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Everything posted by smashthedean

  1. For those following this, it looks like our December date that I was told was free actually had a Warmachine tournament scheduled that day. I've finally gotten ahold of the guy that is doing the scheduling for the tournaments though and it's looking like mid-January (looking at the 14th) should be good.
  2. Am I reading this wrong? If one of my models gets taken out of action by an enemy hero, they get an XP? I'm assuming this is a typo...
  3. It looks like December 13th is likely to be the winner. I'm going to leave the poll up until Tuesday or so, but I'd plan for that!
  4. I'll be doing Mordheim, showing up around 6:20ish. I'm not sure if Joey is doing advance matchups or not, but my rating is 137 if he wants to find me a buddy.
  5. Anyone want to go in on this? I'd love to have that Orc team, but don't really care about the humans.
  6. Any issue with other people putting together a second warband? I totally would have had time for a third game this week if that was an option...
  7. Depending on the date this falls on, I'd potentially be down. I've always been busy when the last ones have gone on so definitely add me to the interested list.
  8. It's that time of year again when nerds gather around a table filled with poorly wrapped gifts and fight over bottles of liquor and board games... it's time for the Warhamsters annual gift exchange! For those new to the club, we've been doing gift exchanges for years and it's always been great fun for all. If you're feeling up to it, here's how it works (mostly copied from last year): 1. Get a gift that a Warhamster would like to receive. If you pay money for it, it should be between $20 and $35 in value or so. You can go higher if you're flush, lower if you're not. It's OK to pick something from your stash if you have old minis, games, scotch, or the like that you think someone else might like. But it should be something cool. Try not to make it a gift that requires people to spend money to use, but more something that is cool and fun right out of the box. 2. Wrap it. 3. Bring it to the Warhamster Yule bash, date and time to be determined, but probably a Tuesday night near Christmas. 4. Put them in a pile. Shake presents, inspect them, taste the wrapping paper. 5. Play a game of "dirty Santa" with your fellow Warhamsters: http://dirtysantarules.blogspot.com/ Jim will come up with something extra for the giver of the first gift that is retired. (or if someone else has something good, speak up!) 6. Profit! I'm adding a poll for which Tuesday in December we'd like to do. I've made it a checkbox one so whichever weeks you can attend, vote for those and we'll pick the highest. There is no requirement for entering except for bringing a gift. Whether last week was your first week down to the shop or you're a grizzled 'Hamster of many years past, you're still welcome to join us! Look forward to seeing you all there!
  9. I decided to keep my great weapons and see how it goes for a week at least.
  10. An excerpt from the journal of Marius von Stroesel, merchant of Marienburg Ulriczeit 2, 2516 I leave Essen today for Krugenheim and I have never been more relieved. I cannot abide the people of the Ostermark for a day longer! To speed along my journey, I have signed on with a caravan heading south through the forests and catching a ferry along the River Stir. The ferry landing lies near the ruins of the dread city of Mordheim, but the caravan master has assured me that he has traveled the route a thousand times and it is completely safe! - Ulriczeit 14, 2516 I've been captured by Lizardmen! The blasted caravan was beset by a horde of scaly creatures bursting out of the undergrowth and jumping down from the treetops! That accursed caravan master fled at the first sign of trouble along with the portion of our escort that survived the initial assault, but the creatures spared my life for some reason. They've started moving southeast toward the City of the Damned and I fear they intend to take me with them into the ruins! I've never been more terrified for my life! - Ulriczeit 16, 2516 As the lizardmen drug me through the outskirts of the city, the feather-clad leader of the group called a halt and began to blink rapidly while one of his minions pushed me up against a nearby building. Suddenly, a hunting horn blew and the streets were filled with shaggy horned Beastmen charging at us with wicked looking blades and heavy clubs! The skinks were overwhelmed by the assault and though their monstrous brute felled a number of the beasts, the Lizardmen warband was slaughtered almost to a man before my captor threw me to the marauders and fled for the woods. I was certain I'd be eaten, but the armored chieftain of the Beastmen ordered his lessers to keep me captive! As one of their number kept guard over me, I was horrified as the fallen Lizardmen were devoured and their remains used in hideous rituals to their Dark Gods. At one point in the rituals after consuming the flesh of the fallen Saurus Warrior, one of the beasts sprouted a scaly arm from his side and roared in delight as he was bathed in the blood of the fallen! Recalling it makes me queasy still, but I could not look away... - Ulriczeit 17, 2516 The Beastman Shaman took a harsh wound to his leg in the last battle and has taken on the role of my captor as the rest of the Beasts have gone out to scout the ruins. He seems to take a cruel delight in causing me terror and making me cringe back as he laughs a deep gutteral chortle at my cowardice. Sigmar save me! - Ulriczeit 18, 2516 The rest of the Warband has returned with their numbers bolstered and a hoard of weapons and armor that they distributed to the group. I have kept watch for any opportunity to escape, but even when the Shaman sleeps he keeps me under close guard of the viscous pair of hounds that eye me like a piece of steak, ready to gnaw on my bones. I'm doomed! - Ulriczeit 19, 2516 The warband broke camp this morning and traveled deeper into the ruins. I can't understand a word of their gutteral language, but they seem to have a destination in mind. Whatever it is, it can't be good! - Ulriczeit 20, 2516 I'm writing by the light of the campfire as I eat a meal of cooked rat scraps. We were attacked in the middle of the night by a band of Skaven, their yellow eyes and chittering teeth lit up by the greenish light emanating from a field of warpstone shards half buried in the dirt. The Shaman, his leg still wounded from the battle with the lizards, hung back and watched me as the battle raged. The bulk of the fighting took place in a graveyard lit up by the sickly green hue, the huge Centigor smashing apart gravestones and ratmen alike with his massive axe. Before long the rats fled into the night, but they left enough of their number behind to serve as fodder for another foul service to the Chaos Gods with more mutations and bloodshed. On the upside, rat meat doesn't taste half bad... ---- DEADWOOD RAIDERS - WEEK 1 BEASTMEN RAIDERS WARBAND Krulos, Beastman Chieftain sword, shield, heavy armor, shaggy hide, 27 xp Kang, Centigor greataxe, shield, heavy armor, extra arm, shaggy hide, 16 xp Rahzar, Bestigor greataxe, shield, heavy armor, extra arm, 12 xp Cerebus, Bestigor halberd, increased weapon skill, 13 xp Sarnath, Beastman Shaman sword, mace, eye of the gods, 13 xp Pigster, Al, and Goatse, Gors mace, mace, increased weapon skill, 2 xp Lucky, Barkley II, Warhounds Marius von Stroesel, Merchant NPC WARBAND RATING: 133 GOLD CROWNS: 2 WARPSTONE SHARDS: 1 OTHER EQUIPMENT: straggler
  11. I'm a little sad about the great weapon change, but I do agree that they are quite good with the new rules. That said though, is it okay if I go in and trade out a great weapon or two for halberds and take back my 5 gc? I don't see much point in having a great weapon on my Initiative 1 Centigor if I'm just striking at Init...
  12. Pretty sure as long as both players are willing to wear makeup during their game, it's fine to count toward the campaign total.
  13. Yep, I can do that. I found the one you're talking about.
  14. I'm going to print myself out a roster sheet at work today... does anyone who doesn't have access to a printer need a sheet?
  15. Just a heads up to anyone following along, I just updated this with this week's game. This will probably be my last report for a few weeks as we have a Mordheim campaign coming up, but maybe I'll be able to get in some weekend games or something. We'll see!
  16. Have you started drinking early for election day?
  17. I'm going to be playing 9th Age against Alan and listening in on you obsess over election results, followed by either celebrating or commiserating over beers after. Also I have a favor to ask of any driving folks, I need to drop my car off at the shop just down the street from NYP for some work - would someone be willing to follow me over there after beers and drive me home? If not a walk won't kill me, but a ride would be nice!
  18. 6 slings is okay by me. This is meant to be a fun campaign, not a hyper-competitive one so I don't think we really need to take too many comp-steps to limit peoples' builds. Let's just let people take what they want to take and have a good time.
  19. I'd be up for a one-off game sometime if you'd be down.
  20. I've always been of the opinion that Winter starts December 1, Spring starts March 1, Summer starts June 1, and Fall starts September 1.
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