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Everything posted by ClassicFlava

  1. Just celebrate the next weekend and make it EPIC!! If you make it an amazing 1st anniversary the date is a minor detail (hopefully)
  2. Can it just come out already?!?!? All models usable is huge. Completly new system (not 9thediton) has me nervous tho
  3. If the books were still compatible they wouldn't pull them from the shelves. If they were still compatible people would still have a reason to buy them. If people had a reason to buy them then they wouldn't pull them from the shelves. The models will be compatible but its highly unlikely the books will be.
  4. Calamatous Detonation should have 3 paid (Matt Beasley, Ogre Seth, and myself). Garret will be paying soon
  5. Last time I READ the title of this thread it was about being excited for 9th so maybe you should heed your own advice and start your own thread;-)
  6. I think its just if they are in the list. Swedish isn't going to change based how you may or not play the army
  7. As for matchups. I am assuming comp value is a guideline and not a hard rule. Will try to avoid any RPS matchups but sometimes one team member has to get "thrown under the bus" so to speak
  8. As a captain i just told my players to make their lists themselves. If they give them to me with issues then i ask for modifications. As for comp levels my team is all in the 12-14 range
  9. And what if 9th is good? I never said anything about buying anything from GW. I very rarely buy anything from them. I was just talking about playing the game
  10. Bro G: So your deciding before its released whether its going to be good or not?
  11. Well I should be there as well. Painting up a new player for one of my teams
  12. How many players are there so far? Deciding between this and fantasy doubles event
  13. I just wish they would release it already. I think it will be fun to relearn some aspects of the game that hopefully get improved
  14. Looks like I will be playing in this. Are there sign ups anywhere so that the TO knows how many will be there?
  15. Wish I could have made it down for this. Hopefully next year
  16. A lot of us from Seattle have been going to Canadian tournaments the last couple years. Would be at wetcoast if it was in june
  17. Update: also willing to trade for ogre kingdoms stuff
  18. I have 16 seaguard unassembled and 5 horses I would be willing to trade
  19. Here is the list of what i have. havent played it in ages so figure i should find it a better home. .2 OOP Broadsides (bare metal/plastic) .3 devilfish (one missing gun turrett), (2 bare plastic, one painted) .4 custom made shield drones (bare plastic) .2 marker drones (bare plastic) .6 metal pathfinders (4 snipers, 2 pulse carbines) (bare metal) .5 gun drones on sprue .24 fire warriors (bare plastic) .6 kroot hounds (bare metal) .1 kroot shaper (bare metal) .12 kroot warriors (bare plastic) .6 stealth suits (5 bare platic, 1 partially painted) .2 crisis battle suits (1 bare plastic, 1 partially painted) .2 crisis command suits (bare plastic) All models except for pathfinders and devilfish are in army transport foam which can be included. Would prefer to sell as a lot as i dont want random models hanging around. Looking for cash
  20. Team calamatous detonation just had a drop as well.
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