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Everything posted by Jay

  1. They don't leave when the stuff wears off. But it requires moving settlers around.
  2. The Charisma thing has been tested and works. I've seen it go up to 30 settlers so far.
  3. The settler limit is 10 plus charisma which with the bobblehead, charisma gear and chem boosts, can be way over 20.
  4. SWAN! Such a great moment. I killed him.
  5. Jay

    Infinity Sunday

    Packing for California tomorrow so I'm out and then in Cali for next two weeks so I will back to game night later next month. I will be searching Cali shops for Infinity stuffs though.
  6. Those are made by CNC workshop in Australia.
  7. Yeah, that doesn't really happen in my household.
  8. Wow. I have never seen his stuff. It looks nice. I love the display trays but I wish they had more possible arrangement (ie. something that all the JSA, Haqq, etc. bikes could be on.)
  9. Honestly I think ordering Infinity has something more to do with it. I've ordered other things from both RC and GG without any trouble. But after three cancelled Infinity orders through GG and two ridiculous waits for product to come into RC as well I've given up on getting the minis locally. I've been ordering from Infinityharbour.com because they are getting stock in directly from Corvus Belli and they have terrain and accessories from their partner companies.
  10. I really want that Francisco and would pay $20 for it out right as well.
  11. Seth has dibs on my other tag as a Guija proxie.
  12. Free play for awhile: which mostly means 300 point games and trying out different lists and missions from ITS or Yams or Rampage. Plenty of flexibility for both new players and those that have a little more experience.
  13. Jay


    Stole some pics of my things from RD.
  14. Darn, I hoped you were friends. I wish there was someone is the business closer than I could team up with. So often I find some of these laser cutter that are great engineers but really could use and artist as a partner. I don't have the money for a cutter or the experience with the software but I do have experience as a designer and have a ton of great ideas in my head.
  15. A word of caution from experience with kickstarters I have invested in and ones that friends have invested in: Yes, this may seem cheaper but this sets up warning flags for me more than anything. I looked over their kickstarter and this looks like another one where someone doesn't know how to count costs. I am going to call it now and say that this terrain will probably be delayed or even unfulfilled. Or it's made out of the crappiest mdf. Either way, I wouldn't trust it. The Black Sheep stuff is already low priced enough that I was a bit hesitant but he had a lot of people with fulfilled orders who praised the product and the producer. I like those new pieces NP. If you don't mind telling me, how are you affiliated with the Black Sheep guy?
  16. I still think this a better deal. http://www.ordofanaticus.com/index.php?/topic/26427-anyone-want-their-own-table-at-a-great-price/ You can see my set when it comes in.
  17. That stuff is gonna be expensive.
  18. Jay


    I don't think the Kinematika is for dodging in this case but for engaging and wrecking face in CC.
  19. I so wish we were doing zombies Sunday. The thought had occurred to me too.
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