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Everything posted by ClassicFlava

  1. well i tried to post pictures but it wouldnt let me so here is a link to the pics. Quality is not that great as they are cell phone pics and lighting wasnt the best either, but something is better than nothing https://plus.google.com/u/0/photos/100740227934864764997/albums/6141069553919382865
  2. NtK: that is a great point. Another reason I prefer Swedish
  3. @NTK: Seattle historically has only run uncomped events so I am not sure your logic works. Only recently have there been tournaments here run with Swedish comp. For Portland area your logic may very well be spot on tho. That being said I tend to prefer Swedish events to uncomped (GW comp) events. My reason is for that is because in my opinion you get much more list diversity. If you want to bring a nasty list you (usually) can but if you want to take a unit(s) that you like but are less than optimal you can while still standing a chance to win due to Swedish. I think that subjective comp (what ofcc has done in the past) is by far the worst format, and I have been a captain and part of the rating committee. It just ends in people getting upset that their list got rejected and others getting upset when they come up against a bad matchup and then complain about the other list.
  4. Ofcc is allowing it. Look at the latest addendum. If it wasn't allowed I would run WoC sorcerors using bray shaman models. I think lore of tzeentch is a lot of fun to play with and I want the army to have a beastmen aesthetic.
  5. So my first army was all tzeentch marked beastmen. With LoC I can now field that army again :-). Plus as much as i love them I need a break from lizardmen. Here's the list I am currently testing for ofcc. I have a lot of the army already painted but will need to expound on some of the paint jobs as I painted them many years ago. Pics to follow Beastlord, tzeentch, armor of destiny, chalice of dark rain, great weapon Doombull, tzeentch, talisman of preservation, ram horn helm, gnarled hide, sword of might, shield, heavy armor Great Bray Shaman, tzeentch, talisman of endurance, hagtree fetish, additional hand weapon, level 4 lore of tzeentch Bray shaman, tzeentch, dispel scroll, talisman of protection, level 1 lore of tzeentch Exalted Hero, tzeentch, armor of fortune, third eye of tzeentch, shield, barded daemoic mount, bsb 24 gor, full command, shields, tzeentch 2 Tuskgor chariot 2 (5 marauder horsemen, shields, light armor, musician, flails) 28 bestigor, full command Dragon Ogre Shaggoth, great weapon Taking the shaggoth depends on if my ogre drake model from the mierce kick starter arrives in time for me to paint it. If it doesn't I have a razorgor chariot and harpies to take its spot or I could take a unit of 6 trolls and swap the exalted hero bsb to a gorebull
  6. Going to try and make this as well. Currently no events in June so it should be do able.
  7. Would 3 interceptors be too many? Not a fan of the look of tie fighters. Could go 3 imterctors and 1 tie fighter unless you guys think that's overkill on interceptors.
  8. Is that card in the imperial aces box? I could go with 2 interceptors and 2 fighters if that's the case
  9. Ugh can't edit posts on phone. I have 1 tie advanced. What 6 ships do you guys recommend I pick up?
  10. Thanks for all the input guys. Should be getting my ships early next week. Going to be picking up 6 ships and I currently have 2 tie advanced along with dice and all the tokens and movement templates
  11. A good fighty option for tzeentxh daemons is to take demigryph knight mounts and put some different riders on them and take them as bloodcrushers
  12. Yeah SPDM6 was a blast. Ended up with 34 people. I went 3-1-1 finished 7th overall. All my games were great but 2 really stand out. First was my game against Aaron Donna. Turn 3 he dimensionally cascaded his vampire lord down the hole throwing 2 dice at vanhels dance. I follwed suit the next turn and dimensionally cascaded my slann down the hole lol. I ended up with a 19-8 victory as his army crumbled pretty badly. The other game that stands out was against Matt Peterson. We played for the first time at black sheep and had a fantastic game and our game yesterday did not dissapoint. was a pretty tight game until my slann spirit leached his grey seer and killed him (crazy luck on my part). His regiment of renown was epic. They had gotten killing blow at some point in the tournament and killed my old blood cowboy with it. They might have killed my old blood on a carnosaur with it after the carnosaur was killed. I cant remember. I had some epic poison shooting at his abomb. ancient steg did 4 wounds with its giant blowpipes and skink skirmishers did 1. Finished it off the next turn with antoher unit of skinks. ended up a 19-10 in my favor but felt a lot closer than that. The Regiment of Renown concept was a ton of fun even though mine didnt get that nasty. I hope it is reused in other tournaments. Matt: Shayne got best general and 5th overall. Sol won best overall
  13. Here's the 2 lists I came up with on squadron builder Darth Vader Shadow squadron (phantom) Delta squadron (defender) Black squadron (fighter) Whisper Mauler Mithel Delta squadron Tempest squadron (advanced)
  14. The list is one of each ship. I like the look of defenders and phantoms and was told they are both good. The tie fighter is just there as filler because I couldn't fit anything else
  15. Watched a game of xwing the other day and decided to take the plunge. Was playing with some fleets and came up with this: tie defender, tie phantom, tie advanced, and a tie fighter. There are a couple lists with different levels of each ship. One had Darth Vader and another had whisper. Just wanted to make sure this wasn't a horrible 100pt list before inactuially buy the models. Look forward to getting some games in soon
  16. Dan: I will be very surprised if we see many if any Eternity King lists or the uber characters. Its just to hard to fit them in the comp limits. If it was uncomped I would share your concerns. I really hope you guys end up coming as you guys will definitely be missed if you don't.
  17. Would love to go but already going to victory or death and I can't pull two traveling tournaments in 3 weeks
  18. Did actually think this was serious?!?!? I got a good chuckle out of it. Took me back as i first started playing when ravening came out.
  19. Best washes I have found are the secret weapon washes. Way better than GW's as well as cheaper
  20. Can't find the points for it. Its tough to fit 2 carnos and a slann in a list
  21. Lookin for the current plastic ones. I have some old metal ones as well. Thanks formthenoffer tho
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