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Everything posted by Romans832

  1. Life - 6/10 - They could have ended the movie at 45 minuts. But no one knows how to follow protocol! Ending was sadly predictable... I hate when, even I, see it coming. I'm dense when it comes to reading movies, but the ending was duh.
  2. Gouge much? https://www.amazon.com/gp/offer-listing/B002I3OZB2/ref=dp_olp_used_mbc?ie=UTF8&condition=used Shockingly Ebay says sit on it... go figure
  3. I don't think I've seen that one... is it on any of the streaming agencies?
  4. Sorry man, I've been swamped, let me try and carve out some time on Wednesday or Friday
  5. Romans832


    Jealous of your weather RD
  6. Romans832


    That's awesome RD Have an amazing time bro
  7. Thank you JB!I apologize. My inquiry was for all who read, not myself specifically as I'm not in PDX to join you, though it sounds awesome!
  8. Romans832


    CRAZY! Who'd expect 100+ on the coast!
  9. War for the Planet of the Apes - 8/10 - I get it, But I had hoped a little more from the ending. Excellent plot twists.
  10. https://www.facebook.com/groups/ordofanaticus/permalink/1545408618854511/?sale_post_id=1545408618854511 I think it's time to sell my Wood Elf Army. I have a full army of trees, before it was a thing, then started adding a ton of elves to it. Sadly haven't played in a decade. Time for it to find a new home. Nic made me a nice sturdy metal plate for my Grove of trees. The tree is magnetized so you can easily take it off. Rule book and codex, FAQs, cheat sheets, flash cards for the spells, 25th Anniversary dice, ton of movement trays. Please ask any and all Questions https://www.facebook.com/groups/ordofanaticus/permalink/1545413318854041/?sale_post_id=1545413318854041 2'*2' Wood and foam for you to build a display board with. Willing to negotiate
  11. Thank you for the invite! What Saturdays? What hours?
  12. Galahad, Pumpkinhead says they need a player
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