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Warhamsters Annual Gift Exchange (Dirty Santa) Dec 13, 2016


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It's that time of year again when nerds gather around a table filled with poorly wrapped gifts and fight over bottles of liquor and board games... it's time for the Warhamsters annual gift exchange!


For those new to the club, we've been doing gift exchanges for years and it's always been great fun for all. If you're feeling up to it, here's how it works (mostly copied from last year):


1. Get a gift that a Warhamster would like to receive. If you pay money for it, it should be between $20 and $35 in value or so. You can go higher if you're flush, lower if you're not. It's OK to pick something from your stash if you have old minis, games, scotch, or the like that you think someone else might like. But it should be something cool. Try not to make it a gift that requires people to spend money to use, but more something that is cool and fun right out of the box.


2. Wrap it.


3. Bring it to the Warhamster Yule bash, date and time to be determined, but probably a Tuesday night near Christmas.


4. Put them in a pile. Shake presents, inspect them, taste the wrapping paper.


5. Play a game of "dirty Santa" with your fellow Warhamsters: http://dirtysantarules.blogspot.com/ Jim will come up with something extra for the giver of the first gift that is retired. (or if someone else has something good, speak up!)


6. Profit!


I'm adding a poll for which Tuesday in December we'd like to do. I've made it a checkbox one so whichever weeks you can attend, vote for those and we'll pick the highest. There is no requirement for entering except for bringing a gift. Whether last week was your first week down to the shop or you're a grizzled 'Hamster of many years past, you're still welcome to join us! Look forward to seeing you all there!



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Challenge accepted! I know just the thing.


Also, I won't be in town on the 20th.  :sad: We should help Joey with his birthday.

Fair warning, the chances of Joey ending (or perhaps beginning) the night wearing naught but his "whiskey vest" and his skivvies are somewhere in the area of 100%. Enter at your own risk.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Hell of a gift exchange, if I can be so bold as to say. Came home to realize that WhizKids had deleted my Quarriors app from the App Store, so it made me extra extra happy to have snagged the D&D Dicemasters set (thanks, Christian!). I've got to say, though: we've become decidedly more alcoholic as a gift-giving group. Not saying that's a problem, just saying that's a thing.

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