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Everything posted by savion47

  1. I missed the hookers!?!?!
  2. I will fix your responses. As to the scale. I apologize for any confusion. It is the scale I have been using a lot at work and put it in without thinking.
  3. We want to hear from you! We are always trying to improve the event every year and there are always some great ideas that people post up, but sadly due to there being a bunch of threads and people posting, sometimes those ideas get lost. Here is an attempt to remedy that problem! Please take a few minutes and fill out THIS SURVEY. It will provide a quick place for us to look at comments and suggestions on how to improve out event. SURVEY LINK AGAIN!
  4. I have to report some numbers and other simple info. I am still undecided. I will have it figured out by tonight. If someone is willing to play fast and take a break during round 1 this could work out!
  5. Ya, I am trying to figure out a way to play as well. Just need to be on a call during round one
  6. Kinder Suprise Lots of interesting info in there. The part about being detained a the boarder and fines threatened are surprising.
  7. Indeed it is in the rules. I will quote it below.
  8. Indeed so I am going to keep posting so people keep reading it!
  9. Right from the tourney packet, but the text is small and I can see where people can miss it.
  10. I will be joining late to the party. I do want to put this idea out there however. What about starting at a higher point level and working to 2k? I know it kind of throws off the idea of someone being able to be fully painted the whole time (few people if any ever do anyway) and I find the very low level point games less enjoyable. Probably not for this year, but something I wanted to plant a seed for for next year.
  11. If you are still playing please PM me with an updated team. If you are not playing also PM me and let me know so I can get you a refund as well as Remove you from the list.
  12. savion47


    I have had a few commercial meads as well as made small batches myself (always forget I have had a case aging for like 7-8 years now... I should open a bottle and see how it is doing). Unfortunately I am far from an expert. I purchased mine at Belmont Station. They have a small selection of meads.
  13. Infinity is now an option for the Friday ticket.
  14. You are correct that there is not an option for Friday. I will try and fix that.
  15. I can only connect with my phone without WiFi. Thanks pretre for the info.
  16. Here is a post with some information about what W.O.W. is. It can be very helpful for your first visit.
  17. Ok so I pulled everything out and I have a general idea of what I will be bringing. Lords: Tyrant Slaughtermaster Heros: Bruiser - BSB Butcher - Lore of Heavens Core: 2 or 3 units of 6 Bulls (5 if I put a character there) Iron Guts (probably 8 minus 1 or 2 for characters) 4 units of 10 Gnoblar Trappers Special: 2 units of 4 Leadbelchers 3 units of 1 sabertusk Rare: Thundertusk Ironblaster Obviously I have not figured out how I am going to kit everything out yet. More points will be spent on items as things don't get painted in time.
  18. After reading more about it I am disappointed. If they come out with more races and the ability to get them at less than $3 a pop I would be interested.
  19. Something for android. I may DL it for my tablet
  20. Crap... my list is going to get destroyed. Lets hope those ironblasters don't get painted for my Thundertusk's sake.. Going to pull everything out today and see what I got.
  21. Once I have to time find my ogres, I shall post my single painted model that is guaranteed to be in the game. I am expecting most of my progress to occur in November.
  22. Moved to Rogue Trading.
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