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Everything posted by Raindog

  1. Now, if I only had time to make shirts...... infinity pixxxxx 2 2.pdf
  2. It is set up day! I am helping picking up the club's table tops at 4 PM. Set up Starts at 6 !
  3. I agree with Kremmet's advice 100%. As a t=different tip, I like to start with a brown base and go with the Averland Yellow from there.
  4. It's Hump Day! The week is down hill from here! How is you painting going?
  5. I may be boring, but I love shotguns and spitfires. The spitfire is a great gun slinger weapon made for a haris team and a 13 BS. A shotgun is a great equalizer. Even on a low BS troop, the shotgun can help against gun slingers and camo troops. With the blast mode, they can quickly reduce fire teams and links.
  6. There is a growing pile in the back bedroom of Infinity and OFCC Projects. 4 Mats. One table worth of terrain in four boxes. ITS pack. patches. printouts of teams for table reservations. Army. Army bag. Battle Kiwi prize support, Marsbarn Designs prize support. Models for DKieft for 9th age. Print outs for the ITS.
  7. Records changed. Now, if Seth, Darron and Jay can pick their final name.......
  8. Uncle Vernon and the Haqqi-Slams Evan Secan Eric Weber Justin Morgan Sino Evil Jay Whisler Darron Forbes Seth George Crit Happens Erik Grey Pete Harper Jen Harper Pride of Rodina Jeff Rockwell Bob Lindstrom Kyle Randolph Team Pork Chop Express Joe Bumgarner Joe Talley John Allen Warhamster: Beard Joey Konopka Nathan Lough Christian Criez Team Emoj FUC Chris Matthews Will Martinez Ian Craick Patchwork Mercs Alex Sinkowski Edward Sayers Tim Steed Make Infinity Great Again! Adam Bienvenu Nathan Kapke Obadiah Hampton Scared Hitless Aaron Musk Andrew Claflin Frazier Edmonds Team Hyperposer Brian Boese Andy Brandt Tony Fern Team Weeaboo Wizard Van Riley Nadeau Tom Rolling Cody Burkett Face Paunch Players! Alex Sinkowski Andy Brandt Brian Boese Darron Forbes Erik Grey Mountain Goat Jeff Rockwell Kyle Randolf Pete Harper Jay Whisler Seth George Tony Fern Will Martinez Ringer Evan Secan
  9. Oh, rats. Your cosplay would have been fun.
  10. xXx. This movie was absolutely improbable and ridiculous. It seemed like a comedy, but I think they wanted to be serious. It could have been worse. OVerall. Not bad to paint to while watching. 6/10. London Falling. Improbable and needing a better lead. Essentially, it is Escape From New York without Jake Piskan. 7/10 Both are on Net Flix
  11. There will be 20 tables set up for Infinity Narrative Event. 12 will come from the teams. Yes, there will be two extra as an option to play on. There will be a placard for each team, so their table will be reserved. Please set up your table on Friday, between George, Jay, and I we will have plenty of tables for the Face Punch, but if you want your table set up, please come early to the event.
  12. I am officialy done painting for the OFCC!
  13. I had a nice game against Berman (sp?) tonight at the club. I had the club play Frontline. Berman was very aggressive with his Tohaa. He surged hard and I had a terrible time trying to peel them back. They are fast, have lots of wounds and symbio-mates. It took three turns to be able to position myself for the win. Berman made me earn each band. In the end, I managed all three bands with the help of the info-war. The club terrain is cleaned out and ready for OFCC next week.
  14. What would you like to see in the future, so we could have you play?
  15. Gentlemen, There is plenty of room in the Face Punch ITS! Please, buy your ticket and join the fray!
  16. Power cords and charges might be a good idea to bring to the event!
  17. The Farzan is almost done. I am painting the Top Down Terrain base. The first two layers are done. I should be done tonight. I went to Fate & Fury and ordered Beyond Red Veil. Jay and I are splitting the contents.
  18. Business Card size is fine. George and I would appreciate say to read and obvious.
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