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Brother Glacius

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Everything posted by Brother Glacius

  1. So hearing the latest on AoS, perhaps they aren't going to have big army rules after all? And the whole "you'll be able to use your existing models" is not very reassuring. I read that as "your existing models really aren't part of the story anymore". Or am I the only one who thinks this? Maybe it will only be a skirmish type game after all.
  2. Counting up my GG, I found that I just need one more to have a nice round number. Anyone got an extra one?
  3. 4g3 0f 5igm4r 1s Ru1n3d!!!!111!!!!!11!!!!!!1!!!1?
  4. I'd like to play my DAK, so if you could bring US, that would be great.
  5. Damnit..no one likes the Keds eh?
  6. What I don't really get is how one participates in this campaign. I know what campaigns are and I know what FoW is (only been playing it since 1st edition). When you post up a campaign and want people to join it, you should make it easy to understand how they join it and what is required to participate.
  7. Can someone put this in laymen terms? I see lots of links but don't really get the gist of all of this other than it is some sort of campaign.
  8. Well my plan is to read over the rules and NA book this next week and come up with a few lists. I'll be making 1000pt list just to get my feet wet again. I'm hoping to find opponents next Thursday.
  9. Yes, because the half-sister wouldn't lie. I'll let our court system figure that all out.
  10. Interested in your storm troopers. Do you have pics of the 3rd ed ones?
  11. What originally got me into playing FoW in the first place was the African front. I loved the way the armies looked. I own both DAK and Brit forces for the area, as well as my beloved Italians. It has been a long time since I played FoW, so I'd like to ease my way back in with perhaps playing small 1000pt games. Does that sound appealing to anyone?
  12. So I was having the typical Monday morning discussion with my friend about gaming, and we were wondering why we stopped playing certain games. The biggest factor for me was that the game was too stressful. I have become so worried about balance and fairness and making sure that there exists a chance to win...that there is no fun left. In the beginning, there was this blissful time of ignorance around a game where we just played it...and fun was had...and somewhere down the line...typically when taking that first step towards tournaments, that it all starts to go wrong. But lately, I'm killing off games before I even get to the blissful ignorance part. Now I research games and poor over the rules and such, scrutinizing every aspect, and inevitably finding the flaws that justify my disdain. A good example is 40K. I really love the lore of 40K. I've been involved in it since the Rogue Trader days. The models and lore will get me excited enough to start to collect and build a force...but eventually, the realization that it won't be able to take on all comers (at least to my ridiculous standards) then kills the enthusiasm that was once there. So how do you wipe the slate clean? How do you attain that gaming zen where you just enjoy the game? I am a gamer, but I've gotten to this stage where I'm making the games not fun and that makes me a sad panda.
  13. So who's watching the US play their first game tonight?
  14. I have the old Golfag's box set which has 5 ogres in it. I need one more so that I can have a full unit of 6. Will take any old school ogre that will fit in with that bunch.
  15. I heard it was just Gladiator in space..."are you not entertained?!" J/K :) actually I was a bit disappointed that it wasn't about
  16. Doesn't bother me, just curious why you'd put up more posts on info you've already posted. :)
  17. Oh yeah, that's one of my favorite GW moves...they did that with Dire Avengers....classic!
  18. So you posted a video that shares nothing more than the info on the picture you posted before....and then a link to a page that shows the same thing. Is this just for completeness sake...or is there some subliminal message [big bad swear word] going on here?
  19. Wow...that looks good. But isn't he supposed to be green?
  20. I was referring to the business side of things. 6th is where they started out (IIRC) with the plastic regiment boxes. 20 goblins for $20, with a movement tray included. Other infantry was 16 in size. Also, the game supported frontages of 4 instead of 5, which let you have smaller units. 6th edition is where I exploded in terms of collecting armies.
  21. no worries. I think GW is smart enough to let people keep using what they have. I am just having a hard time seeing them keep the game in that format, and having it be successful and still continuing their business practices. If they went back to the days of 6th ed in terms of how they made the game accessible, then I think that would be great. I just don't see them doing that.
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