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Brother Glacius

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Everything posted by Brother Glacius

  1. I never really gave this game much of a look. Can someone provide a quick synopsis?
  2. Is it just me, or could you play Masters of the Universe with those models?
  3. Will still need to wait a bit to see if square truly is gone. But so far, seems like GW is going skirmish. Also, the new figs really are vastly different from previous fantasy models (although chaos didn't go too far). GW trying to nail down that new IP.
  4. I'm having trouble figuring out how GW is going to get people into fantasy with this game, and then somehow get them to a square based WFB style. I mean if you get AoS, you'll want to keep using those figs. Doesn't make a whole lot of sense. If GW is really wants to turn fantasy into Sigmar 40K, then why leave the square based stuff out there. My only guess at this point is GW is going to wait and see how well AoS is received. If it bombs..they go back to square...if it does well, then they stick with the skirmish game.
  5. Wow, I'm sorry. I thought the figs would have been somewhere close to the current fantasy ones so that there could be cross use. I don't see how in the world this can phase into a square base game. Welcome to Sigmar 40K.
  6. Careful about using absolutes. Still waiting.
  7. Can you show me where I said you should hate AoS? Or even where I said you should hate GW? I'll wait.
  8. Losing it? no. GW's actions no longer surprise me. I'm just shocked that you guys are still skipping along the fanboi path. They have you eating out of their hand, even when its empty.
  9. There's nothing teaser about it. [sarcasm] Oh, you're gonna get to do more battles soon....really??? from a [big bad swear word]ing wargame??? I'll get to do battles??? Wow! Thanks for the update! Age of Sigmar sounds neat![/sarcasm] People's tolerance for their bull[big bad swear word] just amazes me. Honestly, if some other company treated you like this, would you be okay with it? Or better yet, when there are other companies out there, that are trying to not only put out the best products they can, but actually communicate with their customers as well....why wouldn't you rather support them? GW has not released one bit of info, other than that AoS is a fantasy game. And its release is imminent. And you guys are still cheering wildly for it. I just don't get it. But hey, good luck with that. EDIT: fixed it.
  10. Ugh. Seriously? There is nothing in that whole article. Nothing. GW really likes to take a piss on its player base don't they? "Remember that time when we ruined the fluff for the game you've been playing for 20 years?....good times."
  11. Jurassic World - 7/10 until you hit the divorce scene, then 2/10 for the rest of the movie.
  12. Want to build an Italy defense forces....or an afrika one. Looking for any Italian units, just don't need bersagilieri forces.
  13. I want to get the Relthozans as well. They look interesting. Currently I own the starter box so I have aquans and directorate...but they are on the painting table.
  14. Yes, there are lots of reasons for GW to promote it...but GW won't because GW has their own ideas. I'm not agreeing with them, but you can't deny what they do.
  15. What is their incentive? If they are truly pushing a new game, then there is no reason to reveal ahead of time. Lots of people are going to assume it is "9th edition". All that will do is rile people up. Might as well let them stew and think about it, then know and decide one way or the other. They are basically keeping you interested up until it is released.
  16. Thanks for the game Laz. Who knew M10s were so nasty? :) I gotta give props to my PGs for sticking it out and taking down a US platoon even when pinned. I'm out for next Thursday (visiting family). I'll post up again for the week after. By the way, I could be at GG as early as 3pm if anyone could get a game in that early.
  17. Vehicles go boom much easier in this game too. Trying to kill some of the larger vessels in DW just takes forever. I like the speed of this game, just need to play it some more. You guys in Portland or Vansterdam?
  18. Is that the inherent issue with having sub-marine dexes? Any time the base dex gets an update, you'll be hanging out in the wind until you get a new book. At least you get a book..poor Salamanders have to slum it with the others.
  19. There were female orcs in the warhammer fluff...or at least cheerleaders in bloodbowl...the 40K universe made them fungi based.
  20. What time do people usually show up? I just found out I have a soccer game at 8:40 at portland indoor.
  21. GW wants to create IPs that they can protect. Nothing wrong with that. However, it will really need to be more than just a name change. It will have to be an image change. If a "waaghkin" looks just like an "orc" then hey haven't gained anything. Other companies can continue to make orcs and people will buy them to use in the GW game. For this to really work, GW needs to overhaul the whole image of their line. If this is all true of course. Fairly wild to think that they are willing to give up on 30 years of design just to have a tighter hold on the IP.
  22. I'll be there tonight. Don't really care about the hood, your choice. :) And thanks.
  23. Hmmmm I just don't recall people talking about how stagnant the Old World was in the last few editions and only now that GW has dumped it that people are jumping on that bandwagon.
  24. Did I say anything cynical in that last post? I must have missed it. Did I say that AoS was ruined or the like? So basically, even when I'm not being anti-gw..I'm assumed to be anti-gw. I have no feelings whatsoever for this next game. What people here have been hoping for is a system that will allow them to keep playing their massed battles using existing figures. That latest bit of info did not seem to gel with that hope. That is an observation and an opinion, not a proclimation of doom. I'll admit that I no longer drink the GW kool-aid. :)
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