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Everything posted by Cortland

  1. I have a painted acheron for sale if interested
  2. Totally interested in the wraith wall just dont need more spinners.... Anyone need those wanna split?
  3. Pictures of paint on marines please along with how many bikes and load outs
  4. Yes i thought they got jink to but being counter charged by something even like 100 points of haunts would really tear him down w no armor
  5. My apologies for not clearing that up. No hard feelings chapps. Anyway i switched my list in the 11th hour and took first. Sentinels of Terra Darnath Lysander 5 tactical w\melta Rhino 5tactical w\melta razorback las\plas Land raider redeemer w\melta
  6. But as i stated i would like input on how to improve the list not discuss philosophy of having at this point
  7. If im going to be attending a tournament where the mindset is set to heavy competition i dont see the reason why i shouldnt bring the hardest list i can bring. Being able to play multiple types of lists make you a stronger player. Bringing a nerf gun against a tank will not be enjoyable. I am showing up to this tourney with a list that is min maxing and taking advantage of all areas that i can just like i would at a circuit tourney. The phrase was in jest as a synonym for WAAC. I would love if this particular tourney was set like normal league for us but it is set up to be a very competitive day. I will see plenty of lists that will make me cry such as 2 flyrants and double knight etc.
  8. And as most people who have played me at ofccs a few years back that's not my usual intention. But the sole purpose of this list is to make the opponent not want to play the game anymore.
  9. Also looking at this build, curious which one is scarier at this point cost. Demon Prince - Greater Reward, Nurgle, Flight, Mastery 3, Warlord, Armor Herald of Nurgle - Locus of Fecundity, Mastery 1 Herald of Nurgle - Mastery 2 Herald of Nurgle - Mastery 2 Nurglings x4 Plaguebearers x10 750 points on the dot.
  10. Looking to slaughter some people this weekend with a mean daemon list. Looking for suggestions and C+C. Daemon Prince - Nurgle - Wings - Armor - Psy3 - Warlord Daemon Prince - Nurgle - Wings - Armor - Psy2 3 Nurglings 3 Nurglings 2 Beasts of Nurgle Puts me at 744points. Obviously in such a low point game I want to abuse summoning more units to get plenty of board control and increase my point value differential by quite a bit early on. But curious of other things to look at without being allowed to bring FW. (Marines, IG, Daemons, Eldar I can field) Although only allowed 1 Cad no allies.
  11. I may be interested could you post pictures
  12. I think in the rule book the entry for ruins take up a whoping 2 sentences
  13. I would definitely be interested. franzked@gmail.com
  14. Leman Russ Demolisher (Plasma/Lascannon) x1 Primed $49.50 Leman Russ Demolisher (Heavy Bolter) x1 Bare $49.50 Leman Russ Vanquisher (Heavy Bolter) x1 Primed $49.50 Sentinels x5 Painted $150.00 Mortar Team x7 Primed Missile Team x11 Primed Autocannon Team x5 Primed Lascannon Team x3 Primed Heavy Bolter Team x5 Primed $406.85 Standard Bearer x1 Painted Lasgun / Las Pistol CCW x52 Painted Lasgun / Las Pistol CCW x26 Primed Lasgun / Las Pistol CCW x20 Bare (Partially As.) Commissar x2 Primed / Painted Grenade Launcher x3 Plasma Gun x2 Melta Gun x2 Heavy Bolter x1 Sniper x3 $319.00 Valkyrie x1 Primed $66.00 Valkyrie x1 NIB $66.00 Chimera x1 NIB $37.25 Vulture Upgrade Pack (Forgeworld) x1 NIB $18.00 Comes out to a little above 1200$ retail. There is some work that will need to be put in in finishing assembly in some of the models and some repairs here and there but its a large lot for around 450$. Will look at any trade offers but would love bulk sale/trade. Some pictures here, http://s295.photobucket.com/user/DamianFranzke/library/ Most heavy weapons teams I finished scenic ruined city bases, and I would say about half the infantry are ready to go as well. Main interest for SM would be talons, ravens, sternguard, drop pods, bikes. I live in Hawaii and will split 3 day ship (not bad with flat rates) or i will eat the shipping if you dont mind parcel post.
  15. I may be flying in for2 weeks from hawaii for a wedding the following weekend. I think most people that have played with me can vouch for me. I'll get back to to you
  16. As of recently my main army has been single cad imperial fists (sentinels) Centurions are routinely the all star of most games i play. Delivery is key with them. I've played with the idea of poddung them ala ba or sw but haven't experimented much. I usually use them as a castle piece due to their 24" bubble of death that grav will allow. This usually prevents even the heartiest units from deep striking in my back field. If you plan on running las then those should be left to the dev squads as they are cheaper and are easier to hide and generally less of a perceived threat with 3 grav cannon cents in the backfield add well. Plus they will still benefit from tank hunter.
  17. In before the lock. Why is thus pissing match still going on?
  18. One ghost ark is begging to be destroyed in its own deployment zone IMO. With flyers not dropping till turn 2 at the earliest, enemy AT will be squarely focused on it. I think redundancy would help wrote a bit with that model.
  19. Lol pretre, buy my huge guard lot so i can build my air cavalry!!!
  20. Yes they are a FW army. They get valks as dedicated transports, and they are still the cheaper variety. 12 man in vendettas etc. Ill have to look into a wolf lord. My big problem I'm thinking is with only a 10man squad and a squad of scouts if i hide am i going to get blown off the table before i go if i go second......
  21. Astra Militarum: IA03.2 - Elysian Regiment Drop Troops (2013) (Combined Arms Detachment) (1600pts) HQ (100pts) Elysian Company Command Squad (100pts)Flak Armour, 4x Meltagun Vet Company CommanderClose Combat Weapon, Laspistol Elites (185pts) Storm Trooper Squad (185pts)Hot Drop, 4x Storm Trooper Storm Trooper SergeantHot-shot Lasgun, Hot-shot Laspistol Valkyrie2x Hellstrike Missiles, Multi-laser Troops (900pts) Elysian Drop Infantry Platoon (480pts) Infantry Squad9x Guardsman SergeantClose Combat Weapon, Laspistol Valkyrie2x Hellstrike Missiles, Multi-laser Infantry Squad9x Guardsman SergeantClose Combat Weapon, Laspistol Valkyrie2x Hellstrike Missiles, Multi-laser Platoon Command Squad4x Guard w/ Flamer Platoon CommanderClose Combat Weapon, Laspistol Valkyrie2x Hellstrike Missiles, Multi-laser Elysian Veteran Squad (210pts)10x Flak Armour, 3x Meltagun Vet, 6x Veteran w/ Lasgun Valkyrie2x Hellstrike Missiles, Multi-laser Veteran SergeantClose Combat Weapon, Laspistol Elysian Veteran Squad (210pts)10x Flak Armour, 3x Meltagun Vet, 6x Veteran w/ Lasgun Valkyrie2x Hellstrike Missiles, Multi-laser Veteran SergeantClose Combat Weapon, Laspistol Fast Attack (415pts) Imperial Navy Vendetta Squadron (130pts) Vendetta2x Twin-linked Lascannons Imperial Navy Vendetta Squadron (130pts) Vendetta2x Twin-linked Lascannons Imperial Navy Vulture Squadron (155pts) Vulture GunshipTwin-linked Punisher Gatling Cannon Blood Angels: Codex (2014) (Allied Detachment) (250pts) HQ (175pts) Mephiston, Lord of Death (175pts) Troops (75pts) Scout Squad (75pts)4x Boltgun, Camo Cloaks, 4x Scouts Scout SergeantTeleport homer Only two gimmicks, flyers and get Mephiston delivered to combat safely. The turn he arrives with the stormtroops (as long as it's not turn 1) he may charge out of his Valk with the Stormtroopers. This puts 9 birds in the sky with 5 of them arriving turn one. Is there a better ally to bring as a beat stick for combat over Mephiston? I was toying with Lysander as well....
  22. I stumbled into a large lot of cadians just gauging general interest. I would prefer cash (somewhere in the ballpark of 350~400) or necrons which i would trade for you in your favor. Have a solid count on bartertown but were looking aprox at. 110+ infantry 2 demolisher russes 5 sentinels 30+ hvy weapon teams any interest in this? i will ship for free back to oregon =D retail is right around 1,000
  23. Psn : DCFMouse 32 Lock 31 Titan 31 Hunter Cleared hm crota and hm vog lots.
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