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Everything posted by ClassicFlava

  1. For cannons I think just having the initial point of impact scatter is the only fix needed to make them not laser printers. I also think it should go back to randomizing between mount on rider on riden monsters. I think having the initial impact scatter d6 inches is perfect. Artillery dice would be too much of a scatter. To clarify here is thebprocces for shooting a cannon. 1) pick a point on the table 2) scatter d6 inches 3) bounce the cannon ball 4) roll the cannon ball
  2. Figured might start a new one since they just released the alpha recently. If the mods want to delete it that's fine. I am not attached to it or anything ;-)
  3. https://docs.google.com/document/d/1BdUboMHSwUrb4NHIqP4OihW7OL03V91gWrF79Ha0_2I/pub#h.7lhqfddq6c1q looked over it a bit and it looks promising. Much better than openhammer
  4. What's wrong with characters charging out of units? I understand not wanting them used as diverters but whta with taking on an enemy head on?
  5. I guess I see monsters being negatively affected by that rule. Don't mind it for sabretusks and similar stuff but monsters shouldn't be subject to it.
  6. Not to be a Debbie downer but there are some things that I really dislike. Redirecting abig part of the strategy in 8th. If you take it out there really aren't many ways to stop a death star. Not letting characters leave units seems silly. Also Swedish is written with 50% lords and heroes in mind so disallowing that could skew your Swedish scores. I am all for combined profiles for monster riders but I think your your formula is off. If i paybfor a 4+ward it should not be reduced. Also by your formula if i buy a 5+ ward item it works just like the 6+ ward item. Combine wounds and take the beat toughness, best ward save, and I could see doing average of the two armor saves being good. Love the LOS changes and magic changes except for losing the spell on a miscast. Sometimes miscasts happen on 2 or 3 dice and that's a pretty harsh penalty. Maybe make the penalty worse if more dice are thrown and less if less dice are thrown. Love the deploy!ment and movement rules too. Just seems like all of the changes benefit deathstars. I see them being too strong in these rules.
  7. Rams make more sense because they live on mountains as do dwarves. Bears live in the forest. Would make more sense in a wood elf army ;-)
  8. I have always thought that dwarves riding rams into battle seems more appropriate.
  9. They can't hide in the second rank anymore. You can allocate attacks to them
  10. This looks much better to me than openhammer. Looking forward to see what they come up with
  11. Finally came up on the waiting list for these. Here is the thread from the lizardmen forums http://www.lustria-online.com/threads/first-post-custom-model-kroxigor.15419/ Looking forward to getting these. Going to have to take kroxigor now; to bad they suck...
  12. of all the points systems I have seen this is the only i think might work. Seems very in depth
  13. Well yeah I would secure the base down before drilling it
  14. I wonder if you could use the drill bit that is a cylinder. I forget what they are actually called. Just a thought
  15. Parking was fine on Saturday and Sunday. Friday was kind of a pain. Had to move my car every 2 hours.
  16. Will be attending this for sure. Look forward to hopefully seeing some of the Oregon/Vancouver guys
  17. Yeah I noticed when making lists that armies will be pretty big
  18. I plan to play by bases not model because that is just a pain the rear.
  19. I am driving down thursday so that works
  20. Summons have to be 9 inches away from an enemy anyway. I'll just put it more than 10 inches away. Pretty minor impact on summoning imo
  21. Hobbitron: Battleshock test are based off of casualties not wounds. Bro G is right. AgentP: All BroG is doing is trying to figure out how things work, lets not bash that and stay on topic as the mods have asked. As far as big units go; AFTER playing games i see them as very good. Mainly because the best way to mitigate damage in AoS is by dealing it. A big unit will get to go first on your turn will all of their models within thier attack range. The units it hits are going to be crippled if not dead due to battleshock. also command abilities and special ablities that affect single units become more effective if you have one big unit as compared to two small ones as most of them (I think) make you choose a unit.
  22. Yeah i am going play KoW and AoS an whichever one is better is what I will stick with. Only issue I see there being is AoS is unplayable as a tournament game in its current form. I very much enjoy tournaments so if that doesn't change I can't see myself sticking with it.
  23. I would be down for a game at ofcc this weekend
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