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Looking for past OFCC 40k lists


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hi folks,

I don’t know that I’ll be competing at an 40K OFCC event anytime soon, but I was just wondering if  Ordo or one of its members keeps a repository of past lists and their ratings. I like to create lists with the spirit of OFCC in mind and I recall that I had some difficulty gauging an appropriately scaled list in the past. 
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Yeah, I see your point. Although I'm new to 40k, it's really apparent how rapidly the meta changes based on GWs release schedule. I guess I'm just curious how formations/detachments were received, specifically the wraith host formation, and if some codexes are given more leeway due to their age and viability of units. With regard to the latter, I've always been a fan of dark elder and was curious how even a tougher list might rate against opponents fielding newer toys.

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I'll try to find it, but I faced a khorne list (2 years ago) that was definitely "eat your face".  I think maybe my Tau were tabled in turn 2...  I was sure that I had no place at that game with the list I brought.  Knife to a nuke fight kind of situation.  I'm sure that I am wrong, but it seems like he had 8 models... That being said, if that list I faced makes it through the LRC then I don't know why anyone would take anything but the equivalent of that.  I got a cool shot glass though...

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 There is usually 2 40k events at OFCC,the main one being a 40k Team event which I highly recommend as you can play a list that YOU want to play,the fluffier the better!


 Then there is the Friday 3 round ITC tournament,,that one you will want to bring the latest filth in order to have a chance at the top tables.


  I was in the Team event a couple years back,had a great time running an idiotic Ork walker list.Even though my stats only showed I won one game /rolleyes..the truth is I won every game I played!..in the "easy to play" and "fun to play" catagories that is:).Best part is my opponents had a great time too!


 If you dont have a team as the time nears next Spring/Summer no worries,there is always teams that are short players,plus theres usually several that need a team and its easy to join up and form one.


 OR...you can dig out your fantasy collection and join us for some AoS action /biggrin

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Thanks for the feedback folks. I may just have to attend some year to get the lay of the land, but unfortunately I'll have to resign myself to theory-hammering until I sufficiently recover. Still look a tad like Stephen Hawking on a good day. I have a rough eldar list below for your perusal, but I think it captures the basic gist of the force I would ' theoretically' bring.

+++ New Roster (1848pts) +++

++ Eldar Craftworlds: Codex (2015) (Combined Arms Detachment) ++
+ HQ +
Farseer [Eldar Jetbike, Singing Spear, The Spirit Stone of Anath'lan]
+ Troops +
Dire Avengers [9x Dire Avenger]
Dire Avenger Exarch
Power Weapon and Shimmershield [Power Sword]
Wave Serpent [shuriken Cannon, Twin-linked Scatter Laser]
Windriders [4x Windrider w/ Twin-linked Shuriken Catapult]
Windriders [4x Windrider w/ Twin-linked Shuriken Catapult]
Windrider w/ Scatter Laser [scatter Laser]
+ Fast Attack +
Warp Spiders [5x Warp Spider]
++ Eldar Craftworlds: Codex (2015) (Formation Detachment) ++
+ Formation +
Wraith Host [spiritseer]
Wraithblades [2x Ghostswords, 5x Wraithblade]
Wave Serpent [shuriken Cannon, Twin-linked Scatter Laser]
Wraithguard [Wraithcannon, 5x Wraithguard]
Wraithguard [D-Scythe, 5x Wraithguard]
Wraithknight [2x Heavy Wraithcannon]
Wraithlord [bright Lance, 2x Flamer, Ghostglaive, Scatter Laser]
Created with BattleScribe (http://www.battlescribe.net)
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Thanks for the feedback folks. I may just have to attend some year to get the lay of the land, but unfortunately I'll have to resign myself to theory-hammering until I sufficiently recover. Still look a tad like Stephen Hawking on a good day. I have a rough eldar list below for your perusal, but I think it captures the basic gist of the force I would ' theoretically' bring.

+++ New Roster (1848pts) +++

++ Eldar Craftworlds: Codex (2015) (Combined Arms Detachment) ++
+ HQ +
Farseer [Eldar Jetbike, Singing Spear, The Spirit Stone of Anath'lan]
+ Troops +
Dire Avengers [9x Dire Avenger]
Dire Avenger Exarch
Power Weapon and Shimmershield [Power Sword]
Wave Serpent [shuriken Cannon, Twin-linked Scatter Laser]
Windriders [4x Windrider w/ Twin-linked Shuriken Catapult]
Windriders [4x Windrider w/ Twin-linked Shuriken Catapult]
Windrider w/ Scatter Laser [scatter Laser]
+ Fast Attack +
Warp Spiders [5x Warp Spider]
++ Eldar Craftworlds: Codex (2015) (Formation Detachment) ++
+ Formation +
Wraith Host [spiritseer]
Wraithblades [2x Ghostswords, 5x Wraithblade]
Wave Serpent [shuriken Cannon, Twin-linked Scatter Laser]
Wraithguard [Wraithcannon, 5x Wraithguard]
Wraithguard [D-Scythe, 5x Wraithguard]
Wraithknight [2x Heavy Wraithcannon]
Wraithlord [bright Lance, 2x Flamer, Ghostglaive, Scatter Laser]
Created with BattleScribe (http://www.battlescribe.net)


Just curious, how many D weapons is that?

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12, but only 2 that can't be avoided or tied up relatively easily. WraithGuard are pretty reasonable when they're not coming in through a Webway Portal or something.

So then D weapons are totally welcome at the upcoming OFCC? For a long while, there was quite a bit of resistance to D weapons being allowed in "friendly" environments. 

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That looks great to me for an Eldar OFCC list.


Also, given your icon, I would have expected you to compare yourself to David Lo Pan, not Hawking ;)


Nephren-Ka just wants his truck back. I'm primarily running the wraith host because I have models, they're kitted out as such, and I really like the aesthetics. Just got a thing for dead space elves piloting automata. Not many options for weaponry, and I intentionally withheld wave serpents so they would have to foot slog it up the field with low range guns.

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