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Brother Glacius

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Everything posted by Brother Glacius

  1. I tried to get in a game, but unfortunately during the time I got there (5:30ish), there was no one left that needed one. I waited until 6 to see if anyone else showed, but no such luck. Figured I could stay, but then not start until 7ish, which then gets me home close to 10...which is far too long to be hanging out at wow. Getting there earlier really isn't much of an option. So what should I do? I really don't want to be at WoW late. Should I try to arrange games ahead of time?
  2. I thought it looked good...but I'm going to wait as all my money is going towards minis currently :(
  3. Is there anything you can do about the inside of the wheels? That is the only piece that sticks out to me.
  4. Hopefully they are allowed to make the rules compatible with FSA. If they are, then its a big win for Spartan. If they have to come up with different rules, then maybe not so much.
  5. Tempted...but give the evil empire $65 for a remote chance to get a gold ticket?? not really feeling it.
  6. No relentless for those Destroyers though. That is why I am going to have to buy those stupid bikes now. Otherwise if you move, its snapshot city.
  7. Well they have a starter box that has the directorate and the aquans in it.
  8. those new all in one boxes are fantastic...especially when you can pick them up for under $100 online. Even though I own a cryx army, I'm thinking of getting the box because I don't own most of those models.
  9. My opinion :) is that it is intended to be a shooting attack and GW will FAQ it as such. However, I don't see them forcing a player to do one before the other. That just doesn't make sense to me.
  10. Yeah..I'm not going to agree with that definition. They are adding to the list of things the C'tan can do during the Shooting Phase.
  11. Why do you say you can't use it if they run? The wording denotes when it can be used. Why are you applying a restriction to it that isn't written? It is not a shooting attack. It is an ability that is used in the shooting phase. I can see GW coming back and declaring that this is a shooting attack. But currently, it doesn't state it. Also, the wording does not say "if they use their other power, then..." It says "in addition" simply denoting that you can perform both. RAW that is...
  12. Hello Ordo, Here is a list of stuff I'd like to own for my various armies. My first option would be to hopefully find a trade that is fair to both sides. I would also consider purchasing, but that is fairly dependent upon the price. 40K Wants SW Stormwolves (2) SW ven dread (1) SW thunderwolf cav (3) Necron Triarch Stalker (1) Necron elite infantry Necron Tomb Blades (3-6) Ork Gorkanaut/morkanaut (1) Ork Flashgits (5-10) Ork Big Guns (1-3) Tau razorshark (1) Tau sunshark (1) Tau Skyray (1) Militarum Tempestus (anything) I have mostly marines or nids to trade, but ask and I may have it.
  13. More blogging goodness! Just clicky, the linky.
  14. Whoa whoa whoa!!!! Those look like 25mm bases. 40K is ruined!!!!!! I really like their "custom foam me bitch!" poses.
  15. I went ahead and ordered this one: http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B0067ANGT4/ref=oh_aui_detailpage_o00_s00?ie=UTF8&psc=1 It was the perfect sweet spot in cost, and seemed to have all of the extras.
  16. That would be pretty stupid to create a rule to make them take a test if they auto-pass it.
  17. Still have most of this stuff. Looking for some Tau if you want to trade. Prussian army is gone. :)
  18. leaning towards this one now...although it is almost double of what I wanted to spend: http://www.amazon.com/Master-Airbrush-All-Purpose-Precision-Dual-Action/dp/B0026SHUMA/ref=pd_sbs_ac_2?ie=UTF8&refRID=1M12K9WMD06DH6HW72XV
  19. This is probably why the skyray is so popular. It has skyfire and thus gets to fire at fliers with its full BS.
  20. Okay, so I've been trying to piece this one out. The FAQ for the main rulebook and for the Tau codex does not cover this situation in the slightest. In fact, GW FAQs seems fairly useless due to lack of content. The question is, what BS does a seeker missile use to hit a flier when a marker light token has been used? Does it need a '6' to hit following the rules of snapshots? or does it need a '2' following the BS 5 that a seeker missile gets? I am learning towards a '6' since the main rulebook states that a special rule must mention snapshots in order to modify it. The rules for seeker missiles don't include any mention of snapshots. I do think you could spend marker lights to increase the BS of the unit firing at the flier, and the seeker would also benefit from that as well. So for instance, you have a hammerhead with two seekers on it. You get four markers on a flier. The hammerhead can spend two points to launch both seekers, and then the other two points to get a BS 3 for all shots at the flier. Is this how the rest of you would play this?
  21. I think it is always nice when there are multiple chances to win something as opposed to one prize that is raffled off. Ordo swag is always a nice prize too. For instance, I'm sure there are plenty of people without the ordo template that are playing in the league.
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