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Brother Glacius

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Everything posted by Brother Glacius

  1. http://captiongenerator.com/48463/Hitler-reacts-to-Age-of-Sigmar Sorry I can't imbed it.
  2. I still can't seem to figure this one out. How is this done?
  3. No, I'm just putting it into context. They are replacing a game they spent 33 years building with AoS. Now perhaps the moderators can create a kiddie forum and then we can properly put the AoS discussions there.
  4. How about this? Number of rolls on the miscast table = The number of dice you rolled - your caster level. Minimum of 1. Oh, and priests are limited to one prayer per magic phase.
  5. Isn't that kind of the most important part of the book..what is inside of it? So basically he's saying "I don't know what's in it...but I think its a BRB!"
  6. I think you are confusing the word "simple" for "incomplete" or "bad"....or "juvenile"....
  7. So been looking at the unit cards for Vampire Counts and I have to say, there are interesting ideas there. Some of the rules are pretty cool and actually look like they would be fun to play. However, this doesn't take away from the fact that the rules for AoS are crap. They made a half-assed game. The unit cards are like rainbow sprinkles on a pile of crap. From a distance it might look appealing, but you don't want to eat it. That pretty much sums up AoS for me.
  8. AoS is actually worse than I thought it would be. This is not a comment on the gameplay mind you, but the expectation of what the next fantasy was going to be. I truly thought we were going to see a complete rule set. I knew it was going to be skirmish, but I thought it would be at least as complex as 40K. For what GW is, and have done, AoS just seems juvenile. But maybe they think this is the only way for fantasy to sell. Just produce stunning minis, and let people use them. That seemed to be their only goal with AoS. From that standpoint, it seems to be a success. But obviously in the hands of players that are used to the WFB, it just fails. I really don't like some of the special rules in the unit cards. Dance while you roll the dice? I'd almost think this was a huge jest on the part of GW....some elaborate April Fool's joke. That being said, I can't help but be curious as to the direction that the new models will take. If they come out with some really cool undead models...what do I do? Its just a shame that the answer isn't easier. If AoS was a serious mini game, then I'd be more willing to dive into it.
  9. Anyone figured out how to convert the AoS warscrolls into 8th ed unit stats? Just wondering how the Sigmarines would look on square bases.
  10. Looking to get my hands on the mortarchs and possibly nagash. Please let me know if you have any for sale or trade.
  11. So first off, glad you enjoyed your game Orkdork. Second, I'd like to hear your thoughts on what parts of KoW v2 you don't like. I am eagerly awaiting my book and plan to make it my WFB replacement game. I know it won't have the same depth, but I do like many of the streamlining they have done. But I also know there are a few things I'd house rule already. Lastly, the above post really points out just the ridiculousness of GW to me. Those are just moronic. Really, you want me to take you seriously as a game company after your publish stuff like that? This is your new flagship game?
  12. why is their game stilted? They followed the rules that Games Workshop laid out for age of sigmar. You have no right to call that game stilted. this game is for kids not for gamers.
  13. I voted yes because I'm going to give it a try but I can't see this game lasting too long on my gaming time
  14. you know the answer could be really simple. GW Just didn't make this game for us. It made it for new players
  15. One more month until kings of war. ????
  16. 1 hero and 2 core minimum, may take up to 4 more core, another hero, 3 fast units, 3 elite units, and 3 heavy units. :)
  17. So why do they have special characters that are dead? That seems a bit odd to me. None of the warhammer special characters should be alive. I get that they are supporting models...Just seems like it would have been better to give them an updated title that fits with the new background.
  18. Just think about the fluff they have used with the Sigmarines. How are some skeletons that have worse stats than humans supposed to stand up to them in any capacity? Are skeletons and zombies now made up of the Nagashium, the blackest material made from souls trapped in the realm of death. Nagash has drawn forth the essence of himself and infused them into new minions that look just like skeletons from that world that no one remembers....*hurk* Get what I mean? New fluff is cool and all, but if it doesn't translate to the game then it sort of breaks the fantasy. seeing skeletons vs the sigmarines just doesn't seem right
  19. KoW has inherent lists for ogres, orcs, goblins, empire-ish, undead, chaos dwarfs, dwarfs, elves(wood+high), nature, angels, and deamons. They are reworking their dark elf list. There are lists for GW armies for V1, but I don't think anyone has V2 ones yet. And since Mantic has said they are putting out their own versions, I think most people will wait for them. They should include chaos warriors, lizards, skaven, brets.....maybe beastmen. I'm kind of kicking myself for not getting the ogre army...I got the deamon one instead. I think the ogres are going to be a tough force to play against. Monstrous Infantry are just nasty.
  20. I haven't given it much thought...I mean its GW, so it will be pricey...but as they are trying to get people into the game, then the price point can't be too high. Who knows, maybe they will start with $60 starter sets. Just like the AoS box, but one faction only? $60 isn't too bad to get into the game, especially with free rules. They really need to lay the ground work first, or I would hope they would lay the ground work first...release starters for each faction...ala warmachine, so that people get a taste of the scope...and then start releasing additions. I mean what is the point of releasing a ton of Sigmarites if there are no other factions to play against them. Here's hoping for an undead, elf, and orc faction being released soon.
  21. This forum also has an Ignore feature. Feel free to tack my name in there.
  22. Yup, I do. If I don't like something, I'll say it. As to informed and uninformed...all of the rah rahs and blah blahs have been coming from the same set of rumors. But the GW cheerleaders can't seem to understand that.
  23. You'll have to explain to me how forming a supporting opinion on the game is somehow different from forming negative opinions on the game from the same set of rumors.
  24. Okay, Flying High was kind of crappy...but you could take that out.
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