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Everything posted by smashthedean

  1. I'm going to be there meeting with the Armada crew for the campaign we're doing and then maybe getting in either a full Armada game or at least a learning game. Joey did you still want to do that?
  2. I'll put you down as tentative for now. Let me know when you're sure :) Sounds good! PM works for me.
  3. $5 Pepperoni is back too! Finally those filthy vegetarians no longer have a monopoly on the cheapest pizzas!
  4. Sounds good on both counts! I'll put you both down as tentative, just let me know when you hear one way or the other!
  5. Heyy everyone, I just posted in the tournament forum about this so I'll just link there, but the low-down is that I'm going to be hosting a tournament next month up here in Bellingham. Hope to see you there! http://www.ordofanaticus.com/index.php?/topic/29800-ham-slamwich-2017-9th-age-tournament-in-bellingham-on-218/
  6. The Bellingham Warhamsters are hosting a 9th Age tournament on February 18th and we have about 10 slots still open! Here is the event info: http://www.darktowerlgs.com/special-events/warhammer-9th-age-tournament1142017 and here is a tournament packet: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1zTEC-XEj_9xcRd9SGCxtp5EZm3FLIchzTA2-sz3MSrI/edit?usp=sharing Go ahead and check in here if you're planning to attend and I'll save you a spot. If you want to submit your list, PMing me on here is probably the best way, but I'll also take emails to smashthedean at gmail or lists posted in this thread. Hope to see you there!
  7. I'm playtesting Jim's thing and after that I'm showing Christian the ropes of Armada!
  8. I'm pretty sure I signed up for this last week and 6:30 works best for me as I work until 6 this week.
  9. I would agree that the 9th Age forums are definitely a good deal more negative than they need to be. One of the miracles of 9th Age is that all of the armies are actually fairly balanced against each other so you should really be good taking whichever you prefer to play. As for list-building advice, I'm pretty familiar with all of the books and always happy to do some list critique for you. Feel free to post either in here or PM me if you want any pointers :)
  10. I just picked this up and we're going to be starting up a campaign in Bellingham. From looking it over, it seems pretty rad. Definitely enjoy the idea of starting with a 400 point fleet and expanding it out to 500 points over the course of the campaign. I'll post some progress reports as we get going and would be interested to hear other people's experiences!
  11. Heal up, take care, and we'll look forward to having you back at the table when you're ready!
  12. Definitely. It plays almost the same as 8th edition, but with a few changes here and there. I'd recommend at least checking out the rules online before then to make it a little easier for you though?
  13. I'm going to be focusing on 9th Age and Armada for a little bit, but I'll be keeping my Mordheim stuff with me for weeks that I can't get a game in of other things. I'm thinking letting it become more of a free-form game will be the best way to go, but if people want to run more campaigns I say go for it.
  14. After a few scheduling snafus, we finally have our tournament date! I'm going to wait until the weekend before I post on the main Ordo boards to let people secure spots (though I'll be surprised if we hit our 16 player cap). Dark Tower Info Page: http://www.darktowerlgs.com/special-events/warhammer-9th-age-tournament1142017 Tournament Packet https://docs.google.com/document/d/1zTEC-XEj_9xcRd9SGCxtp5EZm3FLIchzTA2-sz3MSrI/edit?usp=sharing Go ahead and check in here if you're planning to attend and I'll save you a spot. If you want to submit your list, PMing me on here is probably the best way, but I'll also take emails to smashthedean@gmail.com, lists posted in this thread, paper lists handed in the next time you see me, or lists grafittied on walls around town (note for Don's sake: don't actually do this ) If you have any questions about the event let me know and I hope to see many of you there! Lists Received: Kacy Gabe Yarb Andrewgeddon Obsidiananubis Zeev Confirmed, but no list!: Jake Sherbert Jim TheBeninator Tentative: Loren valorunbound
  15. 9th Age has the Kingdom of Equitane, which is straight up Bretonnia. If you're looking to be able to use all of your models and have WHFB-like rules (except more balanced), then I'd check that out.
  16. I'd be up for us trying to schedule a weekend game evening/happy hour one of these weeks for out-of-towners or people who just can't make Tuesdays. I can check with Aaron at DTG about what Fridays or Saturdays won't be taken up by Magic events or whatever and maybe we can throw something together for February?
  17. Congrats on everything and super-bravo on getting to where you are! If you ever make it up to Bellingham sometime, it'd be rad to see you on a Tuesday sometime!
  18. Looking good! Also I've spoken with someone on the 9th Age boards who is planning to run the event this next year so it will be happening. If they fall through for some reason, I'll do what I can to make sure it still takes place. I'm assuming 4500 standard and it will likely be under the rules that get released in Spring, but my understanding is that that will mostly just be the major updates for WDG, DL, DE, and ID. If the other books or the BRB see any changes with that update I think it's just being planned to be minor tweaks so I would say it's mostly safe to use 1.3 as a springboard for list-building and then keep an eye out around March or April for the next release.
  19. I'd love to get a 9th Age game in! I'll bring my Mordheim stuff too in case we finish early enough to get a game in after, otherwise I'll just do a makeup game at some point.
  20. I'm guessing the one you got for Dirty Santa?
  21. I'm hoping to get some 9th Age in, but if not I'll be up for something else probably.
  22. 1.3 We're still nailing down the date with DTG (they had us down for 1/14, but are having to reschedule us again...), but I'll make a big public post when we have something solid.
  23. I'm probably going to stay in and eat a cheeseburger. Have fun all!
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