 2 wolf guard battle leaders into the mix and had 2 servitors on foot. What really kinda got me and i didnt say anything as its just a friendly game is how does he unlock 2 wolf guard battle leaders and then not also have other troop choices? And my question for you guys is how do you deal with super friends? Seems to be a relevant list around the Vancouver and portland area and i just havent got a clue on how to deal with it. I run orks with a big mek stompa or the new formation they have or a talon strike force and the talon strike force is the weakest option i have just due to lack of models.


For all the various super friends deathstar combos what have you found works best to deal with them.

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I know. The balance issue doesnt 100% kill the game for me im chill with some armies that are inherently stronger but when you want to have a good game and you get the super friends deathstar just kinda kills it for me. I feel like competitive players should be able to take a list and run it without the use of a deathstar

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I know. The balance issue doesnt 100% kill the game for me im chill with some armies that are inherently stronger but when you want to have a good game and you get the super friends deathstar just kinda kills it for me. I feel like competitive players should be able to take a list and run it without the use of a deathstar

They do.

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I know. The balance issue doesnt 100% kill the game for me im chill with some armies that are inherently stronger but when you want to have a good game and you get blood angels rhino rush just kinda kills it for me. I feel like competitive players should be able to take a list and run it without the use of blood angels rhino rush



I know. The balance issue doesnt 100% kill the game for me im chill with some armies that are inherently stronger but when you want to have a good game and you get iron warriors 4 heavies just kinda kills it for me. I feel like competitive players should be able to take a list and run it without the use of iron warriors 4 heavies




I know. The balance issue doesnt 100% kill the game for me im chill with some armies that are inherently stronger but when you want to have a good game and you get serpent spam just kinda kills it for me. I feel like competitive players should be able to take a list and run it without the use of serpent spam




I know. The balance issue doesnt 100% kill the game for me im chill with some armies that are inherently stronger but when you want to have a good game and you get invincible falcon rush just kinda kills it for me. I feel like competitive players should be able to take a list and run it without the use of invincible falcon rush


I wish I could edit the dates on those to reflect the proper years...

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Did the OP get his answer? Looks like it. Thread success!


Star Trek :Attack Wing Borg ships have the same "Super Friends" deathstar issue. They start out with inherent advantages, that on their own dont break things but then allowing them to have Federation or Klingon or Romulan stuff added which were designed for ships that are not posessed of those peculiar advantages and you get shenanigans.

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But to answer you how to deal with them, there are some tricks.


Stomp is a brutal mechanic that can erase a deathstar. Relying on a 6 is never a great idea but it is a very real threat.


Psychic powers are brutal too. Debuffs can take the wind out of a star. Shriek is brutal as well if the unit is lacking a lot of Invuls.


Grav weapons are very affordable and reliable. Plus there are plenty of platforms to put them on.


But the best way is probably weight of dice. Buckets of dice will kill almost anything.


Adapt and overcome.

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But to answer you how to deal with them, there are some tricks.


Stomp is a brutal mechanic that can erase a deathstar. Relying on a 6 is never a great idea but it is a very real threat.


Psychic powers are brutal too. Debuffs can take the wind out of a star. Shriek is brutal as well if the unit is lacking a lot of Invuls.


Grav weapons are very affordable and reliable. Plus there are plenty of platforms to put them on.


But the best way is probably weight of dice. Buckets of dice will kill almost anything.


Adapt and overcome.

Also, play the Mission, take out the Support Units, hold Objectives. Try to place Objectives as far apart as possible. When he starts breaking dudes off from the Star to get more flexible, focus them down. The recent WolfStar vs. CentStar BatRep on FLG had some pretty good examples of this, from both sides.

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well if you play under ITC< space wolves have chapter tactics, effectively, as do the other books. which eliminates the CT of the main book guys. which stops superfriends really. try playing under ITC for your friendly games?


as for how to deal with it with orkz? well, okay. Either your own superfriends deathstar (maybe), tank shocking with trucks. it can force the unit to move back/away, and might break it and push it back for a turn or so. use some forgeworld and grab a big mek stompa and give him the dirty D. as for base book, a big ass squad of kila kanz. here's why I say this. they will probably take a while to kill. ONLY the characters will really be hurting them, the kraks might, but if even one KK is left, it holds the entie turn. also, tie up smashbuddy with a nob, and have a warboss or two (they are cheap enough) gut the unit with their str 10 PKs.

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well if you play under ITC< space wolves have chapter tactics, effectively, as do the other books. which eliminates the CT of the main book guys. which stops superfriends really. try playing under ITC for your friendly games?


as for how to deal with it with orkz? well, okay. Either your own superfriends deathstar (maybe), tank shocking with trucks. it can force the unit to move back/away, and might break it and push it back for a turn or so. use some forgeworld and grab a big mek stompa and give him the dirty D. as for base book, a big ass squad of kila kanz. here's why I say this. they will probably take a while to kill. ONLY the characters will really be hurting them, the kraks might, but if even one KK is left, it holds the entie turn. also, tie up smashbuddy with a nob, and have a warboss or two (they are cheap enough) gut the unit with their str 10 PKs.

Space wolves do not have chapter tactics. Not that this really changes anything. It just prevents an Iron Hands Conclave from being mixed with a WS command squad or something.

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I'm aware they do not in vanilla 40k. yes. I thought I remembered reading something about them being considered to have it in ITC, but I do not see it in the FAQ so I was mistaken.


The rest of my points are valid.

It was voted on but didn't pass.  Would have made almost no difference though because Space Wolves + Dark Angels would have been unaffected (and is almost unarguably the better super friends build as well as the most unfluffy)

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The balance in 30k isn't that much better. The Legions special rules don't match at all. Alpha is by far the strongest. Death Guard are a joke compared to them.


Have you seen the newest updated Legion Astartes rules? They pumped up the Book 1 legions particularly and the overall balance is even better. Furthermore, I'd say Iron Hands are arguably as strong if not stronger than Alphas (whose real strength is versatility and Martial Hubris is a pretty big downside).

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