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Everything posted by VonVilkee

  1. Yeah Duncan and I got excited. Btw the marine book says that you treat the different chapters as battle brothers... Either way based on Duncan stepping up we have no worries.
  2. Duncan if you are playing blood angles we are golden! I was actually thinking some noise marines this time around ignores cover for the win!
  3. Do different marine chapters count as different codexes for this? I'll toss either pods (prolly clan raukaan for dreads at this level) or chaos heavy on the heavies... Any one want to pair up?
  4. No system can do what a good community can, learn the game well and play to have fun not just win. Quit bitchin about what others do with a system and love what gw has done; given a game that has major mass appeal. None of us would know each other with out GW.
  5. Made me laugh gotta encourage that!
  6. I'm toying with for later in the year. Might emphasis Might do a two game day with escalation rules at 2000 I'd need pretty heavy interest as those rules sets are specific.
  7. Glad to see you on here and excited for when you finally move!
  8. 2k games are not quite fast enough sadly, not everyone ignores whole swathes of the current rules like I do! I play drop pods no flyers, no fortifications, and no psykers makes for a decently quick game!
  9. Middle of nowhere near a dentist office... That is all I remember! This is very tempting as it falls in line with what I believe is a free weekend for me. I'm in barring wifely intervention.
  10. Right now I blatantly Steal what Frontline is doing. No escalation, no stronghold assault, data slates will be okay (I'm thinking no more than two codexes in one army be it via allies or slates) at 1250 I don't see it being a problem and keep in mind that this is to get out and play and on the participation piece I have reserved the right to revoke tickets this could be linked to making abusive lists. My recommended check is would I be willing to trade my opponent armies and play against this myself, if the answer is no figure out why and fix it! We are all slightly different I want people to just come out join the community and play. :) Also FW is totally okay.
  11. There won't be many from my understanding :(
  12. http://www.ordofanaticus.com/index.php?/topic/20474-2014-monthly-events-dark-tower-games-bham-wa/ I created a post with the details... Read it or not but show up with a 1250 list and ten bucks Saturday. No paint requirement to play or place but there is a painting prize.
  13. Edit 7/20 with the release of 7th ed we are going through a complete re write... Stay tuned! August will be a go. We have suspended this.
  14. Bloody fangs already started a Tuesday thread he is looking for a 40k game. I'm already set to play Luc the French Canadian (luclaflamme). I think I spelled all that right...
  15. Even I know that is frustrating and I don't play infinity! Dad to hear of the troubles and good luck boys making it happen.
  16. I'm already playing a game against luclaflamme
  17. I never actually paid last year! :P in some creative accounting Jim paid for me...
  18. Yeah I screwed that up(I was the sisters player) but with her slip to the edge thing, to be away from enemy it was in his favor. I would have picked up a few more inches and been out of line of sight quicker (I just confused how you preserve the Slay the Warlord point) ... I was planning on coming clean soon on my rules error. First time out with the ladies in a long time.
  19. Yes! It is 100% cooperative so you don't even need to be any good!
  20. This better sound familiar! :P Edit: From everything I've read you could not have chosen a better first tourney! Make sure you read the player pack, for comprehension, and just know your powers. Your opponent will try to focus you on their game plan don't fall for it most players tell you more about their army by what they don't mention! Think back on our game I focused pregame on all those land raiders, what I wasn't saying was how few troops I had. 19 scoring bodies is nothing especially when 5 are in 4+armor. Any who have a blast and i'm looking forward to aftermath stories!
  21. The more players the more spawn points which could lead to more zombie activations... I'm not counting this time so as many as show up and decide to play...
  22. I always thought the whip crack, abnett described, was more the mechanism that converted the power from the pack to a beam to shoot. The tech itself made no noise the imperium added the noise to make the grunt feel better and give him something to count. The whip crack being reminiscent of actual fire arms.
  23. The senators gave us a stamp of approval for over sized teams so feel free to take it to five. Also the format is still a little hazy so that will impact our planning...
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