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Brother Glacius

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Everything posted by Brother Glacius

  1. There are two different prayers. One is an attack that is magical. The other is a buffer that is not. IIRC
  2. I think the WP's prayer is still considered only flaming. The description does not say magical flaming.
  3. Dire wolves primed and three characters assembled. Woot!
  4. I have lots of the old spirit hosts...so those will have to do. :) And yes, he has had empire for a very long time, but rarely plays. I'm still working on him joining the League...but getting him painting an army is the most important. We also like Kings of War.
  5. I don't have any spirit hosts in my army. I was just curious. Helping a friend hopefully join in with Empire..and wanted to see what benefits that banner would give his unit.
  6. I didn't find it answered in the FAQ. The banner states that the unit has flaming attacks. However, it doesn't state that the attacks are magical. The FAQ said that attacks made by magic items are magical, but as this is a banner, and it does not make attacks, I would think the attacks are only flaming, not magical. Has this been answered somewhere?
  7. Just to let you know, I pulled out 80% of my force yesterday, built a priming board, and got all those models primed yesterday. I need to build two characters, and still buy/acquire the last 20%. But all in all, really happy with the progress so far. It would be the largest painting project I've done in years. So help me out guys. I want to see this thing through till the end. Pics going up in the blog later today. EDIT: blog updated... p.s. any points for blogging? :)
  8. I'd like one more (I have one in the pipe right now). I have an assortment of nids, space marines, rackham, dystopian wars....if you let me know what you are looking for, I might have it. ooooo and a whole bag of dragon dice! ;)
  9. Why do the dark eldar hate shoes?
  10. This is really tempting. I haven't been playing in quite a while, and the new Nagash book has me all pumped up with fantasy. The hard part as always is which army to bring. RD, when are you next at WoW? Sunday? I can bring my book if you want to look over the Undead rules.
  11. Well it is an official GW product. It contains an Undead list which basically has all of the units from TK and VC combined into one. The SC's though are reduced to reflect the story line and some have been changed from what they were. The big change is that the army doesn't crumble at the death of the general/heiro. For TK, it gets even better as they can march now I believe. I would hope that the book is allowed.
  12. So I've been going through my undead stuff and I can't seem to find one of my blood knights. I think it is the champ model. He would be metal as opposed to fine cast. Just figured it wouldn't hurt to ask. Probably the last place he would have been taken would have been WoW for a Raindog event.
  13. Just wondering if anyone out there has an old screaming skull catapult. This is the one that was out during 4th edition.
  14. Yes please, is End Times allowed? I can't see why any VC or TK player would not want to swap over to an ET list.
  15. See this here? this is all confusing. So you can't just take a straight list to the open? You have to have a CAD? or is it you can't take allies unless they are a CAD? can you just play 40K as an option? :)
  16. Saw preview of Maze Runner. Your kid might like it.
  17. Not to diminish LoF's work at all, but actually I have seen a conversion that I like better. A fellow ordo had taken tyranid harpy wings, and replaced the arms of slannesh deamonettes with them. They looked more like a true harpy than a woman with wings. They were fantastic.
  18. Yes, GW does want you to buy more models and have given people reason to buy more for 40K. That doesn't mean it is required though. That is the key difference. Fantasy requires you to invest more into it. I think fantasy needs to be more accessible like 40K is. That doesn't mean it needs to play like 40K.
  19. I'm looking at it from a hobby growth point of view. Why is Fantasy declining, how do you get people to buy and play? First off, Fantasy has a higher learning curve for general play. It is simply more complicated to play fantasy than it is 40K at the basic rules level. Next, to reach a decent level of balance, you have to have a sizable army...or more accurately, a sizable point value. That means some armies (ie horde) are very expensive to collect in order to reach that point. For example, the old battle boxes for 40K...you could pretty much play the game using those. Not so much with fantasy. Try playing an undead army under 1000pts. Not fun. So it takes a greater investment, pretty much all around, to play fantasy. That is hurting the hobby. GW needs to structure it so that it is easier/cheaper to get into, and still plays fairly balanced at the lower point games. I think that with the End Times story line, GW has an excuse to make major changes finally. For a declining game, what is there for them to lose at this point?
  20. So I finally got my End Times book and have been reading it (only to page 66 though) and I have to say, wow. Lots of major changes to the world that has lasted for several editions. What I'd like to do is have a discussion about what this could mean for the game in general. I don't want to get into specifics (hence the no spoilers comment), but we could speculate as to what these changes could actually mean to the game itself. 1) Loss of certain armies - could this really be a thing? Would GW be bold enough to drop some of the poor selling armies in order to streamline things? They would certainly piss off a lot of people. But as WFB has been declining anyways...is it time? Also, you could argue that many of those models could be used as allies in whatever new books are released. Many armies started out as minor players, and then were expanded...perhaps it is time to make them minor again. 40K has done really well with allies being implemented. I think fantasy could benefit from it as well. 2) Combining books - Another way to consolidate would be to combine certain armies. Chaos has spawned three books, undead two. Putting those together would allow removal of some units. It also allows for greater flexibility in the lists. Lets face it, part of fantasy's problem is that there are so many armies to try and cover between editions. They need to knock down the number of armies. This all sort of leads into an idea that Fantasy needs saving. I can't really disagree with that statement. I've barely felt inspired to play fantasy, despite how much I love the setting. I think GW went too far in expanding the game. They kept pushing to make armies bigger and the model count grow. In my opinion, they have simply made it too hard to sustain for most players. I think fantasy needs a major overhaul. I think GW needs to figure out how to draw people into the game. New story line is a great start. But then they are going to have to make it financially viable. That means either less models, or cheaper models needed to play. And they need to give you a reason to buy more. How are they going to do that?
  21. I checked it out...and it is cool...but way too expensive for my blood.
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