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Everything posted by smashthedean

  1. We miss you too! Come play 9th Age with us! :P
  2. I'm down to play some 9th Age, 40k, or Armada. Anyone down?
  3. If you don't mind walking a block, you should be able to get away with parking at the Public Market during the daytime.
  4. That is nice to know! Characters taking separate mortal wounds for exploding vehicles is pretty rough. Kharn ate two wounds off a Chimaera explosion :(
  5. I got in my first 40k game in about 4 years... and enjoyed it! I ran a Khorne list with a Bloodthirster, Abbadon, Kharn, three units of Berzerkers (in two Rhinos and a Land Raider) and some deepstriking Terminators. Pretty tiny model and drop count for 2000 points at 38 models and 5 deployments, but it worked! I played against Fix's Guard with lots of tanks, veteran squads, dual Deathstrike Nukes, heavy weapon teams, and psychers. We only made it three turns, but things were pretty definitively in my favor at the end - though there was a lot of blood shed on both sides (all the better for the Blood God). A few things I learned: Close combat is back! Assaulting out of transports, fighting first if you charge, all of the changes to hitting and AP... I like it! Consolidating into 1" of other units is super powerful, especially into tanks. Shooting focused armies are going to have to keep their dudes spread out to keep me from tying them up/keeping them from shooting. Land Raiders are actually functional tanks now and not just heavy transports! Lascannons are super good and getting 4 shots hitting on 3s (thanks to Daemonic Machine Spirit) is pretty awesome with a d6 wound weapon. Deathstrike Missiles are scary. My Bloodthirster took two to the face in turn 3, taking 16 total wounds. Mortal wounds are nothing to mess around with. Using Command Point rerolls on charge distance is nice! I'm looking forward to having something to do with my 40k army again!
  6. Alright. I'm going to stop by my storage unit and grab some 40k models. 2000 points?
  7. I'm coming down looking for a game of 9th Age, Armada, or... 40k?
  8. News update! Rook & Rogue is staying open until 11 on weekdays now! Shall we try it next week? https://www.rookandrogue.com/blog/solstice New menu too including "more appetizers and more veggie friendly foods"
  9. It could be yours today for only $105!
  10. Chicken and Waffles is amazing. $10 pitchers are pretty amazing too.
  11. @SigurdBC I'm going to say reserve me that 3rd spot in Dark Souls with the caveat that I might drop if there's a 9th Age or Armada game available.
  12. @D_Lo did you want a game after 6? I'll be down with some Vampires around then.
  13. @Gabado @Sherbert I'm down for 9th as well. Is Gage also looking for a game did you say? I could also be down for Armada or trying out the Dark Souls board game.
  14. If by Shadow War Armageddon you mean 9th Age or Armada... then yes! I might also bring down Star Wars: Rebellion if anyone is itching for a big board game.
  15. I'll be down with 9th Age and Armada if anyone else is looking for a game.
  16. I'm still looking for a Ninth Age game or possibly Armada. Anyone down?
  17. I attended Kublacon down in San Francisco this past weekend with @JMGraham, @Fix, and @stark1261 and got a chance to see a gigantic X-Wing battle in progress with a custom-build Imperial Light Cruiser! We just watched long enough to snap a few pics, but I thought you guys would appreciate it:
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