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Everything posted by smashthedean

  1. You see Joey, to properly communicate with Koyote you have to speak gif :P
  2. It's more of a team-building conference... I really should be paying for my ticket with the Warhamsters credit union account, but I'm such a benevolent leader that I'm footing my own bill!
  3. I'll be out this week watching Godzilla smash Toyko, but have fun!
  4. I don't see anything on DTG's online calendar. I'm going to call and confirm the deets and then if everything checks out I should be able to put a public post up today or tomorrow. So far I've got spots held for: Loren Sherbert Jim Gabe Jake Kacy (if we have an odd #) If anyone wants a reserved spot before I open things up to out-of-towners, speak up :)
  5. Actually the 12th is looking better for me too so I'm going to push for that date.
  6. I'm going to go ahead and check in with Nathaniel for November 12th or 19th's availability and go from there. I'm envisioning we could get away with up to 16 players without having to alter the layout of the game room too much so I'm going to set that as a soft cap and reserve spots for anyone who has posted in this thread before opening up the invites to a broader audience.
  7. In the past it was always the acting President's responsibility to hold quarterly meetings, one of which a year would be to elect a new President. Shea has been busy outside of the club so this hasn't been done (which is totally fine, no insult to Shea, RL takes priority over gaming). The next step after this would be for our Vice President to step in and enact meetings, but Joey has also been fairly busy with RL stuff and also is a bit of an anarchist so elections were never held. With upcoming events needing to be organized and several new people coming down to the game store, it was suggested that we needed someone to take on the job of organizing these things and by merit of being the most willing to take on work, I got nominated for the job. At this time, the current structure of the "leadership council" that we've had in the past has been set aside to facilitate the needs of the club and as all of the active members of said council agreed to this change, a quorum of Warhamsters proposed and voted on this change, and it seems like a generally good idea, the change has taken place.
  8. We have a decent amount of new folks around the shop which may include YOU so I figured it might not be a bad idea to throw out an introductory hello and primer on our local gaming club which you are potentially already a member of. What are the Bellingham Warhamsters? The Bellingham Warhamsters started out as a Warhammer Fantasy club in 2007 for the purpose of attending our very first Ordo Fanaticus Club Challenge (OFCC). Since then we expanded to include 40k, Malifaux, and then a slew of other game systems which led to us eventually designating ourselves a general gaming club. We congregate on Tuesday nights at Dark Tower Games, go out for beers, hold special events here in town, and occasionally venture out into the wild to tournaments near and far. I like playing games! How do I get in on this? The easiest way to start getting games in is probably to just show up on Tuesday night sometime between 6pm - 10pm, find someone playing a game you like, and ask them if they'd like to play you next week! If you're more keen on planning ahead, we also host weekly Game Night threads in the Game Night subforum which are a great way to post that you're looking for a game or respond to someone else looking to start something up. What kinds of events do you run? We do an annual gift exchange every holiday season, have run a couple of pub crawls, hosted several games days, a few tournaments, and numerous campaigns throughout the years. Keep an eye on this subforum for posts regarding upcoming events or if you have an idea for an event or campaign you'd like to run, make your own thread about it to see who'd be interested - someone probably is! What tournaments do you attend? The big annual tournament that the Warhamsters like to prioritize is the OFCC down in Portland/Vancouver(WA) every year, which is always a good time. Several Warhamsters also venture eastward annually for the DMB Brawl and our X-Wing players are known to travel down to Tacoma for the state Regionals tournament. If you hear of any tournaments going on in the area that you'd like to attend, make a post and see if anyone wants to tag along! The Warhamsters sound like the coolest people in the universe... how do I join up? Good news! There really isn't a formal process for being Hamsterized so if you like gaming with us on Tuesdays and tolerate our company outside the game store, we encourage you to take up our banner (we do actually have a banner FYI) and proudly declare yourself a Bellingham Warhamster! We also occasionally do orders for T-Shirts, Hoodies, and other sweet merch so you can show off just how cool you are to all the ladies (or gents) that you're trying to impress. And that's about that! Keep an eye on this very forum for news about upcoming Warhamsters events you can attend and we hope to keep seeing you down at game night! If you have any questions about the Warhamsters, feel free to respond to this thread or shoot me a PM!
  9. Also apparently there was once an Ultraman villian called the Alien Temperor who looked like this:
  10. I support this decision. If they can keep their beers at $5, I'm comfortable sticking with NYP until they try something else. I like Bayou too though, so occasionally mixing it up is cool in my book.
  11. I'm playing 9th Age with Alan. My Vampires have heard rumors that Dwarf blood has such a high blood-alcohol content that it quite intoxicating so we're eager to have a drink!
  12. That makes it an opinion worth eating in my book!
  13. I'm still a big fan of Bayou. Better food than NYP and much cheaper beers with just as good of a selection. Food can be more expensive, but there are plenty of low-cost options as well. For next week, I really don't think The Racket will work for us. They are loud and don't have big tables, so even if their food/drinks are good and cheap, I just don't think they can accommodate us. I'm going to put in a vote for giving NYP another go to refresh ourselves on what we've been missing out on. It's been about a month and a half since we've been there so that should be enough time for them to miss us and have seen the error of their ways right?
  14. I've heard some rumblings that a Dogs of War list is in the works...
  15. The 19th is a pretty flexible date so whatever our core group wants is good by me. How about the 12th?
  16. We've been having a pretty good deal of 9th Age action going on down at the shop lately and I was wondering... would you guys be up for a little tournament of some sort? I was thinking mid-November, maybe the 19th? The 1.2 edition of the rules is coming out at the end of October so that would give us a little time to tweak our lists, but I don't think I'd want to issue a painting requirement for this event since we have a lot of new people getting into the hobby, just ideally no proxied models without TO approval (don't have to be exactly WYSIWYG for unit upgrades, but no toilet paper rolls as Hellcannons or the like). So, what do you guys think? I'm potentially flexible on the date, but the 19th is probably the latest we'd want to do with Thanksgiving the next weekend.
  17. I'm just going to chime in to note that I really enjoy that there are currently THREE active threads on the forum with Joey's name in the subject line. Such a popular guy!
  18. I'd vote Bayou round 2 since we gave The Grand a second round, that seems like a good strategy to go to if we find a good place.
  19. 9th Age with Gabe for me.
  20. I'd also note that I thought the beer selection was fine, there was BB Scotch, an Aslan Stout (which exceeded expectations!), and an assortment of other lighter stuff that I glossed over. Seemed like there was something for everyone unless you're a die-hard Mac & Jack fan.
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