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Brother Glacius

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Everything posted by Brother Glacius

  1. So people are now no longer allowed to form opinions on things? Just because GW is making it, doesn't mean it is beaming sunshine either. And exactly how could you be surprised at this? This is a WFB forum. Not a fantasy skirmish forum. You should be happy at how well received AoS is. I'm probably the harshest critic of GW that posts, and even I said I'd try the game. But is AoS going to replace WFB? Hell no.
  2. Yeah...you totally lost me on this one. You'll have to send me a PM and explain it. :)
  3. GW will keep expanding AoS through "war scrolls". They will put out bigger and bigger formations with extra happy special bonus rules to go along with them, just like formations for 40K. Why make AoS scale big if you are planning on releasing another WFB game? That doesn't make sense. WFB End Times....how much more of a hint do you need before you accept that its over? That isn't to say that AoS can't be a fun game. I'll give it a try. I won't buy stuff for it, but I'll give it a try. For my six WFB armies...well they will find a home with another system.
  4. Don't hold your breath for another WFB edition or game. I don't think you'll see it. I think AoS is it for fantasy.
  5. Gordi is over there..he could probably meet at Dice Age. :)
  6. V2 is about to drop with their army lists. They are working on a book that will contain lists for GW armies and even historical armies. I've got a fairly limited elf army for KoW, dwarfs, undead, orcs and goblins. I can use the nature list for my beasts I think or maybe the orc list.
  7. No, someone asked where they could find out about it so I posted the link. I think the writing on the wall about AoS is pretty clear that it will never be a WFB game. I'm not shooting down AoS for what it is. But lets not fool ourselves into making it into something it isn't. It is not a massed battle game like WFB. For people that want to play that game, AoS will not work. That isn't a dig on AoS. If someone wants to transport a family somewhere, you talk about minivans...you don't sell them a motorcycle.
  8. Here's the post announcing the 9thAge stuff: http://warhammer.org.uk/phpBB/viewtopic.php?f=3&t=129642
  9. Those don't look like IP-able names...They should have used something like Orderus Rex and Undeathicus....Destromachinations? Chaotica Warpus?
  10. I wanna hear what Raindog thinks. He's been fairly quiet during this whole kerfuffle.
  11. Nearly had a heart attack watching the game last night. Wooooooo so glad it went our way!
  12. Can I take out a life insurance policy on you?
  13. I really enjoyed 5th edition. That was when I really got into the game. I loved the card system for magic. Sure, it was unpredictable, but it never felt too game changing. I liked the smaller armies and the hidden setups. That was where I learned warhammer. I think I still have all my 5th ed stuff too.
  14. Well I think GW did a smart move here. With free rules and cards for existing models, there is no reason for current WFB players not to give this game a try. That being said, it is not going to occupy that same space as WFB. However, there are options out there. A) keep playing 8th, B) there are people out there creating something called the 9thAge, basically a tweak of 8th, C) yes, oh yes, there is Kings of War that has a new edition dropping in August. Now, as to AoS, what really concerns me about this "model count" balance system, is that how do you handle horde armies vs elite armies? If you bring 50 chaos warriors and I bring 50 zombies, I can't imagine that is going to be anywhere close to a fair fight. And clearly, we all know that GW's new factions and units are going to outclass most of the old stuff right from the start. That is just how they roll. I don't see AoS having a long life with people using existing models. The old armies just aren't designed that way. I think AoS will develop its own following using GW's new releases to sustain it. If you end up not likeing AoS, or crave the massed battles game, then start looking to one of the above options. I think the 9thAge could turn out to be a really cool Living Rulebook of 8th edition. I enjoy KoW, but it doesn't have the same depth as WFB did.
  15. What? screw the OFCC and its point values and 4+ pages of rules! Everyone can just play AoS instead now.
  16. I see plenty of CSM players buying this set just in order to convert some new cultist models. I don't see the Sigmar figs being big sellers except for the mounted dude. He's pretty sweet. As an owner of GW models, I do like that I don't have to spend a dime to play this, which is pretty much the only way I'd play this. So good on you GW. Smart move.
  17. I like it except for the head...that just seems odd to me. I think I'll pick up that WD and find a nice space wolf head to put on that sucker. Ooooo that would actually make a nice Middenheim character or priest of Ulric.
  18. As I went down to get my morning soda, I realized that they did it so that rebasing wasn't required. Still, it seems weird. So if I can flank your dragon model, I can actually charge it sooner because I'll be closer due to your wing tip. Yeah, that seems odd to me. I suddenly see lots of characters armed with whips. :)
  19. Does anyone see an upside to measuring from the closest point on a model? This one has me scratching my head. So your range and such is now going to be determined by your facing? Is there even facing? Can you rotate your model so that a longer point is now facing what you want to charge? Why wouldn't you just stick with bases? p.s. in my last 20 posts, I only mention KoW once :)
  20. Did you even read what I wrote? You [big bad swear word]ing quoted it, but left out the part where I stated it wouldn't be Mantic. Yeah, screw context and what people actually say...lets just make up posts on selective words that they use. Its a quote party!
  21. So just catching up on the ruleset so far. Ouch. I don't think this game is going to scratch the WFB itch. It doesn't seem to even be in the same genre. Leaves the door wide open though for a company to take over that space. I don't see that being Mantic as they don't want to get as rules complicated as WFB was. Wonder how soon until you see something pop up on kickstarter? What about it NtK? Can we expect to see Shellerhammer in the future? ;)
  22. I was just noting the overly muscled Kings of War look that the sigmar figs is looking pretty had, plus a leader on a battlecat-like model good right about now...
  23. Another update...no pics yet..but coming soon.
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