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Everything posted by jollyork

  1. I love when Rogre’s head pops up from behind the pitch.
  2. "Why is your Kastellan charging?" "FREEEEEEEBLADE!!!!"
  3. This. The Krast Warlord Trait on any big Knight is a guaranteed death machine. The HH tradition is also good, though I agree it's hard to pick any one as the best. They are all good when you take a list to make use of it. I was thinking more about making a Knights list fun for your opponents, and potentially an all Freeblade list would be entertaining. Four mid-size Knights that all have Qualities and Burdens could be an entertaining narrative during the game.
  4. Hmm, I think the answer is in the codex, not the FAQ, but upon rereading it I find you may be correct in any case. This is the wording from the codex: ...Battle-forged armies that include IMPERIAL KNIGHTS Detachments – that is, any Detachment which includes only IMPERIAL KNIGHTS units. I interpreted this designation as a choice, but it seems fair to interpret it as mandatory. My list was based on a Super-heavy Detachment with 3 Armigers, but this line appears to say that because I only included IK units, it has to be an IK Detachment. Fortunately, I only used 9 CPs during the game. 😎
  5. Fun for me, and I'd need to make my opponents painfully aware of what they are facing in advance. I'm sure they are still viewed as difficult. As for OFCC, I think this list is about as tame as a Knights list can be. There are certainly ways to make it meaner.
  6. This is correct, but not accurate. An Imperial Knights Detachment, which is a Super-heavy Detachment comprised of only Imperial Knights, requires at least 1 Titanic model to get CPs (or rather, avoid having the Command Benefit switch to None). A Super-heavy Detachment only requires 3 Lords of War, which Armigers count for. Using Armigers for this purpose is documented in the codex as an example of a detachment. My list is: -Battle-forged (3 CPs) -Imperial Knights Detachment (3 CPs) with 3 Titanic models (+3 CPs) -Super-heavy Detachment (3 CPs) -Total: 12 CPs
  7. Preface: I play one game of each edition of 40K, always telling myself this will be the start of a glorious age of gaming in the new edition. This is promptly followed by never playing again. Thanks to @DisruptiveConduct (DC) for teaching me the new rules as we played. His patience knows no bounds. Game: 100 PL of my IK vs DC's Genestealer Cult. Hammer & Anvil deployment. Armies: DC took a bunch of bugs and some annoying psychic dudes (triply annoying because Knights have no psychic defense) plus a SHADOWSWORD super-heavy tank. I took this list, assuming it will be a common build with the new codex: Household Tradition: Krast -Imperial Knights Detachment (6 CP + 3 CP for Battle-forged) -Knight Castellan (the shooty Dominus, Warlord Trait: Krast) -Knight Gallant (no guns, 2 weapons version of the Questoris) -Canis Rex (special character Freeblade Preceptor) -Super-heavy Detachment (+3 CP) -3 Armiger Warglaives (taken as units of 1) Game: Turn 1 GCS - GSC moves first using their shady "pop up anywhere" rule. Smite, lucky shooting, and rending claws take down Canis Rex (but not Sir Hehktur) and one of the Armigers. Turn 1 IK - The Castellan takes out the Shadowsword with 1 volcano lance shot and 1 shieldbreaker missile (28 wounds total). The rest of its guns decimate some genestealers. Sir Hehktur and the other Knights shoot up some more bugs then charge and stomp them into the ground with Titanic Feet (not Sir Hehktur). Turn 2 GSC - More psychic power silliness, with the Patriarch using Mind Control on the Castellan to fire ALL of its guns at my Gallant. Fortunately this only results in 5 wounds. Turn 2 IK - The Knights casually stroll out of melee and shooting wipes out swaths of bugs. The remaining roaches are decapitated by chain-reaper sweeps and crushed by Titanic Feet, including the Patriarch and both Magi. Turn 3 GSC - DisruptiveConduct calls the game, his Tervigon still huffing and puffing its way across the board. Result: With Sir Hehktur still alive, Canis Rex does not count as destroyed, so only 1 Armiger was lost during this Roach Motel operation. Post-game: Knights shooting is... insane. Melee isn't shabby either. Though to be fair, take whatever you can to get rerolls so you don't miss. Whatever you hit is going to die, so make the most of each shot. Not sure what to do about psychic powers. Grabbing some cheap IG psykers for defense feels dirty (or rather, puny). Maybe a Culexus Assassin?
  8. No, but Ordo has a killer custom graveyard made from the Hirst Arts blocks and built by yours truly.
  9. I bought stuff with earned credits, and I finished near the bottom.
  10. I'm bringing a Spike roster, and Necromunda in case Frosty has already decided to lose to a draw with someone else.
  11. Zazzle is running a site-wide coupon code for the weekend: ZMEMORIALDAY Which you can use at the official Ordo Fanaticus swag store to get your awesome gear:
  12. I'm planning on playing, and signing up the morning of.
  13. Do NOT wait until the last minute to book a room. Last year all they had left was $500/night rooms.
  14. Van Saar https://yaktribe.games/underhive/gang/free_radicals.11951/
  15. I have Dominion (1st Ed) and all 12 expansions up to and including the latest one, Nocturne. You can see the expansion details below. Additionally, all cards and accessories (coins, boards, etc.) are sorted and stored in 4 Bluetech hard cases. All cards are like new, only the base cards (treasure and victory points) from the original game have any wear at all. Seaside came with an additional set of these base cards and those are completely unused. Total retail for these is approximately $500. I'll sell for $250, or $225 if you don't want/need the original base set which I'll keep with the worn cards. I can also be talked into trades, particularly for:-Kharadron Overlords -Ad Mech & Imperial Knights-Inquisition -Orruk Brutes Bluetech Cases: Expansion Details: Name Re­lease Date Type Cards King­dom Card Piles Theme Dominion (Base game) October 2008 (1st ed) / October 2016 (2nd ed) Standalone 500 25 (1st ed) / 26 (2nd ed) The original game. Relatively simple cards. Intrigue July 2009 (1st ed)/October 2016 (2nd ed) Standalone (1st ed) / Expansion (2nd ed) 500 (1st ed) / 300 (2nd ed) 25 (1st ed) / 26 (2nd ed) Decisions among multiple possible effects. Hybrid cards that are both Victory cards and another type. Seaside October 2009 Expansion 300 26 Duration cards (cards with effects that happen longer than one turn). Alchemy May 2010 Expansion 150 12 The Potion Treasure as an alternate card cost, with cards that require a Potion as well as Coin to be bought. Decks with large numbers of Action cards. Prosperity October 2010 Expansion 300 25 Expensive cards and Treasures that do something when played in the Buy phase. Higher-value basic Treasure and Victory cards. Victory Point tokens. Cornucopia June 2011 Expansion 150 13 Cards that are more useful when there is variety in the player's deck. Hinterlands October 2011 Expansion 300 26 Cards that have an additional effect when bought or otherwise gained. Base Cards[12] June 2012 Replacement cards 250 0 A set of all the basic cards—Treasures, Victory, and Curse cards—from the standalones and expansions with new design and different art. No Kingdom Cards. Dark Ages August 2012 Expansion 500 35 Cards that have an additional effect when trashed. Cards that care about the Trash. Cards that upgrade themselves. Ways to upgrade other cards. Shelters (initial three cards), Ruins (bad cards), Spoils (one-use golds), Looters (cards that give Ruins). Guilds June 2013 Expansion 150 13 Coin tokens that can be saved to spend later. Cards you can get more out of by paying extra for them. Adventures[13] April 2015 Expansion 400 30 Reserve cards (cards that are set aside when played and can be used when the right moment comes), Events (immediate effects that players can buy), Traveller cards (cards that can be exchanged for other cards), player-owned tokens that modify cards, Duration cards. Empires[14] June 2016 Expansion 300 24 Cards you can buy now and pay for later, piles with multiple different cards, and Landmarks which add new ways to score. Duration cards, VP tokens, and Events return from previous sets. Nocturne[15] November 2017 Expansion 500 33 A new type of cards, called Night cards, which are played in the Night Phase (which comes after the Buy Phase and before the Clean-Up Phase) during a player's turn. Also adds in more non-supply cards that cannot be "bought" in the normal manner. Hexes and Boons, which aren't "Cards" or "Events" per se but have effects similar to events.
  16. $75.00 - Space Hulk box (2009) - All models are bare plastic. The Thunder Hammer guy has small holes drilled into the underside of his base for magnets. Includes the Battle Foam custom tray to hold all the unique figures ($16.00 value). I can also be talked into trades, particularly for: -Kharadron Overlords -Ad Mech & Imperial Knights -Inquisition -Orruk Brutes
  17. jollyork

    Low Carb diet!?!?

    Eat Less, Exercise More.
  18. Jeff, I'm bringing Necromunda and really going to play this time.
  19. I would not pass up this opportunity to sleep on the floor of a posh hotel room.
  20. Hey folks, in case you've missed it, my comic book Kickstarter is into the final week of the campaign. Any additional pledges or social shares are greatly appreciated as we run through these last five days on our way to a stretch goal. Muchas gracias, amigos!
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