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Brother Glacius

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Everything posted by Brother Glacius

  1. really small update...but it includes a picture!
  2. All good Sammy. Last call for kow kickstarter.
  3. Where did you see the beta rules? Can you provide a link? I was not able to find them.
  4. I could meet at wow or gg around 3pmish. I have soccer at 7.
  5. I'd be more than happy to run some KoW games this Sunday at game night. Army files are in AB or battlescribe, so making a list isn't hard. Or just give me a heads up and I can bring a couple of 1000pt forces or the like. Please let me know, otherwise I'll skip this week.
  6. Well the goblin, orc, and undead army can pretty much translate units right over. Maybe the deamons too. The rest may have a unit that you aren't sure what to do with. For instance, the dwarfs have a cav unit. The ogres have a chariot unit. Still though, based on the sheer number of models you get for $100, you are still saving way more money than if you tried to get the same number of GW models. The models that tempted me the most were the deamon and the abyssal dwarves. But I actually already own way too many models, so I'm just going with the books for now. It was super tempting...but at some point you have to stop the madness. :)
  7. First off, it really doesn't compare to WFB. They are only similar in that you have ranked up models in units. After that, they are vastly different. First off, all unit sizes are set. When you choose a unit, it has very specific sizes to field. Its formation is also set. So there is a great uniformity to units in KoW. Also, there is no random movement and you can premeasure all you want. You know exactly when you can charge and if you will make it or not. Other than that, movement is fairly similar. There is no wheeling though. You have rules on when and how much you can pivot, but they are not part of the measuring process. LOS and range measurement is done from the center front model of the unit, ie the leader. Shooting is simple. The unit has a value for ranged attacks and that is what you roll. No counting models, or anything like that. If your target is in LOS and range from the "leader" model, then the whole unit shoots. Range combat plays out like this: Get # of dice from unit Attack stat. Get target number based on unit's Ranged Attack value. Apply mods if any. Roll dice, record successes. Opponent will give you their unit's armor stat. You now roll your hits aiming for that target number (modified by weapon if applicable). If damage is done, add to total damage to the unit. Roll a leadership test 2d6 + total damage and compare to enemy unit's Nerve stat. If >= to first value, unit is wavering, if >= to second value, unit is routed off the table. Magic - huge difference. In KoW, magic is basically just like shooting. You have a number of dice to roll, a target number, and that produces hits. Roll to damage, and then if damage done, roll Nerve test. There is no variety like there is in WFB. There really isn't even a magic phase. If a unit/model has certain "magic" abilities, they use them in the shooting phase. Melee - This is also very different from WFB. It is basically just like shooting. Units that are in melee, only the charger gets to attack. You roll # of dice based on attack stat. Target number is based on Melee value, apply mods, record number of successes. Roll successes vs enemy unit armor stat, apply mods, record successes. If you did damage, add it to total damage done to unit, then roll nerve test (2d6 + total damage done to unit). If the enemy unit does not route, then you push back your unit one inch. Missile units that are charged are considered to be disrupted in the next phase, regardless if damage was done or not. This basically means they can't shoot. They can still melee though. Hit a unit in the flank, your attack value is x2...hit them in the rear....x3. Wavering units cannot charge...but can only change facing, or back up. And that is basically it. When it is your turn, you are the only one rolling dice. It goes very fast. The game is about putting damage on units until you can route them. Even just one point of damage allows for a nerve test. So it is possible to get really lucky and cause an enemy unit to flee the table, even though little damage was done. On the flip side, units don't lose any effectiveness until they are off the table. You could have a unit of 10 guys who have taken 10 hits, but unless you rolled well enough to route them, they hit just as hard as they did with no hits. So units don't have a wounds stat. It all comes down to beating their nerve score. By the way, snake eyes always fails a nerve test, and box cars always routes. It comes up more than you'd think. Larger units always have larger nerve scores...so they should be harder to remove from the table. However, the # of attacks typically only increases if you reach a "horde" level for the unit. For example: 10 dwarf warriors have 15 attack dice. 20 dwarf warriors have 15 attack dice, but a higher nerve score. 40 dwarf warriors (horde level) have 25 attack dice and an even higher nerve score. By the way, I'm just pulling numbers here...just to illustrate. So a lot of the strategy comes in the form of risk. 10 dwarfs hit just as hard as 20...but they won't last as long. But they are cheaper. Also, there isn't a huge difference between races. Mostly the stats fluctuate a little, and a race may have a typical special rule attached to its units. So in terms of balance, I find it is pretty solid. If you compare it to WFB...WFB looks like a wedding cake with sparklers on it and KoW looks like a twinkie. Doesn't mean the twinkie doesn't taste good too. :)
  8. New tournament rules will require the loser to smash all of their models and rebuy at full retail from the GW store.
  9. More pics of newest concepts...
  10. I heard that GW is going to make a game that WFB are going to want to play.
  11. I think it was Andy Chambers that was talking about how GW has become a collector's mini company as opposed to a gaming mini company. As long as they can pop out models and have people buy them...the game aspect is really secondary. That really worries me when it comes to what will happen with WFB.
  12. I am pretty sure the 1.0 rules are free to download, so there is no reason not to jump in it now. I can't imagine it will be a big change.
  13. This link will show you the available stuff. https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/1744629938/kings-of-war-fantasy-battle-game-2nd-edition You can still get the mega armies, the starter armies, and the individual bonus models. Plus additional rulebooks and such.
  14. you leave home now? p.s. I'd comment on your army, but I don't play chaos. If you like the models and have the money to get it done the way you want, then why the hell not?
  15. Okay, so lets talk where fantasy is heading. Based on rumors, we have heard that the rules themselves won't be too different from 8th. We have heard also that the previous army books are going away, and that GW plans to cut down to 6. There have also been rumors about a skirmish level game. Speculations and questions: 1) what setting will it take place in? The old world is gone. So does 9th take place in some window of time on the old world? Does it take place in the "new beginning"? The window option does not appeal to me. But it is also the only option that lets me use my existing armies. A new beginning appeals more from a story point of view, but then my collections are toast, which really doesn't make me happy. 2) rule set...8th vs skirmish - I'm not too sure how these are going to end up. I think 8th's handle of skirmish units is lame. Doesn't seem to me that it would work well making a skirmish game (unless each model is separate and "units" are pretty much gone). I don't see how both of these rumors can be true. And if it does turn out to be a skirmish game...ick. Warmachine already fills that. I have armies for an army game...not a skirmish game. 3) army books - so we now are down to 6. That is a huge cut. If it is indeed a mashup of previous armybooks, then how does balance work? Do you cut out certain units? Do you just toss everything in? Balance was iffy at best in 8th. End Times just tossed balance out of the window. How do you mash together races into one book, and keep it on an even keel?
  16. Oh, the KoW 2.0 kickstarter manager is finally open. They have some amazing deals on minis. A few ordo's (including myself) are in the kickstarter. So if you see something you like, give a shout.
  17. You are both being trolls. Get out of my thread. p.s. I'm sure getting this thread locked is the intent of one of the parties involved.
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