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Everything posted by smashthedean

  1. *cough*...Rune of Destruction...*cough* Meanwhile, I believe I'm playing Sherbert. @JMGraham, clean up this thread! Someone hit enter too many times!
  2. Seriously WTF was up with the beer selection last week??? I blame Jim.
  3. I am absolutely interested in some Armada. 400 points is my vote.
  4. I've been playing Battle Brothers on Steam. It's a low-fantasy single player strategy RPG focused on managing a group of Mercenaries and moving around a map from town to town taking on contracts and fighting brigands, orcs, undead, and more all while leveling up and equipping your fighters. It has a procedural world map with random end-game events that range from a war of the noble houses to an undead or greenskin invasion. The combat is all tactical turn-based style with an AP system and various skills for your fighters based on their weapon type and perks. Each action you take generates fatigue that gets burned off turn-by-turn and it also has a morale system with a Resolve stat, terrain advantages, injuries that take time to heal, and a pretty cool graphic style. I'd recommend checking it out, but maybe wait for a sale as its $30 price tag is a little high if you're on a budget.
  5. I'm down for a game of either 9th Age or Armada. Any takers?
  6. I love complete newbs (for breakfast) so you should definitely come since I'll be coming down.
  7. And the official word is in. Sherbert, Scipiano (Jake), and myself will be traveling down from Bellingham. See you then!
  8. Ben & Yarb might have an easier time attesting to this since they were victorious at the Ham Slamwich where we just do store credit/gift certs to the winners, but in my experience gamers never have a hard time spending money at a game store. I'm not sure how Dice Age does things, but Dark Tower has entrants pay their $10 to the store and then they give the TO the ability to split that "pool" up into store credit to be divvied out. If you're just collecting cash though, I think gift certs or just cash handouts if you don't think that would be too weird (I wouldn't have a problem with it and have done this before for tournaments).
  9. I might have two other Warhamsters interested in coming down with me to fill the last two spots. Put me down for two more tentatives and I'll let you know as soon as I can confirm one way or the other.
  10. Conan with Jim, Joey, and Brad? I'm in.
  11. Oh man I didn't realize the beaver's tail was a little tool-holder thing! I think you messed up on the box art though Jim, it should have looked like this (pardon the incredibly quick and dirty mockup):
  12. If you crazy kids don't start a Dread Elf civil war, I'll take one of you on. If you can I'd say try to grab a game together, but if not I'm down. I'm alternately up for a game of Armada if anyone is down.
  13. Poisoned Javelins are shooting weapons so have no effect on close combat attacks, meaning that Skink Braves fight with hand weapon/shield (getting Parry, but no Poison).
  14. My car won't start so I'm walking down. Be there in 20ish
  15. Sherbert may be a coward, but I'll take up the banner in his name (aka I'm down for a game of 9th). I close this week so I'll be down closer to 6:30 if you want to get a table set up.
  16. Was good to see you down last night! Looking forward to getting some games with you in the future :)
  17. Sounds good! I'll be there ready to go.
  18. Anyone want to schedule a 9th or Armada game? Otherwise I'm going to just bring my stuff down for both and see what happens.
  19. Brad's new 500 point list: GR-75 Medium Transport: General Dodonna GR-75 Medium Transport x 25
  20. I'll be down for either 9th or Armada. No campaign game this week it sounds like so I could finally try out some new lists maybe heh.
  21. The fate of Duro hangs in the balance!
  22. We actually have our own subforum that you can get access to by PMing JMGraham and additionally post weekly game night threads for Tuesdays. We also have upgraded from 8th to 9th Age at this point. Would you be up for a game on Tuesday or maybe this weekend? Oh, and the Warhamsters is us :)
  23. Bolstered by their victory over Aurea, Rebel high command launched an attack at the heart of the Imperial Presence in the sector, Corellia. As General Madine's fleet jumped into the outskirts of the system, Moff Jerjerrod boarded his shuttle from the Imperial Command Compound in Coronet City. Bound for the the ISD Relentless in orbit, Jerjerrod studied the composition of the Rebel fleet and formulated his tactics. Within the hour, battle was joined and though the VSD Stalwart was disabled in the fighting, the combined might of the Imperial Fleet and Corellia's Fighter Garrison was able to win the day, forcing the Rebels to flee the system. Seizing the initiative, Jerjerrod ordered the bloodthirsty Admiral Screed to assault the Rebel base on Nubia. The base and its local fighter garrison were defended by the Rebellion's strongest fleet under the command of General Rieekan. Catching the Rebels by surprise with the speed of his ships, Screed was able to seize victory from the Rebels in the planet's orbit. With the space battle won, Screed commenced a ground assault on Nubia's capital, easily crushing the pathetic resistance. With the loss of one of the leading worlds in the sector's Rebellion, the Rebels found themselves reeling. In an effort to gain more supplies to replace their losses and expand their fleets, Commander Sato launched a Hyperlane Raid against Centerpoint Station. Admiral Konstantine's fleet arrived to defend, but the sluggish Imperial cruisers were not quick enough to prevent the Rebels from raiding the Station and making off with a number of precious supplies. --- Some very close battles this turn, but in the end a very solid win for the Empire. Failing to capture the capital world of Corellia and losing the resource-rich Nubia was a big hit for the Rebels, but their resources will be bolstered by their victory in the Hyperlane Raid. At the end of round 2 the score is 5-1 in the Empire's favor and the sector looks like this: Turn 2 Lists
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