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The Other METAL Thread: AKA Help Needed Moving a Studio

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Hey folks, 


I could use help moving my girlfriend's goldsmithing setup into her new studio on State st.  This is going to be awesome as the space is large enough that I will have part of it as my painting studio. 


My stuff is easy to move, but she has a couple work benches, shelves and furniture that will be easiest moved with some help.  We will be unloading this Sunday at 5, and buying beer and pizza after for anyone who comes to assist.  It's not a lot of stuff, and shouldn't take more than about 30-45 minutes if we have 3 or 4 strapping young lads to help.


Location is 1059 N State St, Bellingham, WA 98225, above BAAY. 


If you can help, it would be muchly appreciated!



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I'm in. The fact that you all are getting your own studio space is too cool for words.


Oh. I'm neither strapping nor young, though. How about feeble and old?


Feeble old lads also help! Thanks!  Man, having an actual space to work and not painting in the living room is going to let me step it up considerably. 


id offer my help but im supposed to turn in my thesis on monday and im still waiting for my prof to give me feedback so I can make the final edits. Ill probably be spending the entire weekend+ working on it. So if it turns out to not be very bad I can help.


An acceptable excuse! If you're free, come by. Looks like with Jim, Kacy, and my friend Dave there will be 5 of us. We should be able to knock it out real quick.  If you help me move my girlfriend's Lapidary Journals from 1999, then I will owe you a beer. Turns out she's deeply nerdy, just nerdy for rocks.


Good luck Nathan! This kind of thread makes me yearn for the 'ham! Metal Studio space and painting space, to cool!


Thanks, man!  Hopefully next time you're up, you can swing by and there will be fresh paintings on the walls!


I'm free Sunday so count me in!


Sweet, thanks Kacy!


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I decided to check ordo for the first time in a week whilst pooping at 4:58


I say, you missed a cracking good time! I mean it's not every day that you get to carry a giant safe (full of gold bullion, apparently) up a flight of winding, rickety stairs.  :smile:

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That thing was heavy! 


Thanks again to Jim, Kacy, and Dave. That was SOOOOO much easier than just Sacha and I moving.  Jim - I've got your beers tonight!


Sacha went to town scraping walls and cleaning yesterday, and this morning we bought paint.  By the time I get to game night, it should be looking halfway decent.


We are shooting for being open Friday for Art Walk from 6-9 - if you are out and about, stop by! I will be painting something cool.  We are at 1059 N State St above BAAY.

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Wow, that's fast. Congrats!


Turns out there is a conflict - no art walk for us this month! (Or next month - GRR....) 


However we have made a ton of progress with painting and setup.  I am going to take my painting supplies there tonight, and try to do my first work there either this evening or tomorrow morning. 


We are going to try and work with the other artist up there and maybe some of the folks in downtown spaces nearby to try and do something for Saturdays after artwalk, I think. People are downtown for the farmer's market... Maybe call it the "Art Walk of Shame"... :D


Thanks again to all who helped, and just to reiterate - don't come by on Friday! We won't be there!

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