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Everything posted by savion47

  1. I think he cheated personally. I mean I totally painted like 3 models the whole league... missed more than I should, brought no food, and never read the scenario ahead of time. How could I have possibly lost!?!?! I demand a recount.
  2. because you are concerned about me catching up to you in points right?
  3. I don't think it will be a problem. As long as your opponents are informed about the situation. I will put in a rule about taking back a challenge. If it is points loss you are worried about. You have to miss 3 consecutive weeks in a row to lose points.
  4. Gauntlets being thrown around and not being signed up for the Ladder League?
  5. We are working on the a few minor kinks but as soon as those are addressed tickets will be ready. Expect to see an announcement soon!
  6. I will be there to hopefully play a game of 40k with Raze if he can make it. That's right.... I said I am playing 40k.
  7. That is why we use a list rating committee as well.
  8. I came in here expecting to see pictures of models and all I found is text. Very disappointed Nephren-Ka, very disappointed indeed. Also agree with MN. I would drop the extra hand weapons personally.
  9. Your avatar makes everything you say seem angry.
  10. The stags look very square. I am hoping that is just the GW painting that I have not been liking for a little while now.
  11. I am planning on being there. Again I may show up a little late (though hoping I can be there on time like this week).
  12. Challenges will be handled in a first come first serve basis. That is why I would like them to be handled publicly on the boards or at Game Night. Depending on the persons rank compared to yours determines if you have to accept or not. e.g. You receive 3 challenges Your VP score is 2500 Challenger 1 has 3000 VP Challenger 2 has 4500 VP Challenger 3 has 1800 VP In this instance you get a choice of who you play because you are allowed to turn down challenges from those who are ranked above you. If decline the first 2 however you must accept the third as their score is lower than yours. I am hoping we don't run into to many situations where a single individual is reviving a large number of challenges. If the person you want to play has already been challenged that week please choose another player to challenge.
  13. The rule for losing points for not playing is intended to simply have the people who play at the top. I am hoping that the situations presented will not occur, but if they do, it will not count against the player. Simply put the answer is no.
  14. Edited the title to fix the date. I assume you did not mean the 8th.
  15. Questions and Answers Section The rule for losing points for not playing is intended to simply have the people who play at the top. I am hoping that the situations presented will not occur, but if they do, it will not count against the player. Simply put the answer is no. Challenges will be handled in a first come first serve basis. That is why I would like them to be handled publicly on the boards or at Game Night. Depending on the persons rank compared to yours determines if you have to accept or not. e.g. You receive 3 challenges Your VP score is 2500 Challenger 1 has 3000 VP Challenger 2 has 4500 VP Challenger 3 has 1800 VP In this instance you get a choice of who you play because you are allowed to turn down challenges from those who are ranked above you. If decline the first 2 however you must accept the third as their score is lower than yours. I am hoping we don't run into to many situations where a single individual is reviving a large number of challenges. If the person you want to play has already been challenged that week please choose another player to challenge. The rules have been updated to show my intention that the missed weeks have to be consecutive. If you miss two weeks and then show up on the third week there are no points removed for being absent. The absentee clock then starts over again. In theory you could play one game every three weeks and have no lost points. I hope you show up more frequently however. I have added the following rules to the challenges section: If a challenge for whatever reason cannot occur (say either person cannot attend GN for a while for whatever reason) then you may request to have your challenge voided. The process is simply either talking to me in person at either GN or sending me a PM with the reason. I would like to limit these occurrences as much as possible. If the game can be played the following week the challenge will remain. The player that can attend GN can have another challenge for that week.
  16. Ordo Fanaticus Warhammer Fantasy Battle Ladder League Start Date: May 18, 2014 What is the Ordo Fanaticus Warhammer Fantasy Battle Ladder League? To start off, I will be referring to it as the Ordo Ladder League from here on out. The Ordo Ladder League is a fun way for the WFB players to go about playing the game. The goal is to create a simple ranking system that I hope will facilitate a way for people to challenge each other at game night as well as incentivise people to attend and play. Games can be played at any point level but I would encourage games to be 2400 to 3000 points. Good time to practice your OFCC lists and scenarios. The Rules The rules for the league were borrowed heavily from a number of sources online. Joining the ladder is simple. I would ask that you PM me (savion47) on the Ordo Fanaticus forums and request to be added. Please include: Name/ Forum Name/ Army. e.g. Shane/ savion47/ Chaos Daemons While ultimately I would like to allow players to play multiple armies in the ladder, for the beginning I will restrict people to a single army. This will likely change after things get underway. I will inform those involved as well as update the rules here to reflect the change. On the start date players will be ranked randomly by me and start with 1000 Victory Points. This initial ranking is really not important as you will see there is a scoring system to determine what rank you are. Any new players joining after the initial start date will be listed separately and will not be added to the ladder until they play their first game. The Ladder: Players will be ranked according to Overall Points (Victory Points + Hobby Points). Determining the amount of Overall Points a player moves on the scale is simple. For example: Rank/ Name/ OP 1 / Tom /4500 2 / Edd / 4000 3 / Mary / 1500 If Mary and Tom play a 2800 point game and Mary wins with 1600 Victory Points and Tom only gets 800 Victory points, both players are moved within the ladder according to the difference. So 1600 - 800 = 800 points. The winners score (Mary) goes up and the losers score (Tom) goes down. Here is the change after this game: Rank/ Name/ OP 1 / Edd / 4000 2 / Tom / 3700 3 / Mary / 2300 At no time can a players score ever drop below zero. Challenges Players can issue challenges in 2 ways. Either before the Sunday Game Night in the thread for that specific game night, or at the Sunday Game Night in person. I will try to have a post up every week for each game night so people can challenge each other. These posts will be in the Game Night section of the forums. It is time the Fantasy people get with the times and start posting in the appropriate sections of these forums. I also hope that others will see that Fantasy has a number of people playing and will want to join. Do not post challenges in this thread. There are rules to issuing and accepting a challenge. 1. When a player of a lower rank challenges a player of a higher rank that player MUST accept. If that player cannot be at that game night then the challenge will take place at any location and time that works for the players (just PM me the results) or at the next game night in which both players are present. 2. If a higher ranked player challenges a lower ranked player, that player has the option to decline. 3. Players who have finished a challenge match cannot play each other until they have played 2 other challenges. 4. Remember that this is merely for fun and bragging rights. Do not take any of this too seriously. If a challenge for whatever reason cannot occur (say either person cannot attend GN for a while for whatever reason) then you may request to have your challenge voided. The process is simply either talking to me in person at either GN or sending me a PM with the reason. I would like to limit these occurrences as much as possible. If the game can be played the following week the challenge will remain. The player that can attend GN can have another challenge for that week. Bonus Points Because this is Ordo Fanaticus there will be a number of ways to obtain bonus Victory Points (VP). These points will get added to your score after it is determined by how much you adjust your score from your game. e.g. If you lose your game and you get 500 VP while your opponent got 1500VP, both of your scores would be adjusted by 1000. You can alter that number with Bonus Victory Points. Normally your VP score would drop by 1000, but if you get Bonus VP for the night, say 150 points, you would then add that to your score netting you a drop of only 850. Ways to get Bonus Victory Points 2. Bringing Food - We all love when members bring tasty treats to share with everyone. Doing so will get you 50 VP. 3. Players from Ranks 11 down who beat a player in the top 5 will earn a bonus 100 VP. 4. Players from Ranks 6-10 who beat a player in the top 5 will earn 50 bonus VP. 5. Beating a player who is 10 ranks above you will earn 50VP (stacks with 3 and 4). Hobby Points Painting Models - Ordo is all about the hobby and I want to reward people for it. If you painted new models that week you will get Bonus Points equal to the chart below. Victory Points gained from Painted models is capped at 100 VP per week. These will be independent of your Victory Points and add to your Overall Points. a. Infantry Model = 10pts b. Calvary Model / Monstrous Infantry = 20pts c. Character Model = 25pts c. Monstrous Cavalry / Chariot = 50pts e. Monsters and other large things = 100 pts f. Awesome conversion = number of points that model would get for painting points. eg. Converting up a character model will be 50 points. Losing points There will be a way to lose points from your VP score outside of losing a game. If a player misses more than 2 consecutive weeks without playing a game, they will lose 250 VP each week until they play a game or reach a score of zero. This is simply in place to insure that those playing in the league are the ones at the top. If you have any questions check the Questions and Answers Section two posts down. If your question has not been answered there feel free to post in this thread.
  17. Moved to Rogue Trading section
  18. There is a thread in the Fantasy forums for anyone wanting to know what the OFCC is about. Here is the link We are currently working on building materials for the site that will have all the information about the OFCC. Look for that in the future.
  19. Looking closer you are right they are not the stag riders. I just saw green and assumed for some reason.
  20. What a great idea! A perfect Thursday or Friday event. If only we had someone willing to run the event... (hint hint)
  21. Looking at the lower picture (not the link but the one posted here) they look like cav bases to me.
  22. I will play some "quick play" board games.
  23. I will pass on seeing you or anyone in this club squeeze into a youth shirt.
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