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Everything posted by Swan-of-War

  1. So I downloaded the rules and army lists from the site, but cruising the forums it seems that they've since changed? Where should I look for the latest army lists (specifically elves)
  2. Was checking out the rules and am liking what I see. Is there any reason to individually mount your models on bases though? Seems like you could cut some troop / regimental / horde size trays and just glue all your guys to one. Would make transport easier and some huge opportunity for scenic bases.
  3. I may go with the Perry Brothers war of roses minis for a Kingdom of Men.
  4. Yeah, I was looking at the Orc and Goblin sets. Rather like them, better than GW's puppy-monkey-orcs The Undead are pretty cool too, especially the Ghouls. Basileans and Elves are sad. The Dwarves are a weird aesthetic but I've seen one set that was painted to make them look passable
  5. Hey all - looking for some quick Paypal so I'm selling stuff cheap. Want PAYPAL only, need to preorder something. Located in Redmond/Issaquah area but prefer to ship rather than drive all over Seattle. These are on Ebay too Space Marine Terminator Chaplain Metal, all pieces there. Finecast is $21.50 retail, yours for only $10.00 ($13 shipped) Misc Fantasy / Age of Sigmar / Mordheim / Frostgrave Lot Nice mix of Beastment, Skaven and Chaos Warrior models from Warhammer Quest? Battlemasters? Anyway, good little lot in various stages of new-on-sprue, primed and painted. Yours for only $10.00 ($13 shipped) 15 OOP Bretonnian Archers (monopose) Not pictured, but I have 15 monopose Bretonnian archers, primed white. These are the ones that came in the old starter set. Bases included Again, yours for only $10.00 ($13 shipped) Thanks!
  6. I've been seeing this downward trend since 8th edition dropped
  7. My F.A.T. mat came in from Heroic Knight games and I've been experimenting with board layout. The mat itself is fantastic, but the streets may be a little too straight and wide, benefiting ranged troops. I have some unbuilt buildings - perhaps converting some to be more tumbled-down and sliding into the street will break it up a bit. Also have some scatter terrain to start assembling - crates, barrels, pots - which can be used as rubble and cover for the middle of the streets. The fountain at the town square looks a little small; I have an idea for using the Gold Gryphon from the empire war altar instead.
  8. I don't believe that the Empire Knights included the "hairy head" Middenheim sprue when bundled in a battalion box - correct me if I'm wrong
  9. I don't like glitter. It's coarse and rough and irritating and it gets everywhere.
  10. Got a small force of Space Marines in a trade, could anyone use these? Includes one of the best conversions I have ever seen. Ever. Make me an offer - will ship at buyer's expense, can also meet you in the Redmond / Bellevue / Issaquah area
  11. 2016 Resolutions 1) No more just dabbling around, this year I will MASTER the dark arts 2) Build and finish a table worthy of Mordheim
  12. That really sucks man. My company is nice enough to pay you on the business day before if pay day hits on a weekend or holiday.
  13. Hey Ordo - I've got an on-sprue Ophidian Archway (opened to check contents) and a barely-started Numinous Occulum to offer. Bought them for my Mordheim board but don't think they match the aesthetic I'm shooting for. $100 retail, yours for $50 cash. Can meet up in Portland later this week. Otherwise Seattle / Bellevue
  14. What's your experience with gluing the new AoS terrain together? Was working on the Numinous Occulum this weekend and had problems with the glue sticking anything together. Not sure if its the model (release agent), my glue (P3) or the temperature. Come to think of it, it might be my glue. Sometimes it works like a charm - other times, nada
  15. Were you delivering pizza shirtless and with a bowtie? Cause then our dreams just crossed...
  16. The feathery wings are what blow it for me. Kinda like putting a chainmail hauberk on it for extra armor.
  17. Sorry if this is one of you guys, but WTF? http://seattle.craigslist.org/see/tag/5349699359.html
  18. Throw some umlauts on that name and I'm sold!
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